
Chapter 171 Ghost Slayer, He Ran


Luo Tian raised his eyebrows, twisted his body in the air, and then slowly floated up in the air. Finally, he pointed his hands at the purple lotus sword array in the void, and a surge of mana surged out. The small purple lotus sword array rushed out of the void.

"Jiuyou Stone King, you have committed such an atrocity that hurts the peace of heaven, you cannot be left today!" A mark of flame slowly appeared in the center of Luotian's forehead, and at the same time, his whole body was covered by a deep orange flame light group, The spiritual consciousness is also revealed with all its strength, and the outward momentum even faintly has the tendency to break through the jade bridge's restriction.

The coercion of heaven and earth!

So far, Luo Tian has no reservations.For a long time, Luo Tian has always focused on himself and his relatives and friends around him, and he is too lazy to care about other people's life and death, and he has no sense of justice to help when he sees injustice.All he has to do is have enough strength to protect those around him.But seeing that the Nine Nether Stone King acted so perversely, he actually refined the blood devil king, which was much more vicious than the tender young blood demon Hachiman he met last time, and a trace of murderous intent filled Luo Tian's heart immediately.

"Jie Jie, it's up to you?"

Jiuyou Stone King's face also changed, but he was full of sneer and contempt, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a strong spiritual sense, this place is your burial place today!"


After Luo Tian opened his mouth to spit lightly, the next moment, he disappeared from the spot.


Nine You Stone King's complexion changed, and his huge body flickered with incomparable flexibility. Then, a cyan figure stepped out from the afterimage of Nine You Stone King with its claws. King Youshi was injured!

A ghostly howl followed. The blood devil king seemed to have just been born and hadn't adapted yet. His body still didn't change much and rushed towards Luo Tian, ​​as if there was a huge rain of blood in an instant. It was filled with the unpleasant pungent smell, and there was a light chi chi sound.

Luo Tian sneered coldly when he saw this, but actually stayed where he was, not moving at all. When the blood devil king approached him, he shook his body, and the Zixia clothes released thousands of purple clouds and rays of light in an instant, which could withstand the blood The sharp claws transformed by the devil king volleyed in the sky, the sharp claws only extended a foot into the purple cloud glow, and it was difficult to go any further. All of a sudden, they screamed ferociously, and the sharp claws were enough to tear apart the building. The sound waves of the base monks immediately spread.

"Get lost!" Luo Tian yelled softly, opened his big hand, and the dark orange flames flowing around his body immediately gathered towards his palm, and immediately turned into a miniature orange lotus in the palm of Luo Tian's palm, the lotus was lifelike, as if it were real , the petals and the lotus heart exuded blurred flames, which is extremely beautiful.

As Luo Tian swung the orange fire lotus out of his hand, Ziyun Xiaguang seemed to step aside in fear, allowing the fire lotus to quickly fall on the countless blood-red huge sharp claws of the blood devil king. A burst of black smoke came out, and the sharp claws of the blood devil king were melted by the fire lotus.

"Human, if you only have these abilities, you can die here today." The blood devil king was at a disadvantage, instead of being angry, he smiled, and immediately his body swelled up, and soon he was like a small mountain lying in front of Luo Tian. Luo Tian was covered in shadows.

Luo Tian's spiritual eyes moved, and two blue lights penetrated the boundless blood, and immediately saw the real body of the blood devil king clearly.He turned out to be a child under ten years old, with braids in the sky, skin and tender flesh, only those blood-colored eyes that were emotionless showed incomparable hatred.


The Blood Demon King screamed again, and his body immediately grew infinitely larger, covering almost half of the Jade Bridge in an instant, like a boundless sea of ​​blood, in which the souls of countless ghosts shattered and turned into traces of blood. The energy of the blood melted into the sea of ​​blood, and hideous skulls and ghost claws loomed one by one.

"It's this set again..." Luo Tian thought to himself, the technique left by the True Blood Monarch is really vicious. Every time he uses it, he wants to completely devour the opponent. He didn't even leave a bone for the opponent. I don't know if the old boy is still alive. Even if he is alive, he might not be able to survive the last level of ninety-nine heavenly tribulations with his cultivation base as high as the sky.Uh, I don’t know if the immortal cultivators in this world have ninety-nine calamities...

puff puff!

Luo Tian suddenly wiped the void with his big hand, Xuanji Yugui was held in his hand immediately, and after spewing out two big mouthfuls of blood, Luo Tian's complexion was pale, and he swallowed three Fuyuan pills and then pointed the flame between his eyebrows The imprint, the flame imprint seemed to come alive, and it was actually a drop of orange blood flying out.

Essence of life!

Essence and blood are indeed precious, but they can still be recovered by taking some elixir of heaven, material and earth treasures, even with their own cultivation alone, but it will take a long time.But the natal essence and blood will lose a drop with every drop, and it will never recover again.

"Subduing Demon Ganghuo!"

Luo Tian snorted, and the three streams of blood essence immediately fused together and fell into the transparent flame gushing out from his palm. After the blood essence completely melted into the Fumo Ganghuo, Luo Tian seemed to be very casual. With a flick of his fingers, Fumo Ganghuo fell into the boundless sea of ​​blood in the air without showing any frightening aura.

