
Chapter 166 Xiao Hei Awakens!

In the vast Yin-Yang Heavenly Lake, a wind suddenly blew up, and the wind became stronger and faster. The whistling sound, like the sound of a bellows, attacked the empty land with its cry, causing the ground to wreak havoc.

Strangely, every time the gust of wind reached a certain height in the air, it would be mercilessly blocked back.

Above that high altitude, the clouds and mists were indeed transpiring, constantly rolling and flowing, as if countless hands were constantly fiddled with in the sea of ​​clouds.And in the sea of ​​white clouds glowing with sunlight, there is a loud and clear singing voice coming from at this moment.

The fairy mountains are separated by the sea of ​​clouds, and the Xialing jade belt is connected.

It is said that there are angels outside the world.


Yulou Xiangong, built with gold and jade.

The secular world is not worse than the fairyland.

As the song got closer and closer, the boundless sea of ​​clouds suddenly parted a road made of thousands of rays of light. An old man in linen with white beard and hair stood indifferently on an emerald boat that glowed like glass with his hands behind his back. There was no joy or sorrow, only a pair of eyes as clear as clear water.

"Mr. Fang, you are finally here."

There was another violent tumbling in the sea of ​​clouds, and then the sea of ​​clouds separated automatically, a golden light flashed, and then walked out of the sea of ​​clouds, it was a young man in gold.

If Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue were here, they would definitely recognize the golden-clothed boy as the three-headed golden light eagle.

The old man in sackcloth stood still on the emerald boat, and after a long while he said calmly, "You must have come here for the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit?"

"Exactly." The golden-clothed boy responded respectfully, and lowered his head to the old man's head in hemp clothes automatically, as if he thought of himself as a junior.

The old man in sackcloth waved his sleeves, and the sea of ​​clouds in front of him suddenly moved, and finally turned into a mirror where he could clearly see the battle of the nine jade bridges. You guys don't mind adding a bit of color, right?"

"Since it's Mr. Fang's intention, I will naturally obey!"

It was very strange that three figures walked out of the sea of ​​clouds, but they were one man and two women.

The man was wearing a sleeveless brown robe and leather armor. He was about ten feet tall. His long hair was casually tied behind his head. His body was full of muscles, as if cast from refined iron.The other two women are wearing red neon clothes, and they are extremely glamorous.A pretty girl in a pink floral dress.

"Jin Yue, long time no see, you are getting stronger and stronger the more you sleep! Find a time for us brothers to make gestures?" The tall man looked at the boy in gold and laughed, standing gently beside him, but he didn't dare Over half a point in front of the old man in sackcloth.

Then, the pink-clothed woman also gave a blessing, standing quietly beside the golden-clothed boy, her beautiful eyes kept looking at the mirror in the sky, shining brilliantly.

"Don't do this with me!" The golden-clothed boy snorted coldly, "You brute, every time you send your son to make money under the guise of public welfare!"

"Elder Fang has no objection, I want you to take care of it." The tall man chuckled, his copper-bell-like eyes glanced at the mirror, and he couldn't help sighing, "Tsk tsk, it's my son who is winning, he has the absolute upper hand!"

After the red-clothed woman saluted, she remained motionless for a long time before she said, "Uncle, I don't know why you want to involve these two humans this time?"

The old man in sackcloth chuckled, "These two human beings have unusual origins, especially the kid in Tsing Yi, who has a lot to do with my clan."

Hearing this, the other four people trembled and their expressions changed drastically.


At this moment, Luo Tian was looking gloomyly at the dark portal opposite the jade bridge. There were already many powerful people from other worlds rushing over, most of them were in the form of spirits, and they did not rush towards Luo Tian, ​​but one by one. Jumping off the jade bridge, he wanted to pave the way with his own body, so that Shi Chu could get the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit smoothly.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of countless spirits and spirits shattered in the starry sky, but they still opened the way for Shi Chu unmoved, and Shi Chu was also walking in the starry sky with an extremely solemn expression, as if every step was a sacrifice. Extremely huge price in general.

Can't delay any longer!

Luo Tian's face was immediately enveloped by a firm look, and the next moment, he also jumped off the jade bridge and landed in the starry sky.

As soon as he landed on the starry sky, Luo Tian's complexion changed. Now he finally understood why Shi Chu followed suit. It turned out that there were countless ancient stone plates the size of millstones floating gently in the starry sky, and Luo Tian The stone slab he was on was connected to the next stone slab by a savage colored long ribbon. When his consciousness came out, Luo Tian's consciousness was immediately swallowed by the ribbon, and could never be retrieved.

At that moment, Luo Tian's consciousness was bounced back by several chaotic surges of force, and his consciousness was almost injured.

After careful probing for a few more times, Luo Tian finally understood. It turned out that no spiritual attack could be used on the ribbon, and he could only pass through it with defensive magic weapon and physical body.And there must be enough good luck, who knows if the ribbon will suddenly scatter, and the only thing waiting for me is the annihilation of body and spirit.

With one foot on the rather unstable ribbon, Luo Tian had just taken a few steps when the glow of purple clouds pouring out of his Zixia clothes dimmed a lot. Move forward without distractions.

Speaking of which, Luo Tian was lucky. Soon, he passed three ribbons and was about to move towards the fourth ribbon.

"kill him!"

Shi Chu and Luo Tian were originally on one side, both heading towards the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit in the center of the galaxy, but seeing that Luo Tian was the last one, their expressions immediately became uncertain, and they immediately shouted softly.

That dark portal is connected to the Nine Heavens Realm. All of a sudden, more ghosts rushed out from the Nine Heavens Realm, and they chased after Luo Tian one after another. Luo Tian.

"court death!"

With a low snort, Luo Tian took out a few talismans from the Qiankun bag, and with a wave of his hand, an ice blade talisman was thrown out, and countless ice blades fell from the sky, chopping up the spirit monsters that rushed forward one after another. mud.

However, the monsters seemed to rush towards him endlessly, and at the end, Luo Tiansha's hands softened, and the talismans in the universe bag were almost exhausted.Without the magic talisman, Luo Tian used the magic weapon, which not only had little effect, but also accelerated the consumption of mana. Most importantly, manipulating the magic weapon also required consciousness. Luo Tian didn't dare to use any magic weapon in the ribbon area. Can be cast on stone slabs.But the stone slab is only three feet away, so it's hard to let go.

"Master, I finally woke up!"

Just as Luo Tian was in a state of desperation, Xiao Hei's voice sounded in his mind, and for a moment, it was like hearing the sounds of heaven.

"Xiao Hei, help me block these guys!"

Luo Tian hurriedly said, at this moment, the distance between the stone pole and Yinyang Xuanhuangguo is less than five stone slabs.

"Wrap it on me." Xiao Hei came out of the space of Hei Lian, startled for a moment, and was immediately attracted by the countless spirits rushing behind him, "My mother! So many supplements..."

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