
Chapter 174 Rewards and Requests

"Cough cough..."

Seeing the sudden silence of needle dropping, Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, pretended to cough a few times, looked at the four young men in gold clothes, and said calmly, "My friend, you are new here, don't scare them."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, and the young man in gold was the first to wake up later, with an affectionate smile on his face, he said first, "Fellow Daoist Han, I'm going to be the demon king of the three poles, Jin Yue."

Immediately afterwards, the three people in the back reported their families a series of times, making Luo Tian uncomfortable as if there were thousands of swords sitting under his buttocks.

"The Immortal Demon King, Huang Ruoxue."

"Juli Demon King, Niu Sheng."

"Thousand Illusory Demon King, Wei Qingqing."

Luo Tian heard that he almost fell to his death in front of him. These four guys turned out to be the three golden eagles and the three great demon kings of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land... But fortunately, their human form is not much different from what he imagined.

"Uh, I have seen the four demon kings." Luo Tian was about to stand up and salute, but he felt the eyes of the four demon kings tremble together, and immediately four different forces emerged out of thin air, directly pulling Luo Tian's arm that was about to salute. He flung it back, if Luo Tian hadn't reacted so fast, he might have been thrown away by the four demon kings.

Feeling the four forces that are ready to be absorbed, Luo Tian remained calm on the face, but smiled wryly in his heart. He thought to himself, what is this called? Is it wrong for me to salute according to the rules?

"Don't be too polite, sit down, there are not so many red tapes here." Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, stroked his long white beard under his chin, and said lightly.

The four demon kings heard the words as if they were listening to the sounds of nature, they all sat back quickly, but they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Seeing this, Luo Tian thought secretly, the four demon kings seemed to be in awe of this old man.But what is the status of the Four Great Demon Kings, so isn't this Fang Lao...

"This time in the battle of Yinyang Tianchi, our side finally defeated the Nine Heavens Realm because of my friend's action. According to the previous rules, my friend can choose one of the treasures of the Jade Bridge." Fang Qingyun, the old man in sackcloth, finished speaking, with his sleeves With a wave, countless colorful light clusters like stars emerged in the field, floating quietly.

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, and frowned slightly. It seemed that not only his own people contributed in this battle, why did Mr. Fang only take special care of him?

"Hehe." Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, seemed to see through Luo Tian's thoughts at a glance, and smiled lightly, "My little friend is holding a treasure rock in his hands and showing off his supernatural power. He is the key person to win this battle, and he should be treated like this."

Divide Baoyan?

Now Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and his expression became uncertain.

"Boy, don't think too much." The Immortal Demon King glanced at Fang Qingyun, the old man in sackcloth, and saw that the latter had no intention of blaming him, so he snorted, "Don't think Uncle will covet your Fenbaoyan!"

"Boy, I have absolutely no such thoughts." Luo Tian wiped his sweat secretly, and continued after a moment of silence, "I don't need this jade bridge treasure, can I exchange it with equal conditions?"

Now, it's the turn of the Four Great Demon Kings to be dumbfounded. Is this kid stupid?The worst treasures of Yuqiao are mid-level treasures, how could this guy give up like this?

"Oh, then what conditions do you have?" Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, looked at Luo Tian calmly, "As long as this old man can do it, you can just ask for it."

The bodies of the four demon kings trembled, and they were completely dumbfounded this time.Although they didn't know who Mr. Fang was, when the Yin Yang Tianchi was first opened, the Nine Heavens Realm wanted to win in a single battle. At that time, nine extremely powerful experts from the Nine Heavens Realm came. When the opponent was facing each other, Fang Lao appeared floatingly, and with only one move, he severely injured the nine strong men in the Nine Heavens Realm and forced them to retreat back to the Nine Heavens Realm. The strong go.

Although the four demon kings also knew in their hearts that although the Nine Heavens Realm was extraordinary in strength, it generally existed between the Immortal Cultivation Realm and the Ancient Cultivation Realm, and it would definitely not be much stronger than the Ancient Cultivation Realm.That also means that an existence like Mr. Fang belongs to the category of top powerhouses in the ancient cultivation world!

