
Chapter 186

Two months later, in a secret room made of high-quality golden nanmu, layers of faint fire shadows shone on Luo Tian's body, and there were four coils of finger-thick incense in the four corners of the secret room. Blue smoke billowed out, as if pulled by an inexplicable force, four streams of blue smoke kept converging towards the top of the secret room, finally forming a blue cloud the size of a millstone.

And Luo Tian concentrated his mind and kept absorbing the fragrance of Ningshen. The damaged primordial spirit was constantly repaired and tempered, and this was repeated hundreds of times. After tempering, Luo Tian just retracted his profound skills and stood up, then his body swayed, and four afterimages that seemed to be real flashed out, and with a flick of his fingers, the incense that was still burning in the corner was extinguished.

"This kind of treasure can't be wasted too much." Luo Tian said to himself, "It's no wonder that even the Dark Snake Emperor has taken a fancy to Cathode Island. This Cathode Island is the main altar of the ancient Taoist Xuanyin Sect, although the aura is not as good as before. , but it can produce such heaven-defying treasures as Ningshenxiang. Fortunately, the Dark Snake Emperor has not occupied this place for a long time, and was accidentally hit by himself and destroyed the avatar. If there are hundreds of 80 years, the avatar may be comparable to the deity Yes, it's dangerous!"

Fortunately, now, this Cathode Island is already his own territory, and he can use the Ning Shen Xiang at will.

"Teacher, Master!"

At this time, the words of Tan Taiyun, that crazy old man came from outside the secret room.

Luo Tian's face was full of sorrow, this old guy was so stubborn that he was hopelessly stubborn, he seemed to believe that he was the only hope of Guangda Xuanyin Sect...

"What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Tantai?"

With a flash of a figure, Luo Tian stepped out of the secret room and asked expressionlessly.


Tantaiyun's knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, crying loudly: "Master, you don't want to kill this old man! I can't afford to call you that old man, please quickly take back what you just said." words!"

"Okay, old guy, are you finished?" Luo Tian said angrily, almost vomiting blood in depression.

Tantai Yun looked overjoyed, "It's very good, very good to call the head teacher like that!"

"..." What a motherfucker, Luo Tian thought silently.


Luo Tian stood on the main hall of the Xuanyin Sect that had been mostly repaired, looked at the trembling and busy figures of the aborigines in the fields in the distance, couldn't help smiling slightly, the breeze blew, the sun shone golden on his body, against which he seemed to be A celestial being who wants to ride the wind to go home.

"The teacher is really handsome!"

There were two men and two women standing respectfully in His Excellency, led by Tan Taiyun, who did not dare to make a sound.

Fengshui takes turns, and the way of heaven in this world does not change. Luo Tian looked at those indigenous barbarians who were domineering a few days ago, but today they have changed their identities into slaves. Mystery, instantly dissipated.

The next moment, Luo Tian's figure floated down from the roof of the hall, with his hands behind his back, and after a long time, he said, "Tantaiyun, can we all gather together?"

"Reporting to the head teacher, Xuanyin sect is inherited from the ancient times. There are six masters in total, Xuanyin and Taiyin are the two guardian emissaries, and the four elders are Fengyun, Thunder and Lightning. Now except for the Taiyin guardian and the Feng elders, all of them are here. This. It is said... It is said that..."

Speaking of this, Tantai Yun's complexion changed from red to blue, angry, helpless, quite complicated.

"Supposedly what?"

Tan Taiyun gritted his teeth and said: "The Taiyin lineage and the Feng elder lineage have both defected from the sect after the drastic changes in the ancient Xuanyin sect, and have established their own forces. Annihilate it!"

With a move in Luo Tian's heart, his spiritual sense swept over the four of Tantaiyun, and he couldn't help laughing to himself. The current Xuanyin Sect is dilapidated and its power has been greatly reduced. The only four remaining masters are one in the middle stage of alchemy formation and three in the middle stage of knot formation. In the early stage of alchemy, and this is still the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, the cultivation of these four people is only in the foundation establishment stage.Since the other two veins dared to establish a sect, their cultivation bases were at least in the late stage of alchemy formation. After thousands of years of evolution, there might still exist those with higher cultivation bases.Annihilation?It would be nice not to be wiped out...

