
Chapter 155

The three human monks who came here with great ambition and pride were immediately dumbfounded. They are all the best of the three major sects of Huoyan Kingdom. I explained all the information in it in detail. Although all the monsters in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land are hostile to human monks and are rebellious, they usually ignore human monks. Why don’t they play cards according to common sense today? up?


At this time, a black tiger with roving eyes leaped out from behind the eight-headed monster king with its head held high, and landed lightly on the ground. Then, a pair of scrolls in its mouth immediately shook off. .

The three Zhang Er monks who couldn't figure it out looked again, all of them turned blue and trembled with anger.

"I'll give you a cup of tea time, if you still don't accept it, prepare to be beaten!"

This is totally bullying!The three human monks are also well-known master monks in the Huoyan Kingdom. Seeing this, they can't help but forget each other and look at you. Like taking the wrong medicine?

As for the three human monks, two men and one woman, there are two old acquaintances of Luo Tian, ​​one is Dongfang Potian from the Fire God Temple, the other is Liu Qingfeng from Luo Yunzong, and only the pretty one from Ziyao Mountain Luo Tian, ​​a female monk, has never seen her before.

"Why don't we fight this group of monsters first?" Dongfang Potian is a fighting maniac, his eyes projected infinite fighting intent when he saw this, and the aura of the stormy waves on his body even pushed up his clothes.


Two astonishing auras, one from the left and the other from the right, suppressed Dongfang Potian's fanatical fighting spirit, and Liu Qingfeng quickly shouted: "Dongfang Potian, if you don't want to survive, don't implicate me and Fellow Daoist Su!"

The female monk surnamed Su from Ziyao Mountain who was wearing a long purple dress next to her nodded slightly, and she stood by Liu Qingfeng's side.Humans and monsters have never been dealt with. If it is outside the forbidden area of ​​​​the Xuanhuo, it is not a big deal. Even if they are defeated, they can leave calmly.But in this Forbidden Fire Land, there are seven or eight monster kings who are comparable to alchemy monks in front of them. Only when they are blinded by lard are they stupid enough to fight them recklessly.

Speaking of which, the three of them were selected by the three major sects as representatives to enter the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, and they are all people of extraordinary strength.What's more, they all have unknown and powerful cards. If they try their best, they can remain undefeated against a monster king one-on-one, and undefeated against two monsters.But in front of him there are only three human monks, at best they can only hold back the six-headed monster kings, while the eight-headed monster kings are standing opposite, their strength can be seen at a glance.

"Could it be that you want to bow your heads to these beasts!" Dongfang Potian snorted, with endless anger in his words. He is also a crab-like master in Huoyan Kingdom, with a high-minded and arrogant heart. I'm used to it, making him bow his head to a group of monsters is no different from fire and water.

For a moment, the three of Dongfang Potian stood there and hesitated.And they didn't even notice when the black tiger disappeared.

Not long after, a huge black cloud surged from the far horizon. It came very fast, and it came close in the blink of an eye. Then the black cloud fell vertically in midair, and black smoke lingered and disappeared, dissipating into the void.

After all the black clouds dissipated, a shiny bald head first appeared, and then Monk Mingyue's triumphant expression appeared in front of the three human monks.

"It's you!"

The four of them were dumbfounded immediately, it turned out that they all knew each other.Especially Monk Mingyue and Liu Qingfeng, the murderous look in their eyes was extremely strong, if vision could kill, they would have been pinched together long ago.


Monk Mingyue quickly regained his composure. Recently, he found that Luo Tian always had such a handsome expression on his face, and he even got the hands of the leader of the Huanhuo clan, Yang Yue, so he stepped up to practice...

"Isn't this fellow Daoist Liu Qingfeng Liu who claims to be invincible against all monks of the same rank!" Monk Mingyue yelled angrily, "Now you don't have that Youshui Poisonous Flood Dragon protecting you, why are you so arrogant!"

Dongfang Potian next to him was about to go into a fit when he heard the words, but he couldn't help but twitch violently when he heard the Youshui Poisonous Jiao, and fell silent.

"Are you convinced or not?" After finishing speaking, Monk Mingyue didn't even look at Liu Qingfeng, who was pale with anger, and raised his arms high, and the seven or eight monster kings behind him hurried forward, looking well-trained. look like.

"Where is Silly? Wasn't it still here just now?" Monk Mingyue glanced at it and frowned slightly.There are only seven monster kings in front of him, except for the Earth Splitting Bear King.

"Master Bald, I've eaten too much snake soup recently, and my stomach is ruined..." The black tiger said with a flattering smile. It was the nickname of the stupid bear, and the more it called, the better it sounded.

Liu Qingfeng was able to bend and stretch. Although he was a little surprised that Monk Mingyue could drive these monster kings, he still kept silent. Now he was looking for death for the seven monster kings in front of him.Liu Qingfeng is crazy, but definitely not stupid.

"Monk, while you're watching, I'm here to meet three fellow Taoists!"

Suddenly, there was a loud laugh in the void, and then a person covered in orange flames walked step by step in the air. If you look carefully, there are traces of dark yellow spots rippling back and forth in the orange flames, walking again. After a few steps, the orange flame trembled slightly, and immediately turned into countless orange light spots, and a figure appeared in the field like a phantom.

"It's you!"

When Liu Qingfeng and Dongfang Potian saw the visitor, their eyes were ready to split, and their fighting spirit was soaring.Only the cultivator surnamed Su from Ziyao Mountain frowned slightly, a little unpredictable about her companion's reaction, when she glanced at the indifferent middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of her, her appearance changed immediately.

The mana fluctuations in this person's body are difficult and obscure, and he is actually a Dzogchen monk in the Foundation Establishment period!

"Han Yi, you are here!" Liu Qingfeng suddenly burst out laughing, the laughter became louder and louder, and finally it resounded for tens of miles around.

"Hmph!" Dongfang Potian snorted coldly, "Han Yi? I'm afraid you used a fake name! After repeated investigations, there is no such person as Han Yi in Xianxiamen. Tell me your real identity!"

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed slightly, including Monk Mingyue.He didn't know Luo Tian's true identity before.

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said: "Dongfang Dao is friendly and courageous, and even took the risk of being killed to sneak into our Great Wu Kingdom. It seems that the spies of the secret door are slightly inferior to your Excellency. Yes, your nephew is If I kill you, you want revenge, just come.”

After staying in the Huoyan Kingdom for so long, with Luo Tian's wisdom and scheming, he already knew the reason why Dongfang Potian lost his composure at the critical moment when the two countries were fighting. It turned out that he actually killed the single male of the Dongfang family. No wonder Dongfang Potian was so mad.

"Sprayed peach blossom honey on his face!" Monk Mingyue suddenly shouted, "No matter where Brother Han Yi is from, if you seek revenge on him, you must first ask the Sa family whether he will agree!"

"Monk..." Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, as far as he knew, Huoyan Kingdom was very united in its attitude towards foreign monks.

Monk Mingyue grinned and said: "Hey, the Sa family is lonely and has no friends in their life. Now you are the only one who is barely qualified to be a friend of the Sa family. You can't be slaughtered. How lonely the Sa family must be!"

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