
Chapter 185 Xuanyin 1 Meridian

After a while, Luo Tian regained his composure. The Dark Snake Emperor was a great figure in ancient times, how could he hide in the secular world, this person must be his avatar condensed through the world with his supreme supernatural power.Even if the strength of the avatar is good, but if it is so high that no one can match it, there is no need to absorb the fragrance of concentration.

"It's just a clone, what's the point!" Luo Tian smiled faintly, "After I destroy your clone and erase your soul, what can you do to me?"

"How dare you?!" The Dark Snake Emperor's avatar yelled angrily, like a lion and a tiger roaring together, almost all the blue smoke above the entire palace was shaken away, and at the same time, a huge black snake light and shadow parted from the Dark Snake Emperor's avatar It came out and swooped down from the air. In the thick black, a huge black head and its sharp fangs could be vaguely seen.

Luo Tian's face was calm, Zixia clothes directly released thousands of purple clouds and rays of light, after countless battles, Luo Tian finally decided to wear Zixia clothes on his body all the time, in case of accidents, this time it finally worked.Then Fumoganghuo collided with the black snake like light and electricity, and became entangled endlessly.

Seeing this happening, the expressions of Luo Tian and the Black Snake Emperor avatar all changed.

Luo Tian was because Fu Mo Gang Huo, who had never been successful in many trials, was unable to do anything to the opponent in a short period of time.But the Dark Snake Emperor was startled by the power of the Fumo Ganghuo. With his existence, against an underground ant like Shang Luotian, even the Fumoganghuo couldn't exert much power. He thought he could easily catch it. Come on, who would have expected that it would be evenly divided.

After all, the Dark Snake Emperor avatar also inherited all of its own skills, and when it saw this, it split into two huge black snake phantoms out of thin air, intending to kill Luo Tian in one fell swoop.

"Mind distraction! This is a supernatural power only available to monks in the distraction period!" Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth immediately, and shouted fiercely, "Fucking forced me to be seriously injured again!"


A mountain peak exuding a hint of thunder suddenly appeared, and slammed into three black snakes fiercely. The first black snake was almost half of its body scattered by Fen Baoyan.Luo Tian shot again and again with his big hand, and Fen Baoyan smashed violently with incomparable power, and quickly smashed the three phantom black snakes into nothingness.

"It's a treasure..." The Dark Snake Emperor's avatar was shocked, and was about to flee through the air.

"Seal me!"

A ray of brass brilliance flashed, and immediately locked the position of the Dark Snake Emperor clone in the void, restrained it, and revealed its figure.

"It's the third mother..." The dark snake emperor's avatar screamed as if seeing a ghost, and immediately, with a sound of ah, under the simultaneous blows of Fen Baoyan and Fumo Ganghuo, his figure slowly dissipated.

"You lowly ants, I remember your aura, as long as you reach the ancient cultivation world, I will kill you!"

A brilliance flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, "I will accompany you at any time! Now that I have refined you first, it might be possible to improve your cultivation!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's formulas were fired one after another, and Fumo Ganghuo tightly wrapped the Dark Snake Emperor's avatar, and then kept compressing it, and finally condensed into an extremely black strange bead, which was thrown into the black lotus space .

Then, Luo Tian, ​​who was extremely pale, fell to the ground. Fortunately, he killed the opponent in an instant this time, otherwise he might be seriously injured again this time.For the formation of alchemy, the most urgent thing is to enter the period of alchemy. At that time, it is easier to control Fenbaoyan.


Three days, just three days, cathodic island has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Luo Tian Hengkong was born, and after strangling the indigenous patriarch and the clone of the Dark Snake Emperor, he single-handedly took the remains of jade bones and captured most of the indigenous residents of Cathode Island, abolished his dantian cultivation, and rescued those human monks from the sea of ​​suffering .All of a sudden, the human monks were all smiling, hugging and celebrating each other with tears.

"That's right! You are the astonishing person who can lead my Xuanyin lineage to re-establish the orthodoxy in the Taoist prophecy!" Luo Tian used his spiritual sense to detect the old man in the early stage of alchemy who had the highest cultivation level in Xuanyin | Daoist After kneeling in front of him for a day and a night, he just got up, then stared at Luo Tian who was sitting cross-legged on the futon for a long time, and said.