Seeming to see through Luo Tian's mind, Tantai Yun chuckled and said, "You don't need to worry about the headmaster! Even if the disciples of the two lines have passed on for a long time, the soul imprints on the primordial spirit cannot be erased, unless their cultivation base surpasses Xuanyin's." Daoist, otherwise the soul imprints will always follow them. As long as the headmaster has practiced the general outline of the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, he can control the secret method that only the headmaster can manipulate, and stimulate the soul imprints in their bodies. When the time comes, hehe , as long as the headmaster has a thought, they will disappear in smoke!"

"Oh?" Luo Tian's eyes lit up, "There are such secrets? Then don't you also..."

"That's right!" Tan Taiyun said proudly, "Since we have joined the Xuanyin Sect, we will never change our resolve and never betray the sect! The descendants of the six major branches of the Xuanyin Sect all have soul imprints, without exception!"

With a heart move, Luo Tian was stunned. That Xuanyin Daoist is indeed a peerless figure. He actually planted such a vicious soul brand on the six main veins, and it can be passed on forever. His own cultivation is simply against the sky. .

Then, Tan Taiyun, the envoy of the Xuanyin Sect who inherited the inheritance, told Luo Tian all the secrets of the Xuanyin Sect.

After a long time, Luo Tian just breathed a sigh of relief. This Xuanyin Sect is not weak, it is simply a perverted force!No wonder so many Daoist sects joined forces to destroy it in ancient times. If this sect really grows, it can sweep the world!

It turns out that Xuanyin Sect's exercises are aimed at the primordial spirit, and they don't pay much attention to their own cultivation.Especially when the primordial spirit and spiritual consciousness have been cultivated to the late stage of alchemy, then they can truly display the power of the Xuanyin teaching skills. Only a monk with spiritual consciousness in the late stage of alchemy is enough to easily defeat a monk in the early stage of the nascent soul. big monk.This is the tyrannical aspect of Yuanshen Kung Fu, even if you cultivate to the sky, without the top-level Yuanshen defensive magic weapon, you will be completely restrained by the Xuanyin Sect's kung fu!

"Teacher, if you want to practice the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, the highest method of this teaching, you must join forces with the four most powerful vein masters among the six major branches. It's not that the subordinates look down on the teacher. It's such a pain, please hold back the head teacher, and insist on memorizing the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra in your heart." Finally, Tan Taiyun told Luo Tian again through sound transmission, and said proudly, "This method can only be practiced by those who are most loyal to our sect. I just found out about the lineage of the Xuanyin Guardian Envoy!"

Please look down on me.Luo Tian wailed in his heart, he is not indifferent to such a supreme method, but it is unavoidably difficult to practice this kind of method, and if he has practiced the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, he may have to take over the current mess of Xuanyin Sect .

"Uh, let's talk about it after a while." Luo Tian was so preoccupied with leaving this place quickly that he had to say perfunctorily.

"Please don't delay the teacher, and practice the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra as soon as possible!" Tantai Yun was ruthless enough, and knelt down directly, "If the teacher refuses to agree, this subordinate would rather not kneel forever!"

"Please Master, don't delay!" The other men and two women also knelt down one after another, looking at Luo Tian with fanaticism and hope in their eyes.They have been waiting for this day for too long.

Luo Tian was anxious, isn't this driving ducks to the shelves?

"Teacher, if you don't practice Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave Cathode Island in this life." Tan Taiyun looked at Luo Tian devoutly, with a hint of a half-smile in his eyes.

"Then let's get started." Luo Tian slapped his forehead helplessly. Was it good luck or bad luck to meet this group of fanatical believers who had been seriously brainwashed?

ps: I'm still out of town. This chapter was coded ahead of time. I can't access the Internet for the time being, but it won't be updated.

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