
Chapter 175

Under the endless sea of ​​clouds and rivers of mist, everything in the world is covered, but ordinary people's naked eyes cannot detect it.Under the boundless white clouds and mist, one after another straight mountain peaks stand suddenly. Among them, the tallest mountain peak is as straight as a knife, like a sharp sword upside down, stabbing fiercely into the sky, as if it wants to pierce the infinite sky. .And above the ten-thousand-foot-high sky, there are endless thunder and light snakes constantly swimming, making heart-pounding roars.

Luo Tian was wearing a green robe, sitting cross-legged under the mountain quietly, closing his eyes to luck, a series of blurred dark orange flames shot out from his body, reflecting his weird posture at this time was even more weird.

I saw Luo Tian pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other. Two streams of scorching white air spewed out from his nostrils, like two long snakes swimming around his whole body. After a long time, he finally absorbed the flaming white air around his body. , opened his eyes sharply, and grabbed the air in front of him with his big hand, a dark yellow light strip fell into his hand immediately, and immediately waved lightly towards the distance without hesitation.

A heart-pounding scene happened!

A dark yellow flame as thick as an arm condensed into a sword, and fell into the distance with a dull sound of explosion. In an instant, the dark yellow lightsaber hit a small mountain peak.Then there was a loud bang, and the small mountain peak was forcibly punched out of a bottomless waist-sized deep hole, which even drove countless gravel and vegetation to slide down from the mountain peak, just like a small accident just happened. earthquake.

"Let's not bring it for fun, okay?"

There was a strange cry, and then a light black smoke drew a strange arc from the bottom of the small mountain peak, and fell in front of Luo Tian. The black smoke dispersed, revealing the miserable face of Monk Mingyue, with even more resentful eyes. Staring at Luo Tian.

"Uh, it was an accident just now..." Luo Tian calmly stared at the two blades of grass on Monk Mingyue's bald head, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a dry smile.

"Pull it down!" Monk Mingyue didn't buy it at all, and retorted with a sneer, "You kid has refined two Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruits, and the Sa family can't believe that you didn't find that the Sa family has long been hiding aside, pretending to be a big-tailed wolf! "

Hearing this, Luo Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "You haven't refined a Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit, so you're too embarrassed to say me. By the way, haven't you been pulling the weight of the cow recently? Why don't you have time to come?" I'm here?"

"Don't mention that rammed product!" Monk Mingyue slapped his forehead dejectedly, "You said that we are all the best in refining Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit, so why isn't the Sa family a match for that guy? That guy is full of muscles and bones! The needle is impenetrable, and it would be mortifying to fight with him, a beast is a beast!"

"His grandma, I knew you, a hairless bald head, would speak ill of me!" An angry shout came from the sky, and before the voice fell, Niu Zhong appeared in front of the two of them shaking his huge head, "It's okay My old cow has more minds, and secretly followed you for two days and two nights, isn't it, is it revealing?"

"..." Now, even Monk Mingyue himself had to admit that Niu Zhong defeated him...

Speaking of which, Luo Tian, ​​Niu Zhong and Monk Mingyue ranked the top three in this battle of Yin-Yang Tianchi, which is really surprising.Needless to say, Luo Tian and Niu Zhong are among the top three, which is quite normal.Monk Mingyue had killed hundreds of monsters because he cooperated with Luo Tian before, and when he was fighting against the powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Realm at Yuqiao, he got shit luck and met the stronger Nine Heavens Realm. The weak and strong, because of this, he actually defeated the three of Liu Qingfeng, ranked third, and also obtained a Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruit.

"Luo Tian, ​​are you interested in fighting with me?" Niu Zhong turned his head to look at Luo Tian, ​​his copper-bell-like bull's eyes revealed an unprecedented enthusiasm, "I know that the two of you are about to leave the Black Fire Forbidden Land, maybe in the future Never had a chance to meet again."

In fact, apart from Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue, Liu Qingfeng and the others had left the Profound Fire Forbidden Area two months ago.

"it is good!"

Luo Tian stood up, waved his sleeves and raised his legs. The next moment, his whole body appeared in the mid-air of boundless clouds and mist.


"Minotaur, you are so interesting, I will come to find you when I have a chance in the future!"

