
Chapter 165 Yin Yang Mysterious Yellow Fruit?

The wooden giant family is also mentioned in the rare book, and it can be ranked within the hundred among the countless ethnic groups in the human world.However, the giant family has been inherited from ancient times, and now there are only three main groups that can be verified, the wooden giant family, the cyclops family and the golden giant family. , has always been the last of the three clans.

However, as a family of giants, it is inevitable that they will be strong and strong.In addition, the three giants each have their own innate supernatural powers.Take the wood giant family as an example. Their innate supernatural powers are that they can manipulate and ignore all wood spells, and they become stronger and stronger with age. Vitality can be transformed into any vegetation. Therefore, some extremely powerful experts like to capture wood giants to refine elixir. With the incomparably pure essence of vegetation in their bodies, they can often have unexpected magical effects .


At this time, Shi Chu grabbed his chest messily with his only remaining arm, and the chest was covered in blood and flesh, his face became ferocious, and he let out intermittent sharp roars.

An incredible scene appeared!

The entire jade bridge was suddenly covered with countless green light clusters, and whenever these light clusters touched the magic charms arranged by Luo Tian, ​​the magic charms were detonated one after another.Even the Fumo Ganghuo cast by Luo Tian fell on Shi Chu's body, but it failed to penetrate within a foot of his body, and was immediately counteracted and melted slowly by the almost endless green light clusters.

"Don't be dazed, little boy! That Shi Chu is going to fight for his life!"

Niu Zhong held the Thunder Ring in his hand to fight against the Nine Nether Stone King. He really had the absolute upper hand, and he was able to spare time to remind Luo Tian.

Luo Tian let out a deep breath, sweeping away the turbid air in his body, and immediately two strange green glows appeared in his eyes, and then, a faint mark of flame appeared on Luo Tian's forehead.

"go with!"

With a low cry, Luo Tian threw the incomplete skeleton out, controlled it with his mind, and carefully avoided those seemingly innumerable green light clusters, like a white lightning, approaching Shi Chu very quickly.

"Incarnation of everything!"

Shi Chu shouted loudly, his whole body suddenly became hazy, and quickly turned into a huge mass of green light, with many shadows, making it difficult to detect his real body.

Quickly took out the treasure talisman given by Han Zheng from the Qiankun bag, Luo Tian's face was extremely heavy, and he tapped his fingers several times between his eyebrows, several drops of blood essence melted into the treasure talisman in the blink of an eye, and a dazzling streak of light appeared on the talisman immediately. The golden light immediately turned into a huge golden brick light shadow, ignoring the green light cluster suspended in the air, and smashing towards the stone pole all the way.

It may be difficult for others to discover Shi Chu's real body, but Luo Tian, ​​a freak whose spiritual consciousness far surpasses his own cultivation, can easily do it. What's more, the talisman given by Han Zheng is itself metallic, and can restrain Shi Chu by nature. Wu is a wooden giant who is proficient in the wood system Taoism.

The stone tree controlled the green light group in the air, and the green light group instantly transformed into countless plants and trees. Almost half of the attacks rushed towards Luo Tian. With Luo Tian's eyesight, among these strange plants and trees, more than More than half of them he had never heard of.However, every time this ferocious attack touches the Ziyun Xiaguang on the Zixia clothes, it always returns in vain, and can only rely on the number to wear away the Ziyun Xiaguang.

Seeing that the Zixia clothes worked, Luo Tian also heaved a sigh of relief. After devouring a lot of monster inner alchemy, Luo Tian opened his hands quite slowly. His left hand shot out countless purple lotuses, and his right hand It was a frightening orange flame gushing out one after another.

As we all know, the five elements are mutual generation and mutual restraint, and each field can break through the sky and soar if it is cultivated to the extreme.Among the five elements, Jin Kemu is the most powerful. Luotian itself is the double spiritual root of gold and fire, and the purple lotus sword energy naturally has a metallic effect. After the purple lotus exploded, it wrapped Luotian densely. The plants were immediately cleared out of an open space, and what was even more weird was that the orange flames emitted by Luo Tian's Nine Flames Xuan Gong were surprisingly powerful, and all the plants and plants where the flames passed were burned, withered and turned For fly ash.

Fire-type Taoism, in a certain sense, can also restrain wood-type Taoism.

"Ah!" After a few breaths, the stone tree suddenly let out a scream, and saw that an inconspicuous three-foot tree in the air was caught in the hand by half a white skeleton, with two bone claws. They kept tearing, and were about to ruthlessly split one of them into two, when almost at the same time, a huge shadow fell. The golden brick talisman was the perfect magic weapon to firmly restrain the stone tree. All of a sudden, on the small tree, Another few leaves were shaken off.

"You can actually see through my real body!"

Shi Chu was horrified. It was said that the wood giants were proud of this fantasy technique, and it was rumored that they could deceive the strong two ranks higher than themselves.

Leapfrog battles are already quite terrifying.Leaping over steps is simply terrifying, it can almost be called a legend...

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, his brows frowned, but he became thoughtful.He has spiritual eyes, so he can see through any illusion, but he always feels that the ease of this battle is too unacceptable, but he doesn't know what's wrong.

Raising his hand was another fire of subduing demons, this time Luo Tian smelted the little tree into it without hesitation, gathering his mind, no matter how miserable the stone was, he turned a deaf ear to it and turned a blind eye.

"Where to go!"

His complexion changed suddenly, Luo Tian Lingkong turned into a big orange flame hand, and he grabbed it towards a certain place, only heard a huge roar, and countless air waves scattered, but it was in vain.

"Quack, you've been fooled!"

Sure enough, Shi Chu's voice sounded again, but to Luo Tian's surprise, the direction of Shi Chu's voice turned out to be...

Shocked, Luo Tian slapped the Qiankun bag, took out several talismans, and flicked his sleeves, those talismans fell on most of the jade bridge as if being pulled by human power. After the talismans were activated, a wave of air and smoke dispersed , Those grasses and trees really disappeared, Luo Tian was the only one left on the empty Jade Bridge.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Tian arrived at the edge of the Jade Bridge and looked down, only to see a very conspicuous black and white light in the endless river of stars under the Jade Bridge, and the green light in his eyes was like The sharp sword shot out, Luo Tian finally saw the things in the black light clearly, and couldn't help but gasped.

The thing grew on a small mound of soil, and the rhizomes added up were less than two feet, but there were four leaves growing on the stem, one black and one white intermingled, two black leaves and two white leaves, all of which were green. Flowing misty clear light.The four leaves are slowly opening at this moment, and a purple fruit the size of a pigeon egg is looming in the leaves, and there are black and white halos circulating around the fruit.

Yin-Yang Mysterious Yellow Fruit?

ps: The update is a bit late these two days, because I have to deal with the drinking situation every day, and I hang up every day... No way, I have to go out to drink today, and everyone will burp.Explosion, in two days.Please recommend for collection first, now there are a lot of words, you can kill it.A preview in advance. I just sorted out the outline and found that there are still many exciting plots in the future. I am depressed. It seems that there will be more updates in the future, otherwise I will have to write the next year...

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