This blood devil king has really reached a very high level of cultivation. If Luo Tian hadn't been able to restrain all evil spirits, he would never have fought against him. He would have turned his head and walked away without stopping.If so, the blood devil king has practiced for many years, and Luo Tian's supernatural power of Fumo Ganghuo has not been realized for a long time, so he will not be able to exert its full power at all, otherwise there is no need to be so careful.

The next moment, a jaw-dropping scene happened!

I saw angry roars coming from the nearly endless sea of ​​blood, and then the Fumo Ganghuo in it suddenly dispersed, and the sea of ​​blood disappeared out of thin air, revealing terrifying potholes .


At this time, the half of the skeleton was also unable to continue to support under the joint efforts of Shi Chu and the long-haired youth. The bones on its body surface had faint cracks, and it seemed that it was already difficult to support.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, at this moment, the young child was lying on the ground tremblingly, his whole body was like sifting chaff, looking at the approaching Fumo Ganghuo with extreme fear and fear, he had no ability to resist.

"You got Fooled!"

When Luo Tian frowned slightly, the young boy who had lost his fighting spirit suddenly grinned, and then his whole body changed rapidly. Pieces of dark black fine scales appeared on the body of the originally thin-skinned and tender-skinned boy, and his limbs It also became thicker, and the head was replaced by a terrifying one-horned head, with countless green hairs growing on the head, which even blocked the face.But when Luo Tian's spirit glanced over, he was also a little horrified. It turned out that the young boy's face turned out to be pitted, with countless blisters filled with abscesses, and a vomitous green stinky juice flowed out of the blisters. The green hair dripped down, corroding the entire space.

The transformed toddler let out a weird laugh, opened his mouth and spewed out countless green juices, which quickly fell in front of Fumo Ganghuo, and after melting together, formed a green light spot the size of a drop of water, instantly transforming the incomparably solid space. A one-foot-square hole was corroded, and the Fumo Ganghuo just fell into the hole. After struggling for a while, it disappeared, and the hole slowly healed.

"Your spiritual sense is good. It's been a long time since you tasted such a delicious food! Your physical body is also good, and it's a good target for you to seize!" The blood devil Wang Jiejie laughed strangely, making people creepy. Every time he laughed, the Nine Nether Stone Wang's body trembled violently, and in the end he was almost languid.

Luo Tian coldly glanced at the Nine Nether Stone King, and as expected, this guy even used his own blood to feed these ghosts, but he didn't expect to end up hurting himself.But then Luo Tian didn't think much about it. With his divine sense, a monstrous black lotus flower slowly floated above his head, swaying countless bright black lights to cover himself.

"Ah! You are... this is..." But seeing the blood devil king rushing towards him let out a horrified cry, with an expression full of disbelief, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

Luo Tian pinched a few spells mercilessly, and the black lotus on top of his head suddenly produced endless suction, sucking half of the blood devil king's body in. Suddenly, such a huge hurricane was born out of thin air. The two Shi Chu who rushed to attack Luo Tian were swept away viciously.


Finally, after the blood devil king uttered the last helpless cry, he was directly sucked into the black lotus space together with the boundless blood sea in the whole sky, where Luo Tian had plenty of ways to entertain it.

call out!

"Brother Han Yi, be careful!"

"Little white face!"

At this time, a burst of rapid piercing sound rushed over, and Luo Tian, ​​who had consumed most of the mana in his body, had no time to dodge, so he had to stretch Zixia Yi to block it.Because his back gave way, Luo Tian only felt as if he had been knocked down by a mountain, his mind was shaken, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Slowly turning around, Luo Tian still had a lot of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, staining his chest with blood red. He stared at the woman who was always hidden in the golden light, with an extremely calm expression, "Woman, are you impatient?"

Slapping the Qiankun bag with his big hand, Luo Tian carefully took out a golden pill, which fell into the end in a flash of golden light.Secretly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Zixiayi to take off a lot of strength for him, and he was still seriously injured. He Ran descended as the representative of the auspicious heaven, and he really lived up to his reputation.

There seemed to be a very faint cold snort in the void, and immediately, the dazzling golden light gathered again, submerging Luo Tian fiercely.


A mountain peak flew out directly from the golden light, smashing He Ran hundreds of feet away, and a streak of blood sprinkled in the air.

"Although I don't kill women, you woman are too aggressive!"

At this moment, Luo Tian's mana recovered in an instant, and his injuries also recovered. However, the mana gushing out from the sacrifice of Fen Baoyan gradually made him overwhelmed. Fortunately, he took a golden pill, otherwise Otherwise, I'm afraid Fen Baoyan will suck himself dry.

At this moment, no matter the enemy or us, they all stared blankly at the slowly growing mountain peak in the sky, each with a flash of astonishment in their pupils.

It seemed to be extremely difficult to play a few formulas, Luo Tian immediately trembled, and finally held on at the last moment, and completed all the formulas.


A muffled piercing sound came, and Fen Baoyan roared towards He Ran like a shooting star...

ps: Dazhang.

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