
Chapter 184 The Dark Snake Emperor

"Ah! Shangxian, please forgive me..."

The golden nanmu tree king screamed again, "The villain dare not, the villain dare not!"

"It's late." Luo Tian said calmly, with no sadness or joy on his face, "I gave you a chance. It's because you don't know how to cherish it."

Fumo Ganghuo, designed to subdue the world's evil spirits.Although the tree king is not weak in morals, he was obviously seriously injured before, otherwise Luo Tian wanted to refine it so easily, it would be quite a tricky thing.

After half an hour passed, Luo Tian stood in the void energetically, with a trace of joy on his face.

"This tree king has such a huge accumulation!" At this moment, Luo Tian not only recovered his mana, but also improved his soul. He had already reached the state of great perfection in the alchemy stage, and he was only one step away from entering the cultivation of the soul The realm of the great monk.

"The essence of the tree king's spiritual consciousness has been refined by myself, and this body is barely enough. Anyway, the black flame bamboo has not made any movement yet, why not refine it into a purple lotus sword formation for now." Luo Tian murmured, Immediately his face changed, and the whole person instantly disappeared into the canopy of the golden nanmu tree king, without making a sound.

A moment later, two dark men with totem patterns on their bodies, each holding a huge stone spear on their shoulders, walked swaggeringly from the forest, with a cloth belt tied on their foreheads, and a long spear of an unknown bird was inserted into the cloth belt. Long feathers, rippling with traces of brilliance.

"Just now, the sacred tree issued an early warning with the aid of the statue. Could it be that there are foreign enemies invading?"

"After checking around, generally speaking, very few people from my Cathode Island are willing to come, and besides, as a patriarch, I won't be afraid of these outsiders."


The two big men chattered in an unknown language, and then swaggered towards the distance.

In the next moment, Luo Tian appeared in the void with an unsteady expression, staring closely at the two big men who were obviously native residents of this place.Others may not be clear, but Luo Tian recognized that the language spoken by the two big men just now was the ancient Qingliwen.Moreover, those two big men's cultivation bases are not high, and they look like they have just stepped into the innate realm, but the feathers on their heads have been sacrificed with secret methods, and they can resist some spiritual attacks.

It's just that this kind of sacrificial refining method is really rough to Luo Tian.Without even thinking about it, Luo Tian immediately separated two thoughts of spiritual consciousness and attached them to the two big men.It seems that this island is called Cathode Island, and there are still some aborigines on the island, and according to what the two people said, there is another ethnic group here, and the cultivation of the patriarch is not weak.

When the two of them walked away, Luo Tianmo used his spiritual consciousness to cast the purple lotus sword qi, a gold-based Taoism technique, and a layer of sword qi was thrown into the body of the golden nanmu tree king like a sharp giant at this moment. Cut off the core of the tree completely, and immediately throw it into the space of the black lotus.

The golden nanmu tree king is obviously dead, but there is still no sign of it on the body surface.Luo Tian knew that it would take at least a month for the tree king's body to wither, so he was not afraid of being noticed by these native residents.

After all this, Luo Tian sensed that the spiritual consciousness attached to the two men began to move towards the depths of Cathode Island, and immediately crushed an invisibility talisman. Anyway, his soul is strong, and he is not afraid that the natives will notice it, so he Followed in a dignified manner.

The two natives didn't rely solely on their feet, but straddled a monster that looked like a sheep, not a sheep, or a horse, not a horse. Carrying one person, just running, the speed is not slow.

Luo Tian followed the two of them for hundreds of miles, only to be surprised to find that along the way, many human monks like himself were planting something in the fields.On the surrounding roads, there are still some aborigines staring at these human monks, but if these human monks occasionally disobey, they will beat or scold them.It was miserable.

Luo Tian's divine sense swept over these human monks, and he knew that most of these monks were monks in the Qi refining period, among them there were several monks in the foundation building period, and one old man was a monk in the early stage of alchemy.And the exercises in their bodies are exactly the same, they are all extremely cold breaths.

Luo Tian was very puzzled, these monks were pretty good, why did they act as slaves to the aborigines?

Half an hour later, Luo Tian stood solemnly in front of a huge palace covering an extremely wide area.The entire palace gave off a chilly aura that made Luo Tian's scalp tingle, and the surrounding area of ​​the palace obviously experienced a great battle, the walls were covered with criss-cross sword marks everywhere, and there were many other Although the scratches on the weapons and magic weapons are still strong, the palace is obviously dilapidated, showing a trace of decadence.

Thoughts turned in his mind for a few times, Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness hovered over the palace for a long time, but he didn't find any masters, and the highest cultivation in the palace was only in the middle of the foundation establishment period, so he slapped half of the jade bone When the wreckage was thrown out, a flash of white light flashed, and the jade bone wreckage immediately drew a strange arc and entered the palace.

Since Luo Tian's divine consciousness was attached to the jade bone remains, it was very easy to discover the scene inside the palace. The palace is large, but there are not many rooms.Under Luo Tian's control, the remains of the jade bones were easily found outside a unique palace, and then lightly leaped, falling from the air, lying on the ground of the palace without a sound. Above the window lattice, looking inward.

The inside of this hall is filled with smog and lingering blue smoke. In the center of the innermost part, there is a statue of four or five feet tall. Or holding a sword, or making handprints, or holding an axe, axe, hook and fork, etc.On the head of the god statue was wearing a high crown with a strange style, and the eyes were slender and slender, revealing a sense of coldness.

Below the statue, there are two cauldron furnaces. Inside the cauldron furnace are two discs of blue and purple color, and the blue smoke is formed by burning them.

"Xuan Yin | Daoist! Concentrate on the incense!"

Luo Tian was overwhelmed with shock, he had read all the classics, and he was even more familiar with rare genealogies, so he immediately recognized these two things.No wonder the tree king kept saying that he wanted to pass on his ancient orthodox skills. Could it be the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra?And that fragrance of concentration is not an ordinary thing, it is a mixture of dozens of precious elixir, which has the incomparable effect of increasing the consciousness and strengthening the primordial spirit.

"Who is spying on me?"

A thunderous roar rang out, and Luo Tian's consciousness attached to the remains of the jade bone collapsed almost instantly.Immediately, the old man who bowed respectfully under the statue of Xuanyin | Dao Zun, his big black feathers on his head trembled, and suddenly shot a ray of light towards Luotian's jade bone remains.

"A mere evil spirit dares to occupy Xuanyin | Taoist statues pick incense?"

Luo Tian himself arrived in an instant, stretched out his palm, and the Fumo Ganghuo flew out, directly devouring the light, and then landed on the old man. The magic gang fire burned up completely.

"Fu Mo Ganghuo! No wonder you dare to offend the Emperor!"

Xuan Yin|Two streams of black smoke shot out from the eyes of the Taoist statue, and a tall man with a height of two feet appeared in front of Luo Tian in an instant.

Luo Tian's consciousness swept away, and he couldn't help but take two steps back. At this moment, the tall man showed his true body without any concealment.

"Dark Snake Emperor!"

ps: Uh, everyone, don’t take pictures of me. I’m doing a project in other places these days, so the update is not very good, forgive me.

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