
Chapter 192 Formation of Alchemy, Take Him as a Servant

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The fish demon's three-water scale armor suddenly made a slight cracking sound, and it was actually precariously resisting the colorful sky thunder.A look of incomparable pain appeared on the fish demon's face, and in his heart he scolded Wu Zongheng, the eighteenth generation of Wu Zongheng's ancestors, back and forth in an instant.The Sanshui scale armor was made by refining three rivers for a hundred years on a sparsely populated island in the outer sea before he entered the sealed thousand-mile sea area, plus a combination of rare materials such as western fine gold and northern cold iron. Success is the fish monster's only primordial magic weapon, and also his only life-saving way to survive the catastrophe. In the end, he didn't use it, but someone else used it first. How can you not feel distressed?

"Why is this mutated sky thunder so powerful?" The fish demon and Sanshui Scaled Armor are closely connected in mind, since they clearly know the power of the mutated sky thunder, and even the magic weapon of the primordial spirit that he has always been proud of is almost supported Can't help it, this power is almost the same as the second catastrophe of the monster.

The fish demon was terrified, but he didn't know that Wu Zongheng, who was fighting against Tantai Yun in the distance, was even more terrified.He just paid attention to the fish demon's actions with a trace of consciousness, but found that Lei could hardly resist even the fish demon that day.

"This time it's really capsized in the gutter!" Wu Laoyao thought bitterly in his heart, "At first, I thought it was a treasure unearthed, but when it came, I found out that it was just someone crossing the heavenly tribulation. Crossing the heavenly tribulation is nothing, it's obviously just Sijiu who formed the alchemy Heavenly Tribulation, I didn't expect it to be a fucking mutant Heavenly Tribulation!"


At this time, a thunderstorm fell, and the fish monster, who had no time to escape, had to resist the thunderstorm for Luo Tian again with blood dripping from his heart, and couldn't help crying in his heart.I thought the treasure was at my fingertips, but I didn't expect that even if I didn't see a single hair of the treasure, it would still help people fight against the thunder miserably. There is damage, what should I do?

In fact, the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation is different from the Six Nine Heavens Tribulation and the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation. As long as someone enters the range of the thunder bombardment, the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation will be shared automatically.But the six-nine and nine-nine-day calamity means that the more people there are, the more powerful they will be multiplied!


The fish demon and the old demon Wu rushed towards the chain formation almost in unison, and the old demon Wu even played a gossip plate from a long distance away.

Tan Taiyun stood in the void with his hands behind his hands, smiled lightly, and did not beat the dog in the water. In his opinion, all this should only be solved by that person himself.

However, the two demons, the old Wu demon was like a frightened bird, and the fish demon was also terrified. It was just two thunderstorms, and he almost paid an unimaginable price, and he felt extremely regretful.It's just that at this moment, although the two of them felt bitter and unspeakable, they both cheered up and kept following the guidance of the gossip plate in the serial formation, and they couldn't care about anything else.

At this moment, Luo Tian is really sad. If it wasn't for his tyrannical physical body and abnormal spiritual consciousness, he might not be able to survive this mutant catastrophe.Fortunately, the fish demon, a lifeless guy, resisted the No. 30, 33 and [-] thunders in the four or nine days of calamity for him, and bought him a great breathing time. The purest magic power in the dantian Almost all of them have turned into yellow flame star points, like a huge vortex echoing the high altitude, constantly rotating, converging, moving towards the very center, tempering over and over again, and it is about to take shape.

At this time, the No.30 four-colored sky thunder in the air has actually fallen, directly splitting on the two-color stone cocoon, shaking the stone cocoon endlessly, and layers of stone powder are released from the stone cocoon. Floating down, it was covered with cracks like a spider web.

35 colorful thunders followed closely behind!


The entire stone cocoon was blown into dust by the thunder like a dream, and it flew in all directions, revealing the figure of Luo Tian sitting upright with his eyes closed.


Luo Tian's eyes suddenly opened, as sharp as a sharp sword, and the two blue eyes kept flickering open and close. Immediately, Luo Tian suddenly flew up and shot out from the hollow above his head.

After standing in the void, Luo Tian's mind moved, his body surface was immediately covered with a layer of yellow flame, and he happily looked at the formed golden pill in his dantian.The golden core is slightly different, although it is the size of a pigeon egg, it is shaped like a flame.Feeling the powerful mana in his body, which was almost countless times larger, Luo Tian's bones, blood and eight extraordinary meridians have reached a new height, and the internal organs chapter of the Five Elements Shifting Technique has finally been completed!

The five-element shifting technique is to train the body first, and then operate the five elements to cultivate the body.Although it is inconspicuous, it is really slow to practice. Now Luo Tian can really say that he has reached the realm of copper skin, steel frame and iron heart. Ordinary magic tools are definitely not as hard as his physical body.It is an ordinary treasure, I am afraid that it can fight with bare hands.

"The last sky thunder, let's see how high it has reached now." Luo Tian waved his sleeves and looked at No. 30 six colorful sky thunders falling down, which was also the last sky thunder.

call out!

The next moment, under the collapsed eyes of Tantai Yun and the others, Luo Tian rubbed his body up, met the last sky thunder with his body, and just blasted out with a simple punch.

A huge fist print came out of thin air and hit Tianlei lightly.Tantaiyun and the others turned their heads and closed their eyes almost subconsciously, beasts, too beasts... Even if they have reached the alchemy stage, they can't play so boldly, right?

Flesh against sky thunder?Headmaster... Could it be that his brain is flooded?

No.30 The six thunderbolts are extremely powerful. It seems that all the power of the four or nine days of calamity is concentrated on this final blow. Straight down from the sky.

But Luo Tian is still going forward.


What surprised Tantaiyun and the others was that the obviously irresistible panic thunder was scattered by Luo Tian's blow, and disappeared into nothingness out of thin air.And the huge vortex above the sky also rose slowly, and finally disappeared, and the black clouds in the sky also disappeared, followed by the scattered sunlight in the sky, shining brightly in front of people's eyes.

Luo Tian was also taken aback for a moment, this last thunderstorm was not as difficult to overcome as he imagined, on the contrary, it was easier...

In fact, no one knows that the power of the last blow of Heavenly Tribulation is specially aimed at the primordial spirit, and it is a powerful attack between heaven and earth.And Luo Tian's primordial spirit and divine consciousness have made great progress after practicing the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, and he possesses supernatural powers of heaven and earth coercion, so Tianlei has nothing to do with him this day.

"Asshole! Come out!"

A startled roar faintly entered Luo Tian's ears, causing him to frown slightly.

"Teacher!" Tantai Yun flew over with a smile on his face. The more he looked at Luo Tian, ​​the more he liked him. If he was a daughter, he might commit himself to marrying him...

"Who is this person?" Luo Tian said with a faint smile, showing his power with his hands and feet.

Tan Taiyun curled his lips, and said: "The fish that slipped through the net that you showed your supernatural power last time has some skills, so this subordinate will go and kill him."

The next moment, Luo Tian's body was blown by the wind and immediately dissipated.

"Teacher, what are you going to do?" Tantai Yun shouted at the top of his voice.

"Accept him as a servant!"

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