
Chapter 167 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

Landing on the ground and rolling, Xiao Hei's body suddenly grew bigger, almost in the blink of an eye, Xiao Hei turned into a white giant snake with a height of more than ten feet. The huge head moved faintly in the void, and two blood-colored brilliance Shooting from the eyes, there was even a soft sound from the huge mouth, and the red core kept swallowing, and the changes before and after were really shocking.


Looking at the spirits from the Nine Heaven Realm that kept rushing towards him, Xiao Hei opened his bloody mouth wide and sucked it in with all his strength.

The countless ghosts immediately got up involuntarily. This feeling was not a feeling of the body and limbs, but a trembling from the soul.The soul that was originally stable in the body suddenly trembled violently, as if an inexplicable force directly pulled the soul out of the body, but there was no way.


The huge suction on the outside of Xiao Hei's mouth formed a wind column, and after adding more strength, the souls of countless ghosts directly came out of the body and fell into its mouth one after another.The expressions that stayed on those horrified faces froze immediately.

With Xiao Hei's help, Luo Tian's pressure was greatly relieved, and he gathered his mind and walked towards Yin Yang Xuan Huang Guo again.

"What... what is this?" Shi Chu, who was facing Luo Tian, ​​stared dumbfoundedly at Xiao Hei, who had killed nearly a hundred spirits with just one swallow. Suddenly, the anger in his heart erupted. , couldn't help shouting loudly, "Kill me, kill it!"

As if responding to his words, Xiao Hei immediately spewed out a white flame from his mouth, incinerating those spirit monsters that were left with only fleshy shells into ashes, then turned his huge head slightly, and glanced at Shi Chu lightly.

Rao is in the starry sky and the long river, and it is so far away, Shi Chen's scalp is numb, and the big white snake is really too scary, just looking at him, the soul is cold to the bone.

At the moment, Shi Chu was no longer distracted, and continued to pave the way for him with a calm face, and the ghost behind him sacrificed his life. At present, the most important thing is to get the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit first.

clap clap!

There was another soft sound like firecrackers, and the five-layer mid-level Vajra Shield on Luo Tian's side was immediately destroyed by the fragments that suddenly appeared in the unstable starry sky. He was startled and thought for a while. After that, he slapped the Qiankun bag with his big hand, and took out more than ten zhang Vajra Talismans to detonate, turning into several golden lights and wrapping around his body.

Shi Chu, who had been paying attention to Luo Tian all the time, couldn't help opening his mouth wide, staring at this scene blankly, full of disbelief.When did spells become so worthless among human monks?

The bold and careful Luo Tian, ​​coupled with the protection of the magic talisman, was even faster than Shi Chu's forward speed.Another hour passed, Luo Tian had already stepped on the last stone slab, and the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit was faintly visible.

"Master, hurry up, there are too many spirits, I want to sleep again..."

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei were connected mentally, and when Xiao Hei's distressed voice came, he couldn't help but feel a sudden jump in his heart, Xiao Hei was about to fall into a deep sleep again, it seemed that the soul essence it had absorbed this time had reached an astonishing level, and its cultivation level was astonishing. It's going to make another leap forward again.This time when it came out, Luo Tian just scanned it with his divine sense, and was shocked to find that Xiao Hei had already reached the cultivation base of a fifth-order peak monster beast, and if he went further, wouldn't it be...

"I'll do my best!" Luo Tian hurriedly replied, frantically avoiding more and more space debris near the ribbon.

At this time, Shi Chu finally kept roaring inaudible words, and the speed of the monsters behind him suddenly accelerated, and all of them rushed forward like moths to the flame, throwing themselves forward, letting Shi Wu's speed increased further, and he was about to surpass Luo Tian.If things go on like this, Luo Tian will have no chance to get the Yin Yang Xuan Huang Fruit.

"Haha, you're still one step too late!"

After a while, there was a loud laugh, Shi Chu was already standing four feet away from Yinyang Xuanhuangguo, and shouted with pride, after speaking, the Juntian stick in his hand suddenly lengthened, and he picked it towards Yinyang Xuanhuangguo.

Luo Tian's face was stern, but the corners of his mouth curled up in a sneer.


With a very slight sound, when the Great Heaven Cudgel in Shi Chu's hand was about to fall on the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit, several fragments of the starry sky suddenly appeared, cutting the incomparably hard Great Heaven Cudgel into countless pieces, and continued like this, In a short while, this Great Heavenly Cudgel will be destroyed.

Shi Chu's complexion changed slightly, but as soon as he gritted his teeth, he still picked at Yinyang Xuanhuangguo without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, although the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit was picked up by Shi Chu this time, the Juntian Cudgel was also cut into powder by the fragments of the starry sky. The turning point, however, fell to Luo Tian's side.

A flash of ecstasy suddenly flashed in Luo Tian's eyes. It turned out that the moment the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit flew up, he actually saw a jade tablet under the fruit. Apart from Xuan Gong's jade plaque, Luo Tian has never seen any such jade plaque.

"I want this fruit!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and reached out to grab lightly. Several big orange hands flashed in the starry sky one after another, but they were annihilated by the sudden appearance of starry sky fragments.

Then, Luo Tian took out a few ordinary magic weapons from the Qiankun bag, sacrificed them without hesitation, and at the same time, his whole body also landed on the nearest stone slab.

The magic weapons exploded one after another. Luo Tian caught the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit at the right time, but he was a little bit unlucky. He just photographed the jade tablet, and the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit was still floating in the starry sky.

Luo Tian, ​​who was full of ecstasy, swept away his divine sense, and it was indeed the scroll of the Nine Flames Mysterious Art that was recorded in the jade tablet.It really didn't take much effort to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere to go.

"It's too early to be happy!"

Shi Chu let out a cold snort, but instead of moving forward, he sat cross-legged on the spot, opened his mouth quickly and sprayed, a green light shot out straight, and fell towards the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit, intending to destroy the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit.

Luo Tian hastily put away the jade token, seeing Shi Chu's move, he sneered even more, stretched out his hand to touch the space between his eyebrows, dozens of drops of essence blood floated out, and immediately shouted, "Coagulate!"

The pale-faced Luo Tian's action had already consumed a lot of blood and vitality in his body, which was also caused by the magic and secret method he forcibly used in his previous life. In an instant, his face became extremely pale, sweating profusely, and he was about to fall down.

The Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit was hit by the stone, and it trembled a few times, and then a small hole was opened in the skin of the fruit, and a burst of tempting fragrance diffused out immediately.At this time, the secret method that Luo Tian used at the expense of his vitality had also been completed, and the space near the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit suddenly stopped for a moment, and then a big orange hand quickly retracted.

"Take it quickly, otherwise the effect of the fruit will be greatly reduced."

An abrupt voice rang in Luo Tian's ear, Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes, but saw a smiling figure of a sackclothed old man in the starry sky, and in the blink of an eye, the sackclothed old man disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the half of the Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit left, Luo Tian frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

ps: In the past few days, readers and friends have always come to me to complain that there are too few updates and the plot is not coherent.Uh, to explain a little bit, the editor urged me several times to save the manuscript, but I really don’t have much time, so I can only try my best to repay everyone.Also, the plot is incoherent, that's because some friends didn't read it carefully. From this chapter on, the book is going to be exciting, and the many foreshadowings and foreshadowings in front of it will be revealed one by one, and everyone will naturally understand it by then.Also, I will update a chapter today, but it should be relatively late, as a thank you to those friends who follow this book, thank you for always supporting me.Thanks.

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