Generally speaking, the world of cultivating immortals can only cultivate to the stage of distraction at most. If you don't ascend to the world of ancient cultivating for a long time, your lifespan essence will be slowly depleted.Of course, if you do it with people, the life essence will pass faster.Therefore, the strong in the world of cultivating immortals usually ascend to the ancient world of cultivating immortals when they leave their bodies, and they don't want to stay in the world of cultivating immortals for too long.

But Fang Qingyun, the old man in sackcloth, treated Luo Tian so kindly this time, which made the four demon kings feel unbalanced.But it's not happy, they still have no sadness or joy on their faces, with a super-mortal and refined posture that sees through the world of mortals.

"Thank you Mr. Fang in advance!" Luo Tian bowed respectfully and said, "I have a piece of Xuanji jade on my body. Since it is only a part, it is hard to use it. I implore Mr. Fang to gather all the Xuanji jade pieces!"

As soon as Luo Tian's words came out, the four demon kings had different expressions, and immediately they looked at Luo Tian with strangely unanimous expressions, extremely astonished.

Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, thought for a while, and opened his mouth slightly: "Okay."

The jaws of the four great demon kings immediately fell to the ground.

"However, you also have to do one thing for me." Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, had eyes as warm as jade, and even a hint of a smile of success flashed across his eyes.

"Since Mr. Fang had already expected this, the boy had to bite the bullet and take it." Luo Tian's thoughts changed sharply, and then he made a reluctant look, but the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

"Old Fang!"


Now, the four demon kings hurriedly looked at Fang Qingyun and shouted.

"You don't need to say more." Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, waved his hand, "Xuanji Yugui has existed for hundreds of years as the command talisman of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, and it's time for the third generation of command talisman to be born."

Hearing the words, the four demon kings all heaved a sigh of relief, and sat back in their seats dejectedly.Their dejection is because there are only four copies of Xuanji Yugui, except for one on Luo Tian, ​​the other three are given to his subordinates, because holding the token can freely enter and leave the Xuanhuo forbidden area, but it is only limited to Xuanhuo. For the native residents of the Fire Forbidden Land, even if others take it away, the token will automatically return within a period of time.Luo Tian was one of the lucky ones. Not long after he won the Xuanji Yugui, he returned to the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, so naturally he was not taken back.

After Fang Qingyun, the old man in sackcloth, waved his sleeves, a clear light flashed in his palm for a few times, and then disappeared.

After a few moments of effort, three dark yellow lights shot down from the sky and landed directly on Fang Qingyun's palm.And Luo Tian also felt that the Xuanji Yugui on his body broke away from his control in an instant, and flew down into Fang Qingyun's palm, merged with the three rays of light, flickered slightly, and a complete Xuanji Yugui appeared.

The complete Xuanji Yugui is about two feet and five inches long. After the four pieces of jade are put together, the Xuanji Yugui seems to have never been separated. It is obvious that a rather extraordinary prohibition formation is carved on it.

"Take it." Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, waved his hand, and the complete Xuanji Yugui immediately fell into Luo Tian's hands. At the same time, Fang Qingyun flipped his hand, and a cloud-white long sword suddenly appeared.

"This sword is called Zhanyun Sword, and it will replace Xuanji Yugui as the third-generation command talisman of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land from now on!" After finishing speaking, Fang Qingyun, an old man in sackcloth, trembled slightly, and then Zhanyunjian was divided into four cloud-white small swords , three of them disappeared directly into the void, and only one fell in front of the undead demon king.

The Undead Demon King didn't speak, just reached out and put away the Zhanyun Sword.

As soon as the Xuanji Yugui fell into his hand, before Luo Tian could touch it happily, the additional conditions of Mr. Fang came to his mind, and his arm softened immediately, almost causing the Xuanji Yugui to fall out of his palm...

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