
Chapter 172 The old man in sackcloth, Fang Qingyun!


There was a voice that made people look sideways, and immediately, the Jiuyou Stone King, whose vitality was already severely injured, looked at the huge mountain of Fenbaoyan falling from the sky in despair, which just happened to completely cover him.

"Old Stone!" Shi Chu and the long-haired young man's eyes were about to burst, no matter how perverted Jiuyou Stone King was, he was still a very loyal guy on weekdays, and he also made many friends who could talk to each other.

At this moment, the spear, the Great Heaven Cudgel, the Butterfly Knife, the Sunset Ring, and the phantom...

It's just a pity that Luo Tian sacrificed Fen Baoyan this time and took a golden pill. Although the golden pill was not a very cherished thing in ancient times, it is of great benefit to today's cultivators, let alone Luo Tian. God, he controlled the blow with almost all his strength.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as the weapons of Shi Chu and others came into contact with Fenbaoyan, no matter how hard or flexible the material was, they bent one after another. In just a moment, they could no longer withstand the overwhelming force on Fenbaoyan, and they collapsed one after another. Or incomplete, but everyone except He Ran and Jiuyou Stone King spurted blood from their mouths at the same time, flying upside down like fallen leaves struggling weakly in a strong wind.

At the same time, the light around He Ran suddenly shrank, revealing her true colors, a girl in golden clothes with picturesque eyebrows, a little red cinnabar in the middle of her brows, and a proud figure under her icy muscles. , with a phoenix hairpin inserted horizontally on her head, and only two strands of blue hair falling from her temples, and a pair of mink boots to ward off evil spirits, she is simply an extremely beautiful lady in palace attire.

"Grandma, she's already married as a woman." Niu Zhong was the first to come to his senses, looking disheartened.

Monk Mingyue touched his bald head, and said with a chuckle: "You are such a rough minotaur, only young women have charm, you know what a fart..."

"Hairless, are you looking for death?" Niu Zhong held the Thunder Ring in his hand, and looked at Monk Mingyue with a malicious look.


Behind He Ran suddenly appeared a crouching phantom, which turned out to be a huge golden tiger, and then He Ran pulled away and threw out a white mist.

Luo Tian took a closer look, and couldn't help but frown slightly. The whole thing was polished from white jade, and it turned out to be a folding fan.It should be said that in the world of cultivating immortals, there are magic weapons of folding fans, but most of them are tasteless for viewing, or can reflect the beautiful scenery like a mirage, or can clear away heat and cool down, and rarely have an offensive nature.

But the white jade folding fan thrown by He Ran has a thick and sharp aura, obviously a powerful magic weapon.

"Three fire fans!"

Liu Qingfeng, who had been standing by the side, couldn't help but gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice.Speaking of which, the three fire fans are a well-known magic weapon of Luo Yunzong. It was forged by a generation of master craftsmen in the previous generation of Luo Yunzong. It is quite powerful. It has the effect of devouring other people's magic weapons.Such a magic weapon with dual attributes really belongs to the category of high-level treasures.Luo Yunzong's master craftsman was also snatched by a great master from the Nine Heaven Realm after he entered the Yinyang Heavenly Lake, so it has been more than [-] years.This anecdote has been circulating in Luo Yunzong, but no one has ever seen it with their own eyes, and no disciple is brave enough to ask the elders of the master. Unexpectedly, Liu Qingfeng saw it with his own eyes this time, and he felt mixed feelings for a while, but More, still anger and humiliation.

How embarrassing that one of the three major sects of the majestic Huoyan Kingdom let outsiders snatch the magic weapon from the door!For a moment, Liu Qingfeng clenched his hands that were tucked into his sleeves.

At this time, Fen Baoyan was only less than ten feet away from He Ran. The three fire fans suddenly opened, and three flames burst out from the fan surface, and immediately entangled with each other. Tian was not idle either, he pressed hard on Fen Baoyan with his big hand, and the speed of Fen Baoyan's falling accelerated again, the Nine Nether Stone King let out a miserable cry, and immediately disappeared into ashes.

The three fire fans also became bigger and bigger, until they almost coincided with the largest peak under the Fenbaoyan mountain peak. In an instant, the two treasures collided fiercely, making an earth-shattering roar.

Chi Chi.

Immediately afterwards, Fenbaoyan and the Three Fire Fans each released ten thousand rays of light, and they started to sharpen fiercely, making bursts of fine sounds.Although the voice was small, it was extremely uncomfortable in everyone's ears, as if countless ants were biting their hearts.

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself that the magic weapon in front of him could withstand Fen Baoyan's attack. It seems that the level must not be low, but Luo Tian had inexplicable confidence in Fen Baoyan in his heart. In the hands of that strong man in Luojia Mountain, he can still escape, let alone He Ran, whose cultivation level is not much higher than his own?

Pulling with one hand, Luo Tian took a deep breath, and with great difficulty separated three flames of Fumo Ganghuo, which landed on Fenbaoyan very quickly.Fen Baoyan was shocked suddenly, and immediately, his body surface was covered by a layer of faint transparent flames, and his power increased even more. The three fire fans that forced him to sink down again and again, even the phantom behind He Ran was dimmed a lot.

He Ran bit his red lips tightly, and opened his mouth to spit out a golden bead the size of a pigeon egg. The white mist of brilliance on the three fire fans soared, and it actually came against Fenbaoyan again.


Luo Tian shook his head and chuckled, this He Ran was really willing to spend money, it seems that this woman's decisiveness in killing is really a heroine.

"Admit defeat."

A soft sigh came out of Luo Tian's mouth, and everyone's expressions changed accordingly.

I saw that Fumoganghuo was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, suppressing the three-color flames on the three-fire fan, and the three-color flames also avoided it like a mouse seeing a cat.


He Ran's clenched teeth finally spoke for the first time, and a clear and indifferent voice came out of her mouth softly.

As He Ran opened his mouth, the three fire fans that were originally laid flat suddenly rolled upwards, like a huge mouth opened, looking at this posture, it seemed that he wanted to swallow Fenbaoyan into it.

"Woman, you are too arrogant." Luo Tian said lightly, the effect of the golden elixir in his body had begun to fade at this moment, if he could not defeat He Ran again, he might fall into a great predicament in the end.

Without hesitation, Luo Tian's big hand slapped down extremely stagnantly, and Fen Baoyan spun suddenly, shaking the three fire fans away immediately so that he could not get closer, and He Ran's inner alchemy was also crumbling for a while, and was finally caught by her. Take it back into the body.


The three-color flame that was firmly suppressed by Fumo Ganghuo flew back backwards, knocking He Ran into the air for several feet, and immediately sprinkled a cloud of blood beads in the air.

"Can you deny defeat?" Luo Tian hurriedly took back Fen Baoyan, stood proudly in the air with his hands behind his back, flicked his fingers repeatedly, and several sword qi forced Liu Qingfeng who was about to approach He Ran to retreat. The resentment in the eyes of the reader.

"Impossible!" He Ran stood up firmly with some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


At this time, all the restrictions on the entire jade bridge disappeared, and a sea of ​​white clouds descended like a ladder. An old man in sackcloth stood on an emerald boat and landed calmly.

"This battle, the Nine Heavens Realm loses!"

"Why!" The eight survivors of the Nine Heaven Realm shouted in unison.

The old man in sackcloth smiled faintly, waved his big sleeves, and an invisible force immediately rolled up He Ran and other eight strong men, and threw them to the opposite side of the jade bridge.

"Go back and tell the people behind you that this is what I, Fang Qingyun, meant."

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