
Chapter 168 3 Competition

What made Luo Tian speechless was that after taking the Yin Yang Xuanhuang Fruit, there was no reaction.It's just that the cultivation base that fell to half a level because of the forced use of the secret method, has slowly recovered.

Thinking of how he worked so hard and ended up with this result, the corners of Luo Tian's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Damn human...you're so fucking insidious..." Over there, Shi Chu cursed Luo Tian while spitting out blood. It seems that he just cast some kind of forbidden spell, otherwise he wouldn't even stand up No strength at all.

"Uh." Luo Tian glanced at Shi Chu speechlessly, then raised his brows immediately, "If you don't accept it, come and challenge, what kind of skill is cursing, the Nine Heavens Realm was knocked down by a guy like you with saliva?"

"I..." Shi Chu didn't catch his breath and sprayed Luo Tiantian's mouthful of blood again, "I...hope...you kid will meet He Ran soon...you're still so arrogant!"

He Ran?

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he realized that He Ran might be the He Xiaoniu that Niu Zhong was talking about, that terrifying strongman from the Auspicious Heaven Realm.

Afterwards, Luo Tian ignored Shi Chu's abuse and called back Xiao Hei. Seeing Xiao Hei's excited face, without saying a word, he directly threw him into the space of Hei Lian and let him fall asleep...

Looking around, Luo Tian's hair was bitter, and he quickly took out the little monster inner alchemy left in the Qiankun bag and absorbed it all at once, then got up energetically and stood up, the Five Poison Sword pierced the sky like a long black dragon, With the five-color streamer, he fiercely broke into the group of spirits and monsters that were still rushing towards Luotian.A burst of refreshing fragrance poured out, and quickly formed a cloud and mist in front of Luo Tian. Afterwards, those spirits who were originally aggressive became limp and powerless, and the five poisonous swords directly slashed. Sweeping, cut these many monsters in half, and immediately fell into the starry sky, turning into powder.

Luo Tian stood with his hands behind his back like this, and walked lightly in the void, as if an emperor over the world was looking down on all living beings. Wherever he went, all the ghosts died.

The return time was undoubtedly much faster than the time when he came. Luo Tian only took more than an hour to return to the Jade Bridge, looking at the ghosts that almost filled the entire Jade Bridge, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Little white face, why are you still standing there?" Niu Zhong had already suppressed the Jiuyou Stone King extremely miserable, almost beating the Jiuyou Stone King violently, "In half an hour, the Nine Jade Bridges will begin The opponent is automatically assigned, if you don't take advantage of this time to kill Shi Chu, it will make his next opponent feel better..."

And this statement?Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then he smiled wryly, that Shi Chu was determined not to come out in the long river of stars, if there were no such monsters in front of him, he could still rush over from the other side of the jade bridge to kill him. Even if he couldn't kill him, he could still seriously injure Shi Chu. It's a pity that even if he rushes over the nearly infinite monsters in front of him, the consumption of mana is quite astonishing. If the next opponent encounters He Of course, I'm afraid I can't win without paying a huge price.

After weighing it carefully, Luo Tian's eyes were bright blue, and he analyzed the current situation of the Nine Jade Bridges in an instant. There are at least five people on his side who are sure to win, and this round will definitely win easily.

"Uh, Minotaur, what about the third competition?" Luo Tian touched his nose helplessly, laughed dryly, and waved several purple lotus sword qi casually, chopping down several spirit monsters who were about to rush over. several paragraphs.

"Fuck... why don't you know anything?" Niu Zhongguai yelled, took the time to kick Jiuyou Stone King hard, and immediately flew upside down, "The first and second competitions are to see which side has the upper hand If we win the first two games, then these bastards from Nine Heavens will have to roll back to Nine Heavens obediently with their tails between their legs. The third match is a big melee between the two sides. , it must be delayed until the third game! At that time, you and the bald head will hold He Xiaoniu, and the rest will be handed over to me..."


The Nine Nether Stone King rushed over, obviously very angry, "With you guys, I'm afraid it's not enough for He Ran to clean up by himself!"

"You're the one who fucking farts! It's still stone powder fart, smelly and dirty...Look, brother will clean you up first!" After Niu Zhong finished speaking, he waved his big hand at the Nine Nether Stone King, and the thunder ring in the air carried a terrifying thunder light It fell down.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Tian slapped the Qiankun bag with his big hand, and flew out several middle-grade spirit stones one after another, quickly arranged a few formations, and then he dodged and sat aside to meditate and adjust his breath. It took a lot of mana, at this moment Luo Tian swallowed a recovery pill, and the mana began to circulate rapidly.

"You...you can play with him!" Luo Tian was relaxed and comfortable, but Niu Zhong was anxious and angry.

"Try yourself, that guy is hiding in the starry sky and the long river." Luo Tian replied indifferently, no matter how much Niu Zhong yelled, he ignored him.

Half an hour later, Luo Tian felt a halo flickering in front of his eyes, but it was a different person.

"It's you?" The person opposite was also demented for a while.

"Jiuyou Stone King, the attack is fair, the defense is extremely strong, but the spiritual sense is weak..." Luo Tian stood up and smiled lightly, and said softly.

Nine You Stone King's complexion changed, and before he had time to think about what the other party meant, he felt an overwhelming turbulent momentum coming towards him, and even the stirred void became a little blurred.

"How can it be possible to turn fiction into reality?" Nine Nether Stone King's complexion changed drastically, and he murmured.

The next moment, the Nine Nether Stone King flew back with a bang, a stream of brown blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and the hard surface of his body softened a lot.

chi chi-

An orange flame barrier landed in front of the Nine Nether Stone King.

"I know you have some hole cards that you haven't used yet." Luo Tian didn't show any expression on his face, "As long as you don't cross the flames, I won't do anything. You are a smart person, and now that the Nine Heavens Realm has the absolute upper hand, I believe you will not be stupid Fight me hard now."

Nine Nether Stone King's originally gloomy face swept away, and finally he slowed down a lot. After thinking for a long time, he nodded silently.

Luo Tian didn't speak anymore when he saw this, but he sighed softly in his heart, the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Realm were indeed formidable, this time except for Monk Mingyue and a monster king from Thousand Illusion City, the rest were at a disadvantage.Niu Zhong was the most miserable, because his opponent was He Ran, the most powerful of the Nine Heaven Realm descendants this time...

"Young man, don't you plan to take this opportunity to forge some coercion from heaven and earth?"

Luo Tian's eyes suddenly shone coldly. If he hadn't heard that the voice belonged to the sackclothed old man who appeared in the starry sky and the long river, he would have shouted a long time ago.

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