
Chapter 169

"who are you?"

Luo Tian tried his best to reveal his spiritual sense, but found nothing. His back was soaked with sweat all of a sudden. The strength of that sackclothed old man was really terrifying. He couldn't even notice the slightest abnormality. I am afraid that I will be killed in an instant.

"Hehe." In the void in front of him, the old man in sackcloth appeared with a smile, his expression was extremely leisurely, and he looked like an immortal with a sense of immortality.

"This?" Luo Tian's eyes widened, and then his face returned to normal, but he glanced thoughtfully at the place where the Nine Nether Stone King was.

The old man in sackcloth seemed to be able to see through Luo Tian's inner thoughts, and said lightly: "Don't worry, with his cultivation level, he will never be able to detect my existence."

"I don't know if what the old man said earlier is true?" Luo Tian calmed down, looking at the old man in sackcloth neither humble nor overbearing.

"That's natural." The old man in sackcloth suddenly stretched out his palm from his big sleeve, and gently grabbed at the void. The jade bridge barrier that was originally so strong that Luo Tian was helpless was grasped by the old man as if it didn't exist, and immediately floated The black and white two-color airflow in the sky immediately turned into a two-color beam of light, falling towards Luo Tian.

"Keep your mind tight, hold on to oneness..."

Luo Tiandeng was immersed in that incomparably wonderful feeling.

High above the sky, the mouths of the four young men in golden clothes headed by the three golden eagles immediately opened their mouths wide, and there was an inconceivable look in their eyes.

"This... this is really strange." After a long time, the tall man in brown leather armor muttered to himself, "Mr. Fang actually took action to protect this kid by refining the pressure of heaven and earth...Is my eyes dazzled?"


The other three rolled their eyes and said angrily.


After a long time, Luo Tian opened and closed his eyes several times before he got up from the spot, bowed to the void and saluted, "Boy thank you, old man."

Seeing no response for a long time, Luo Tian looked up, and the old man in sackcloth in front of him disappeared like a dream.

With a move in his heart, the mana in Luo Tian's body began to circulate. It is reasonable to say that he should also have a little coercion of the world at this moment, but in fact Luo Tian didn't sense any abnormality at all, but the speed of mana condensing increased a little, and he was puzzled. Under that, Luo Tian opened his hand and slapped the void in front of him hard.

An incredible scene happened!

The originally extremely solid space on the Jade Bridge trembled slightly. Luo Tian's random slap made the void in front of him fluctuate violently, and even that force spread out into the distance like a wave.


The Nine Nether Stone King was also turning his own thoughts at this moment, and just when he was about to fight Luo Tian, ​​the orange flame barrier in front of him rolled up automatically without wind, lightly rolled up like a curtain, and then a huge force directly Landed on the body, screamed, rolled a few times, lay on the ground on his back, twitching non-stop, the corner of his mouth still raised an ugly arc in aggrieved way, "You said you can't do it, you lied ..."

Luo Tian was stunned.

The depleted mana in his body was replenished in an instant, and after Luo Tian made a move, he found that no matter where he was, he could personally feel the aura fluctuations in the air, so it would definitely save a lot of detours and get twice the result with half the effort when practicing in the future.

call out!

The next moment, Luo Tian almost moved his mind, and his body directly crossed tens of feet and came to the Nine Nether Stone King, his body swayed slightly.Sure enough, this speed has also improved a lot. Looking inside the spiritual consciousness, I found that my five-element transfer technique, the internal organs, has already been accomplished. The power of war.

"It's so..." A smile flashed across Luo Tian's face.

"What a fart! You're cheating, do you know that?" The Nine Nether Stone King's body was extremely tough, and he recovered a lot after a short rest. He leaped with incomparable agility, pointed at Luo Tian and cursed, "We won't take you to bully me like this. Damn! I agreed that you won't make a move unless I cross the flame barrier..."

"Uh, I'm afraid this is a misunderstanding." Luo Tian spread his hands helplessly.

"Misunderstood a ball!" Jiuyou Stone King wanted to continue yelling like a shrew, but felt a slight tremor under his feet, and couldn't help swallowing the second half of the words.

With a humming sound, each of the nine stone bridges trembled slightly, and immediately flew up, and then there was a dazzling golden light, and the nine jade bridges were reunited, and the nine powerhouses on both sides were also automatically moved. They are divided into two ends of the jade bridge, and there are many faint multicolored light clusters suspended in the center of the jade bridge.

Luo Tian stared at it with his expression unchanged, and his heart moved, this turned out to be...


A big hand appeared from Luo Tian's side out of thin air, and it landed on Luo Tian's shoulder without any mistakes. Luo Tian's spiritual sense could tell that the other party had no malicious intentions.

"Uh, where's the person?" With a flash of brown brilliance, Niu Zhong's stunned expression appeared next to Luo Tian, ​​looking at the empty space in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, mother, the speed of this little boy is really scary...

"Minotaur, don't make friends with the Sa family!" Monk Mingyue sat cross-legged on the condensate gourd and sneered, "Brother Han Yi and I are enough to protect ourselves, so you should get rid of that shameless thought in your heart as soon as possible!"

"I'm not shameless!" Niu Zhong retorted, "Also, I didn't want to get close to you, a hairless bald man. I just wanted to discuss something with this little white... with this brother."

As soon as Niu Zhong said this, except for Luo Tian and the old gods, the other three monster kings and three human monks frowned. Have something happened?

Luo Tian stood on one side with his hands behind his back, with neither sad nor happy expression on his face. After a long time, he said lightly: "It is absolutely impossible for me to block He Ran for you."

Niu Chong's expression darkened when he heard the words, his bull's eyes turned quickly, he glanced at Luo Tian thoughtfully, then raised his head to look at the colorful lights in the center of Yuqiao, and kept silent.

"Brother Han Yi, is there any treasure in the colorful light group?" Monk Mingyue chuckled, and his spiritual sense transmitted to Luo Tiandao.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, if this guy put his mind on cultivating the treasure, he might have already formed a pill...


Luo Tian didn't lie to Monk Mingyue, and said truthfully, "The colorful light group is full of magic weapons, and it seems that they are all above the level of treasure weapons. But..."

"There is nothing more!" Monk Mingyue touched his bald head in great surprise, "Since it is a magic weapon, it is still some high-level stuff, we brothers can't go deep into Baoshan and return empty-handed. How about it, as long as you stop it later Little girl, how about sharing half of the magic weapon that the Sa family snatched with you?"

"If you can stand by and not fight for these treasures, I can be extra lenient and not attack you."

A cold voice suddenly broke the silent atmosphere, especially clear on the jade bridge.


The crowd headed by Niu Zhong snorted coldly, this treasure is not from your Nine Heavens Realm, why should I give it to you?

"Then, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

He Ran's body was always surrounded by a faint layer of golden light, and even Luo Tian's spiritual eyes were blurred, and then the soaring aura of He Ran's whole body kept rising, and the golden light around him ran around. , faintly stirring up the space.

"You didn't attack with all your strength just now?" Dongfang Potian's face turned pale, staring at He Ran in the Nine Heaven Realm, and said in a cold voice.

"Just you?"

After speaking, the golden light seemed to be teleporting, and instantly passed through the void like a golden thread, and grabbed the colorful light cluster in the center of the jade bridge.

ps: A friend recommends a book, Wu Ji, if you are short of books, go and read it.

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