
Chapter 187

After burning incense and bathing, Luo Tian changed into a new shirt, feeling extremely awkward.The rules of the Xuanyin Sect are too big, and it took two full hours just to prepare the etiquette.This is not counting the tedious prayer ceremony.

"let's start!"

When Luo Tian knelt down until his legs were sore and numb, he finally heard Tantai Yun's incomparably beautiful voice of nature, and couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief.

Xuanyin|Under the statue of Daoist God, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the center, surrounded by Tantaiyun and the other three elders, kowtowed to the statue nine times devoutly, shaking the ground rattle.Then the four of them stretched out their fingers and pointed towards the center of their eyebrows. Four drops of eerie lavender primordial spirit blood fused together, and the purple brilliance surged, and immediately fell into the center of the eyebrows of the Xuanyin | Daoist God Statue.


Xuan Yin|A powerful aura suddenly emerged from the Taoist statue, and then two purple brilliance shot out from the pupils, forming a human-sized purple cocoon-like mask, covering Luo Tian inside.

According to Tantaiyun's instructions, Luo Tian let go of his consciousness with all his strength, and felt a tingling pain in his soul, and he almost passed out. Immediately, layers of purple brilliance filled his soul, and the squeezed soul was almost about to collapse. burst open.

"Teacher, condense the primordial spirit, and reverse the divine consciousness!"

Tantaiyun shouted loudly, but was swept away by the purple brilliance, and opened his mouth to spit out a blood arrow.

Reverse consciousness?Even Luo Tian couldn't help being taken aback, and secretly complained in his heart, can I stop playing?As long as there is a mistake in reversing the spiritual consciousness, it will be a miserable end, but now he can't get off the horse, so he has to slowly reverse the spiritual consciousness.

When Luo Tian did this, the purple brilliance that filled the entire sea of ​​primordial consciousness also changed immediately, twisted and shaken, and turned into fist-sized characters, sometimes like tadpoles, sometimes like earthworms, sometimes like dragon elephants, Simply unpredictable.

Then, the light smoke rises, and the heavy smoke sinks.The light smoke slowly condensed into four large characters in the air, one on the left and one on the right, with "Xuan Yin" on the left and "Tai Shang" on the right.The two complement each other regardless of you and me. In an instant, Luo Tian felt a change in the scene in front of him, and immediately there were countless Qingli words that could not stop wandering.Fortunately, when Luo Tian was in Moyun Temple, he had mastered Qingli's literature a lot. Except for some obscure words, he had exhausted his mathematics. Do your best.

chi chi-

When Luo Tian was memorizing the words flying in the air dazedly, the heavy smoke that sank suddenly surged down quickly, emitting bursts of light noises that were extremely difficult to detect.

Below the heavy smoke, it seems to be an infinite deep pit, devouring the deep purple smoke without knowing where it is going.All of a sudden, the heavy smoke seemed to have encountered an obstacle and let out a muffled bang.

"...Gathering yin to form, hundreds of thousands of animals can change..." Luo Tian tried his best to memorize the general outline of the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, but he didn't notice the changes at the bottom of the void, and suddenly felt a chill in his spiritual consciousness The extreme Gang Sha Qi was used from below, and it was half a beat too late to deal with it.The evil spirits rushed down, rushed directly into the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist scriptures, and followed them into Luotian's primordial spirit.

Luo Tian's spirit, which was considered tough at first, was directly entered into his body by the evil spirit, bursting into countless places immediately, and his face turned pale with shock. If these extremely fierce evil spirits were allowed to enter his body, his spirit would explode sooner or later. Eventually turned into fly ash.

"The beginning of Xuanyin, the beginning of Taiyin. There is no illness, no criticism, stagnation and nothingness..." Before he even had time to think, Luo Tianxia consciously started to run the general outline of Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, and was forced to practice this supreme scripture .

Time passed bit by bit, Luo Tian's torn soul had stopped exploding, and the sky-filled Qing Li Wen sped into Luo Tian's body like a fish on land about to rush into the sea. Li Wen rushed into his body crazily, Luo Tian felt the knife-like pain in his soul began to subside slowly, replaced by an incomparably warm and comfortable feeling of coldness, which also made him run Xuanyin Taishang even faster The Dharma Gate of Taoism comes...

Outside the purple cocoon mask, the four monks headed by Tantai Yun saw the purple smoke on Luo Tian's body surface gradually condensed into water mist, knowing that Luo Tian had gradually entered the door, the worries in their hearts were gone, and their bodies trembled with incomparable excitement. Trembling slightly, after too long, the Xuanyin Sect finally ushered in a new head teacher!

The long wait almost made this group of pious believers shake and lose confidence in Xuanyin|Taoist's prophecy.But now, the new head teacher is able to practice the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra smoothly.

"Hehe, old man Ye, are you convinced?" Tantai Yun looked at an old man with half-white beard and hair among the three elders, and snorted.

The old man was dressed in winter, but his hair was neatly combed. He wore a moon white gown with a folding fan hanging from his waist. Embroidered with a slowly floating white cloud.

This person is exactly the lineage of Elder Yun inherited from the Xuanyin Sect. His surname is Ye and his name is Shaoyuan.Apart from Tantai Yun, he is the person with the highest cultivation level of Xuanyin Sect.

I saw Ye Shaoyuan groping around in his bosom a few times, took out a stick of dry tobacco, knocked on the cigarette holder unhurriedly, puffed out a few puffs, and spit out a stream of smoke comfortably. Just now, those small eyes narrowed slightly and said: " Tantai old man, don't just make wedding dresses for others."

As soon as Ye Shaoyuan said this, the expressions of the remaining two elders, an old woman and a beautiful woman changed slightly, but seeing that Tantai Yun was still calm, they forcibly swallowed the words that reached their throats.

"Hey, since when did this old man do business at a loss?" Tan Taiyun rolled his eyes, smiled inscrutablely, and stopped talking.

"Elders, my subordinates have something to report!"

Ye Shaoyuan opened his mouth, and when he was about to ridicule Tantaiyun a few words, a loud report came from the disciples outside the door.

The next moment, Ye Shaoyuan's body flew backwards out of thin air, the palace gate opened without wind, and Ye Shaoyuan was outside the palace in an instant.

"Old man Ye still likes to show off so much!" Tantai Yun snorted twice, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with him.


In just three or four breaths, Ye Shaoyuan flew back with a livid complexion, stared at Tantai Yun for a long time, and then said word by word: "Old man Tantai, is it you who secretly let out the wind? Are you Playing with fire!"

"I never play with fire, I only play with life!" Tantai Yun's face flashed a savage look, "How can you allow others to snore beside the couch? These bastards are also worthy of practicing in the main altar of my Xuanyin sect? Could it be you A few people have been living on mediocrity for too long, and have forgotten the legacy left by our ancestors!"

The faces of Ye Shaoyuan and the three of them instantly became extremely ugly. After a while, Qi Qi shouted in a cold voice with a solemn expression: "Blood debt is paid with blood, show me the prestige of teaching!"

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