
Chapter 170 With 1 enemy and 3, invincible at the same level!

"Good come!"

Except for Luo Tian, ​​Monk Mingyue, Niu Zhong and other eight people stepped on the ground with their feet and jumped up. Immediately, in mid-air, they each used their means, or displayed supernatural powers, or sacrificed magic weapons. Their goal was exactly He Ran from the Nine Heavens Realm.

Rao He Ran was born in the auspicious heaven, and his own cultivation was strong, so he couldn't withstand the combined blow of the eight monks of Mingyue.A good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves.

But there were obviously eight other people in the Nine Heavens Realm, and it was as if they had made an appointment together, and Fei had to come to help He Ran, the melee between the two sides officially kicked off.

Luo Tian buried his head in silence, as if lost in thought. After a long time, he threw a Rejuvenation Pill into his mouth, and then walked towards the central bank of Yuqiao step by step, without any expression on his face.

It's not that the nine powerhouses in the Nine Heaven Realm didn't see Luo Tian. Although they were deeply involved in the battle, they all paid a little attention to Luo Tian except for that He Ran.Seeing Luo Tian coming alone, four or five strong men in the Nine Heavens Realm exchanged glances, seemingly unintentionally, but in fact they formed a hard-to-see encirclement with a sympathetic mind. The bag, when Luo Tian fell into the attack range, he would try to take some minor injuries and launch a thunder strike to kill him.After all, Luo Tian's previous performances all fell into the eyes of the Nine Heaven Realm powerhouses, who knew that he was more difficult to deal with.

Luo Tian's eyesight was extremely sharp, he remained calm when he saw this, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, he moved his feet and took another step, which happened to land one foot away from the encirclement, and then stood motionless in the air like a stone statue.

Seeing this, the powerhouses of the Nine Heaven Realm felt very depressed, only one step away.

Luo Tian glanced slightly, and knew the situation in the field in an instant. The powerhouses of the Nine Heavens were helpless against the eight Mingyue monks for a while. The reason was that there were four human monks among the eight of them, but most of the human monks were It is to practice Taoism supernatural powers. The powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Realm are best at civil wars. Previously, single-versus-single Monk Mingyue could not take advantage of them, but in this group of battles, the benefits of Taoism supernatural powers gradually became prominent.

Countless golden threads gradually became solid and thick, like slender knives flying around He Ran, and ruthlessly rushed towards Dongfang Potian's temporary team. I was forced to retreat.

"Little white face, you should hurry up to get the treasure!" Niu Zhong was furious, but the strong man from the Nine Heavens was always entangled with him, unable to escape.

Luo Tian waited and watched for a while, and finally grasped the void with his big hand, held the Five Poison Sword in his hand, and gently swung the sword flower. Since stepping into the world of cultivating immortals, it seems that he hasn't used worldly martial arts for a long time.

With a sway of his body, Luo Tian immediately disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Luo Tian's figure landed in the center of the jade bridge. The closest to him was a long-haired and strong young man in animal skin. He saw Luo Tian stepping into his attack range, the black spear in his hand He stabbed over without hesitation, the black spear sank faintly in the air, and immediately burst out countless spear shadows, and greeted Luo Tian head-on and face-to-face.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Luo Tian sneered in his heart, and secretly used [-]% of the coercion of heaven and earth, and the five poisonous swords in his hand spun out like arms and fingers. He who was not moving at first suddenly merged with the sword and turned into a huge black light ball.

After a burst of deafening metal and iron clanging, the body of the long-haired young man with the spear was shaken, and he couldn't stop violently retreating in the void.And Luo Tian also took three steps back in succession in the void.

"I'll help you!"

Although Shi Chu hadn't recovered to the peak cultivation level at this moment, he had recovered by [-]% to [-]%. He swept over with the Great Heavenly Cudgel in his hand, and rushed towards the long-haired young man wielding the spear at the same time.

Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, the five-colored light of the five-poison sword in his hand swelled, flicked lightly, and made a clear whistle, as if an off-string arrow flew out violently. Those who shake hard.

The Luo family's sword skills are invincible at the same level!

I saw a monstrous self-colored lotus blooming suddenly in the air, entangled with a black air and a stick shadow incessantly, the speed of the three of them was extremely fast, and in the end, all three of them disappeared without a trace. Three tangled lights and shadows could be seen occasionally flashing.


The three figures separated quickly, Shi Chu let out a muffled grunt, and a lot of green blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.He blew himself up with an arm, plus he lost his vitality in the starry sky and the long river, and the weapon in his hand, the Juntian Cudgel, was also damaged a little. How could he support Luo Tian's extremely domineering purple lotus sword energy.


Luo Tian exhaled a long breath, swallowed the recovery pill in his mouth, the long hair on the back of his head fluttered high, his appearance was wild and unrestrained, and the frenzied desire to fight in his body was like a raging fire. Mao, stretched out his fingers and flicked the Five Poison Sword three times in succession, the tip of the Five Poison Sword also bent and trembled, emitting bursts of excited whispers.

"Good buddy!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, the mighty posture like a god attracted everyone's attention for a while, and then he pointed at the strong man of the nine heavens, "Two people are not enough, come a few more with me Have a good time!"

Contempt, bare|naked contempt!

"I come!"

With a shout, it was the Nine Nether Stone King who jumped out, his arms trembled suddenly, like noodles, and then he closed his big hands forcefully, and after separating, it turned out to be a crescent halberd, more than three feet long.

A green light flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, and his brows were slightly frowned. Previously, whether it was Shi Chu's giant stick or the long-haired youth's black spear, they didn't pose much threat to him.The crescent halberd in Jiuyou Stone King's hand was ordinary, but the crescent halberd's handle was inlaid with a red cat's-eye round jade stone, which gave off a gloomy and cold aura.


The long sword in Luo Tian's hand trembled slightly, enveloping all three of them in an instant, and saw a long dragon-like sword aura composed of countless tiny lotus flowers tumbling endlessly in the air, like a dragon yaojiao, capable of turning clouds and rain in an instant.

As soon as Luo Tian made this move, the complexions of Shi Chu and the three of them changed slightly. Immediately, they seemed to be trapped in the vast ocean, and they could no longer control their figures, swaying in the sword energy.

"It's a formation, be careful."

The long-haired young man let out a loud shout, and danced the spear in his hand one after another. A series of black snake-like sharp rays of light circulated around his body, and behind him was the phantom of a black python, which could not stop circling and swinging like a Huge black void.

At the same time, a phantom of a green giant appeared behind Shi Chu.And the Nine Nether Stone King opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, turned the crescent halberd upside down, and stabbed fiercely at the void.

"This is?"

Even if Luo Tian forcibly deployed the purple lotus sword array with his sword energy for a short time, he couldn't help being shocked by a red shadow that suddenly split out from the crescent halberd of the Nine Nether Stone King.

After a while, Luo Tian threw out the half of the broken skeleton, and couldn't help saying each word in a low voice.

"Blood Devil King!"

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