"I have no interest in being the head of a sect." Luo Tian used Fen Baoyan one after another. At this moment, the accumulated burden in his body has reached a precarious point. How could he be distracted from managing such a dilapidated ancient orthodoxy? What's more, it is true that the Xuanyin Sect was invincible in the ancient times, but now it is in decline, and the enemies back then are becoming more and more tyrannical. , the entire army would have to be wiped out within half a day, this kind of stupid thing can't be done.

The old man who was born in the orthodox Xuanyin Sect did not change his face when he heard the words, but said with great confidence: "No, you are destined to practice the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, and the words of the Taoist are not wrong! And , no one can resist the temptation to practice this peerless classic!"

Luo Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, you are destined to be big, I am destined, I see that you guys have been enslaved for so long by a group of indigenous barbarians whose cultivation base is only the middle stage of the foundation establishment period, and you are still tempted, brother I don’t want to cultivate After learning it, he was beaten and played by a group of monks in the Qi refining period.It would be better to find a piece of tofu and kill him.

"Ah! Your primordial spirit is actually so strong, my sect is not far away from prosperity!" The old man's consciousness swept away, his face changed drastically, his legs softened, and he knelt down facing Luo Tian directly, "Xuanyin teaches Taiyin envoys No.70 eighth-generation disciple Tan Taiyun pays homage to the head sect!"

"Grandma's legs!" Luo Tian yelled solemnly, and quickly avoided, "Tantaiyun, in front of Xuanyin | ?”

Tantaiyun burst into tears, no matter how Luo Tian dodged, he knelt down to him with incomparable precision and howled, "Master, you must not abandon your pious disciples, I will bear the humiliation for thousands of years, It's for today! You will definitely lead my Xuanyin Sect to laugh proudly again!"

With a mournful face, Luo Tian said, "Tantaiyun, I beg you! Don't call me the master anymore. I'm not the master you're looking for. Just let me go! You'd better find someone else to laugh with you." Proud, huh?"

"Zhang Zong, you don't let the disciples call you Zhang Zong, this is very correct! You should be called Zhang Jiao, it's the fault of this old man, this old man committed suicide to thank the ancestors!" Tan Taiyun said with his palms like knives, It fell towards the neck extremely quickly, and it was extremely determined to commit suicide without hesitation.


With a wave of Luo Tian's big hand, a violent palm wind wrapped around Tantai Yun's palm, "If you die, the Xuanyin Sect will have no one to control it!"

"Since the head teacher opened his mouth to spare the old man's life, then the old man's life will be kept for the time being, and he will act as a pawn for the head teacher to fight the enemy bravely in the future to repay the head teacher for today's extrajudicial favor!" Tantai Yun said solemnly.

Luo Tian reached out and patted his forehead, this old man is hopeless.

"The head teacher doesn't have to worry about the future of the Xuanyin Sect. The general outline of the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Sutra is in the hands of the old man, and there are all the exercises of the Xuanyin lineage. As long as the head teacher is willing to practice hard, it will definitely let me Xuanyin The teaching once again shocked the world!"

"..." Luo Tian was speechless for a while. This old man is obviously a war maniac and fantasy maniac. Apart from fighting and killing, he is a powerful man in the world, and he is very self-righteous. When did I worry about the future of Xuanyin Sect...

"Also, the head teacher must not take risks alone and go out to annihilate the enemy before Xuanyin Taishang Daojing Xiaocheng! Cathode Island, as the ancient main altar of my Xuanyin Sect, has been destroyed by those bastards. It is a piece of ruins, and there is an ancient restriction, although after thousands of years, the restriction has been loosened, but it cannot be broken by the head teacher's current cultivation."

"..." Luo Tian, ​​who originally wanted to run away secretly, went dark and immediately despaired.

"If the head teacher wants to improve his strength quickly, my female disciple of the Xuanyin sect, the head teacher, will pick up the Xuanyin true essence. I believe they will also regard it as the supreme glory of their ancestors!"

"... "

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