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue each carried a lot of high-grade spirit stones donated by Niu Zhong, and stood in the ancient teleportation formation.Luo Tian smiled at Niu Zhong, while Monk Mingyue yelled rather reluctantly.

"Okay!" Niu Zhong's eyes were a little misty, but he immediately laughed and raised the sea bowl in his hand to the two of them, and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue also raised their necks, and proudly drank all the water and wine in their hands.

clap clap clap!

After three shattering sounds of the sea bowl, a burst of indescribable smoke swirled with the strong wind. After a while, the figures of Luo Tian and the two in the teleportation array suddenly disappeared.


"Senior brother, when do you think the two people mentioned by the head teacher will appear?"

Outside an unnamed valley, a bonfire was burning. Beside the bonfire were four monks in lavender robes. They were sitting and drinking wine. If you looked closely, you would find that the belts around their waists were all embroidered with Two very conspicuous white stars.

The core disciple of Ziyao Mountain!

The forty-year-old senior monk heard the words and sighed softly: "Even if we find those two people, we will have to run away! Didn't you hear what Miss Su Han said, the strength of those two people can even overwhelm you?" Dongfang Potian and Liu Qingfeng are on the same side, and they are very familiar with the three demon kings of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land. It is very likely that when they leave the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, they will not take the passage marked by the Yinyang Tianchi, otherwise, why would I eat now? This pain."

"No way? The actions of the three demon kings simply broke the rules!"

"In the face of absolute strength, there are no rules to talk about."

The four core disciples who were not used to Ziyao Mountain were talking in a low voice, but the two dark figures on the canopy not far away looked at each other.

"Han...Brother Luotian, what should we do?" Monk Mingyue said with a gloomy face, "These three major sects are too bullying! Why don't you and my brother kill him a few times?"

Niu Zhong and Monk Mingyue knew Luo Tian's real name when they were in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, but Han Yi had been calling him for a long time, so he was not used to it for a while.


The answer to Monk Mingyue was Luo Tian's figure as fast as a thunderbolt. In fact, if he could leave without fighting the opponent, Luo Tian would not be too lazy to do it. There are monks from the three major sects gathered on the road, so they have to kill them out.

puff puff!

Now, Luo Tian's Five Elements Shifting Technique has generally achieved a small degree of success. Once the Earth Dunning Technique is used, monks who are not at the alchemy stage and above cannot detect it.


The two monks in Ziyao Mountain only had time to let out a low cry before they were dragged to the ground by Luo Tian, ​​and their necks were forcibly twisted. Destroy!

"who is it?"

The remaining two monks looked shocked and wanted to run away, but they were blocked by an extremely soft black smoke screen as soon as they ran five or six feet away.

"Of course it's the person you're looking for." Monk Mingyue walked out of the darkness slowly with the moon-covering shovel in his hands, his eyelids drooping, "The fellow Taoist who wanted to set off fireworks, I'm afraid you have no chance!"


The Ziyaoshan monk who wanted to release the messenger fireworks secretly stopped the movement of his hands, and looked at the palm protruding from his chest in unwillingness and horror. Immediately, he felt an extremely hot breath coming from his soul, and then No more consciousness.


"Copper-skinned steel-framed iron heart?!"

The only Ziyaoshan cultivator left was the calm middle-aged man. At this moment, he stared blankly at the opponent who was stabbed by the flying sword in his hand, and unexpectedly his body trembled, and he turned his head and ran away.

Generally speaking, when a monk reaches the innate state, that is, the qi refining stage, his body will naturally be tempered into copper-skinned steel bones and iron lungs.But even with such a solid body, it is still vulnerable to magic weapons.As for Luo Tian himself, he entered the Tao with martial arts, and the Five Elements Shifting Technique was the basis of his body training. His current physical body has truly reached the state of copper-skinned steel-framed iron heart.As long as it is not a treasure-level magic weapon, Luo Tian is confident that he can defeat the opponent with just a pair of fleshy palms.

"Monk, I leave it to you."

Luo Tian didn't pursue, but just dodged and sat down beside the campfire.

"Don't run!" Monk Mingyue was taken aback for a moment, and then chased after him with cursing in a low voice...

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