
Chapter 154 Are you convinced?

In the depths of the sky, layers of black and white air currents kept circling and rolling, and kept pressing down towards the ground, almost touching the ground in just a moment.The curling smoke in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land fluttered towards the sky, and it was also straight and lingering. The whole land was completely covered by a layer of black shadow that was hard to reach.

At this time, on a broken stone pillar standing in the middle of the darkness, Luo Tian withdrew his consciousness with a slight frown, and his expression became uncertain.

The dangers of this mysterious fire forbidden area may not only be easy to enter but difficult to exit and the three demon kings, Luo Tian sighed in his heart, the black and white airflow above his head alone is full of inexplicable and terrifying dangers.The moment his consciousness touched the black and white two-color airflow just now, he felt the inexplicably huge devouring power and the hard-to-shake icy hostility in the black and white two-color airflow.

Could it be that in the depths of the distant sky, are there any unknown horrors?

"Aww, aww..."

A black figure as fast as a stream of light galloped quickly from a distance, and there was an astonishing sound of air-breaking explosions in the air. Due to the low-altitude flight, wherever the black streamer passed, all plants and trees ignited without fire and spontaneously ignited. Turned into ashes and flew in the air.

After a few breaths, the black streamer of light arrived in front of Luo Tian, ​​and then the black light gradually dissipated, revealing the rather humane face of the Black Light Lion King. At this moment, that big face was full of bitterness and remorse.

"Aww, aww..."

There were a few more triumphant roars, but it wasn't from the Black Light Lion King, but from the black tiger on its back with thieves of light in its eyes.The black tiger jumped up and landed obediently beside Luo Tian, ​​stretching out its neck and rubbing against Luo Tian's thigh.

"Could it be that the monk won another city?" Luo Tian showed a rare smile on his face, and then said to the black light lion king beside him, "Thank you for your hard work, little lion."

The black light lion king rank is two levels higher than the black tiger, and it is already a terrifying existence of a fifth-rank monster. Since it lost to Luo Tian in a big battle a few days ago, it was logically accepted by Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue subordinate.However, with the cultivation base of the fifth-level monster of the Black Light Lion King, it is already full of anger to be inferior to humans, and now it is acting as a messenger for two humans to deliver news, and it is also afraid of death by the one in front of it. The black tiger shouted and drank, almost aggrieved and going crazy.At this moment when he heard Luo Tian calling him a little lion, his eyes were darkened, his heart was filled with anger, and he almost fainted to death.

"Lord Tsing Yi, this is what Lord Bald wants you to see for yourself..." The black tiger has seen Luo Tian's ferocity before, even if it is used to killing, it is also the gangster who was mercilessly killed by Luo Tian. The fierce style was so frightened that he didn't dare to have any intention of defecting.The black tiger itself has been born with wisdom for a long time, especially it knows that the mysterious fire forbidden land is the territory of the three demon kings, but the two humans in front of them are killing all directions without any scruples, and the three demon kings have not made any movement , it was Qiqi who remained silent, and all the monsters couldn't help thinking about it.

Lord Tsing Yi and Lord Baldhead are the nicknames given to Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue by all the monsters in the Forbidden Fire of the Black Fire. They were originally called Tsing Yi Devil and Bald Head Devil, but from the mouth of the black tiger who is good at flattering people, they become respectful, not derogatory.

"Oh?" Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand in the air and grabbed it, breaking the rope tied to the back of the black tiger. He took the leather scroll firmly fixed on the back of the black tiger into his hand, and stretched it gently. open.

"Brother Han Yi, please stop your stinking hands, don't read any further, and listen to Sajia first..." Luo Tian just read a line of words before he fainted, what mystery is Mingyue monk doing?

"Although you also have a peerless appearance second only to the Sa family in the Profound Fire Forbidden Land, the Sa family still has to solemnly tell you that the gap between you and the Sa family is still too big..." Luo Tian couldn't help but twitch his eyelids when he saw this , seemed to have a bad premonition, but saw that the topic changed later, and continued to read patiently.

"Perhaps the Sajia is favored by the heavens. These days, they are invincible in the territory of the Thousand Illusory Demon King. The Sajia suddenly realizes that the Sajia is a peerless general who has strategized and won thousands of miles away... Uh, the Sajia knows the situation at this moment. You are full of displeasure, but the facts are in front of you. Sajia is a lucky general, and even luck is much better than you. In the past ten days, there have been two heavy rains, one for four days and one for six days. Taking advantage of the heavy rain to cover the Sa family, they just used a little trick to poison the group of insidious bastards from the green flower python clan, and then sent the guy who would rather die than submit to the old man of Hades! The Sa family only asks you now, you can be convinced ?...Of course, you will not be convinced. You are jealous of the Sa family. The master of the Sa family has a lot of knowledge. After the big victory, the Sa family has been thinking hard for two days and two nights without sleep. Think about a big thing..."

Luo Tian's face turned green. Didn't you sleep for two days and two nights?Can't daydream?

"...In the end, the Sajia finally figured out this crucial matter. Although the Sajia will leave the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land soon, the Sajia must make this group of monsters who worship the Sajia too much remember the Sajia in their hearts day and night. Then the Sajia came up with a wonderful idea, that is to make a portrait of the Sajia's unparalleled appearance in the world, and distribute it to every corner of the Forbidden Fire, giving all the monsters a chance to worship the Sajia... Uh, at the end of the scroll is the heroic and majestic figure of the Sajia, you can properly give some opinions on the top calligraphy and painting attainments of the Sajia without a teacher, of course, these opinions are just listened to by the Sajia..."

"The thief is bald and disgusting!" Luo Tian kicked the ground hard with his big feet, and his whole body flashed in the air before disappearing.

The rest of the black tiger and the black light lion king stared wide-eyed, full of horror, the speed of the blue-clothed demon just now?Is that still human speed?

A light green scroll slowly fell from the sky, and the last piece of the scroll was unfolded. On it was a head portrait of a monk whose face seemed to have been cut seventy or eighty times. It was simply horrible, only those eyes, It seems to be full of lewd | coquettish smile...


In a blink of an eye, five months have passed.

The monsters in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land have spent five months of fear, and all of a sudden, the monsters are in danger, lest the bald devil force them to look at the portrait that is enough to make any monster have nightmares in the middle of the night …

On this day, a stream of crystal-clear seven-color streamers emanated from each of the three directions of the Forbidden Fire, and then rushed into the black and white two-color airflow above the sky, condensed together, and turned into a beam of light that fell towards the Forbidden Fire. of the entrance.


There was a buzzing sound of heavy objects breaking, and the entrance was suddenly melted by the beam of light to form a huge light door five feet high and two feet wide. into substance.

"Finally in!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Three extremely fast figures shot in from the light gate quickly, and immediately the huge light gate turned into countless light spots and dissipated into nothingness.



The three human monks who entered the Xuanhuo Forbidden Area heard the roar of beasts one after another before their feet were firmly established. After they had enough luck to look around, they almost didn't faint.

I saw that the surrounding area was surrounded by at least seven or eight monster kings at the level of beast kings. Each monster king either held it with both hands, or held it in its mouth, and shook off a piece of light green python skin in front of it. Three extremely ugly big characters were written crookedly.

"Are you satisfied?"

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