
Chapter 156 Coercion of Heaven and Earth

"Dongfang Potian, why don't you try it yourself?"

Monk Mingyue shouted proudly, and then, the seven monster kings took a step forward in unison, all of them released the coercion of being a monster king, and suddenly the majestic momentum rose into the sky, murderous Almost condensed into substance and forced towards Dongfang Potian and the three of them, they were all enveloped in it, and they didn't intend to let any one go.

The next moment, the bodies of Dongfang Potian and the three shook slightly, and they each took half a step back.Without using hole cards, the difference between the three of them is too great compared to the seven-headed monster king. I'm afraid they will be defeated after a few encounters.

"Silly, if you don't come out again, the Sajia will be angry!"

Following Monk Mingyue's ear-piercing yell, a roar sounded from a distance immediately. Immediately, everyone felt that the whole earth trembled faintly, and they couldn't help but all looked into the distance.

A moment later, a ground-splitting bear with a height of more than ten feet appeared in everyone's field of vision. Two blood-red eyes could be vaguely seen on the huge head, and the whole body was covered with long brown hairs, each of which was like a hard steel needle. It usually stands upright, and every time the huge soles fall, the ground will sink more than a foot deep.

Earth Splitting Bear King!

The pupils of Dongfang Potian and the others shrank suddenly. This monster king is also a powerful generation among the fifth-order monsters. How could it be subdued by Monk Mingyue and Han Yi?

Speaking of it, even Monk Mingyue couldn't understand why Luo Tian was able to defeat the fifth-order monster.In fact, the Nine Flames Mysterious Kungfu practiced by Luo Tian belongs to the ancient kung fu, which is extremely powerful, and the magic weapons on him are all top-notch magic weapons. He was born to restrain demons and heretics, and speaking carefully, monsters are also one of the heretics, otherwise Luo Tian would be seriously injured even if he could defeat the strongest of the fifth-order monsters such as the Earth Splitting Bear King and the Black Light Lion King.

"Hmph!" Although Dongfang Potian felt that the pressure around him was getting bigger and bigger, he still didn't back down in the face of killing his nephew and enemy, "That means relying on the king of monsters, if you have the courage to fight me alone!"

"Happy to accompany you." Luo Tian looked at Dongfang Potian indifferently, an orange flame mixed with yellow light suddenly shot up from his body, he squeezed his hands lightly, and in the palm of his hand suddenly appeared a transparent flame like clear water. The flame, which looks ordinary, does not feel any temperature in it.

In Huoyan Kingdom, monks all over the country are practicing Demon Sect Kung Fu. In this regard, Luo Tian is quite confident in Fu Mo Gang Huo, who has become increasingly proficient recently. Even if he faces Dongfang Po Tian, ​​he will be able to kill him within a hundred rounds. .

"Suffer to death!"

Dongfang Potian flickered and disappeared immediately.

The next moment, Dongfang Potian suddenly appeared in the sky above Luo Tian's head. On his head and feet, his fists blasted out in turn, and there was an extremely cold temperature in that vigorous breath. Almost in an instant, Dongfang Potian There are faint snowflakes flying in the space where it passed.

"Cold Heart Flame!"

Liu Qingfeng and the female monk surnamed Su from Ziyao Mountain also changed their complexions. They didn't expect that Dongfang Potian's attack was the great supernatural power of the Fire God Temple. It seemed that his hatred for Han Yi had reached its peak.

With a sound of swiping, several purple clouds immediately appeared on Luo Tian's body, and Luo Tian with a calm expression was holding the Xuanji Yugui in his left hand, and the Fumo Ganghuo controlled by his right hand was about to be thrown out forcefully.

"In the Profound Fire Forbidden Land, do not fight without authorization!"

At this time, a loud clear sound came from high in the sky, and immediately under the black and white two-color airflow above the high sky, the aura of heaven and earth quickly converged, forming a blurry big red face. Looking carefully, this The big face was actually formed by countless flames.

Then, the eyes of that big red face quickly condensed into two swirls, and then two straight red light shot out quickly, as if two long dragons that had endured for countless years fell to Luotian and Dongfang Potian respectively.

Luo Tian was stunned, and thousands of rays of light were released from the Zixia clothes, and as the countless purple clouds rolled up, his figure immediately retreated, and the Xuanji Yugui and Fumo Ganghuo in his hands were also thrown out at the same time.


Luo Tian just felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire that he couldn't get out of. No matter how he tried to dodge, the red light kept chasing him, and finally he had to fight hard.It's just that what followed was the inexplicable force in the space around him that had nowhere to escape, almost shaking away all the glow and purple clouds in the Zixia clothes, if it wasn't for the dark yellow light strips on the Xuanji Yugui that could have blocked it With the rest of his energy, I am afraid that Luo Tian will be turned into ashes by that ray of red light.

Even so, Luo Tian stepped on the Thunderbird boots in the air and shifted more than ten times in succession before completely removing the palpitating force. When he looked intently at the place where he was standing, he was forced to seven Eight miles away.

Compared with Luo Tian, ​​Dongfang Potian looked much more embarrassed. At this time, his hair was disheveled, and there were many gaps of different lengths in the cold jade scimitar in his hand, especially the white robe covered with It was full of potholes and dilapidated.With a pale complexion, he sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood as if he didn't want money, and fell on the ground in the distance. After the smoke and dust rose, a human-shaped deep pit suddenly appeared in the place where Dongfang Potian was. There are countless spider web-like cracks spreading out on the side, which looks shocking.

Seeing this, Rao Yiluotian couldn't help but click his tongue secretly because of his audacity. This Dongfang Potian was much worse than himself. It seemed that the big red face in the sky showed mercy to his subordinates when he attacked.In fact, the strength of Luo Tian and Dongfang Potian is almost the same, Luo Tian is able to restrain Dongfang Potian only Fumo Ganghuo, but after experiencing the terrifying offensive of the big red face in the air just now, Luo Tian found out in astonishment, Fumoganghuo seems to be the same as the ordinary magic weapon, and it does not have any advantage in the face of that terrifying coercion.

In the air, the big red face seemed to be quite satisfied with the result, and immediately took a deep look at Luo Tian, ​​and then disappeared.

Liu Qingfeng and the female monk surnamed Su from Ziyao Mountain naturally also saw that the big red face seemed to be deliberately helping Luo Tian, ​​but their mouths moved, and in the end they still didn't open their mouths and remained silent.



Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the air, the orange flames on his body were sometimes dazzling and sometimes dim. After a long while, Luo Tian's Adam's apple surged sharply, and he opened his mouth to spit out a red flame, but it was a mouthful of dark red phlegm, which fell on the ground On the ground, there was a soft hissing sound immediately, corroding the hard ground for two or three inches before it completely dissipated.

"Come out." Luo Tian fell from the sky, looking forward with a faint smile.

There was a twist in the air, and a voluptuous figure appeared, it was Yang Yue, the patriarch of the Illusory Fire Clan.

"Why are you here?" Seeing that Yang Yue hadn't spoken for a long time, Luo Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and find something to say.

Yang Yue sighed leisurely, and said: "You guys have made such a big commotion, I just don't know if I want to."

After finishing speaking, Yang Yue couldn't stop looking at Luo Tian again, "I didn't expect you to let my sister even use the coercion of the world, you are quite proud!"

"The coercion of heaven and earth? Does my miserable appearance seem to be very proud?"

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