
Chapter 193 The 2nd Tianyu, it's getting bigger!

A few days later, Luo Tian took the newly recruited servants, namely Sha Xingyun and Tantaiyun, and started to perfect and improve the chain formation of Cathode Island.With Luo Tian's real cultivation base, that is, the appearance of the peak in the early stage of the alchemy stage, he is no match for Sha Xingyun and the three of them, but in the three supernatural powers of Fumo Ganghuo, Heaven and Earth Coercion, and Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Sutra. Under the combined efforts of Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian took these three monsters as his servants without spending much effort.

"Sha Xingyun, go and repair the large formation in the southeast according to the records." Luo Tian called out to Sha Xingyun with a livid face, and threw a jade slip.He was naturally not afraid that these three monsters would bite him back, even though all three of them had the peak cultivation of sixth-order monsters, in terms of real cultivation, Luo Tian was far inferior.However, Luo Tian has recently refined the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, and he can already plant a soul brand in their bodies, and he can kill them with just one thought.

Speaking of which, the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Sutra is really a peerless skill, even better than the Nine Flames Xuan Gong.Once the consciousness has reached the late stage of alchemy, it will be able to deal with the great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.Of course, this is based on the premise that the opponent does not have a magic weapon for the defense of the soul.

"Old... villain, obey!" Sha Xingyun gritted his teeth resentfully, and flew away reluctantly with a dark face.

"Hmph! What are you being proud of, Master, just kill such a rebellious guy!" Tantaiyun snorted coldly, his face was full of murderous intent, his eyes were full of fierceness, and the silent Wu Lao Yao beside him He and the fish demon were so frightened that their hearts throbbed violently.

Luo Tian also gave the old guy an annoyed look, and kept killing people all day but kept killing others. Could it be that this old guy is the reincarnation of Killing Star?

"Hey, everything is up to the teacher." Seeing Luo Tian's complexion, Tantai Yun hastily smiled flatteringly.The quickness of the face change is really amazing, and the two old monsters next to him rolled their eyes.

"You two go too." Luo Tian threw two jade slips to Wu Laoyao.

After the figures of Wu Laoyao disappeared, Tantai Yun's face changed, and he said solemnly: "Master, Wu Zongheng and Sha Xingyun are nothing to worry about. Even though the city is deep, these two people can't escape your palm. Then Yu Qing seems to be extremely unwilling in his heart."

"When did Elder Tantai have such sharp eyesight?" Luo Tian looked at Tantai Yun with a half-smile, and with his eyes sweeping, he almost saw Tantai Yun thoroughly.

Tantaiyun laughed dryly, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "How can this subordinate have such brilliant eyesight, all this was told by that old man Ye Shaoyuan privately, that old man has always had the most evil eyes..."

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, and Ye Shaoyuan, who had always had a wooden face, appeared in his heart. He didn't expect this old man to be so wise. If he hadn't mastered the soul imprints of the three great monsters, he wouldn't have faintly noticed that fish. The mind of a demon.After thinking about it again, this Tantaiyun is cruel and violent, and Ye Shaoyuan is old and vicious. These two are indeed a natural partner. If these two join hands, it may not be a problem to cross the entire Tianxinghai in time...

"Alright, after you follow me to complete the layout of the formation, go and get more Ningshenxiang, and seize the time to improve your strength. The Five Elements Shifting Technique should not be neglected." Luo Tian thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said.

"Then what should the teacher do next?" Tantai Yun asked rather unwillingly.


"Retreating again..." Tantaiyun wailed in his heart, thinking that you, the old man, would lead the Xuanyin sect to kill all directions immediately...


Resting in the Cathode Island formation is not difficult, it's just that with Luo Tian's current cultivation level, he can forcefully increase the power of the formation.In his previous life, except for his tyrannical magic skills and alchemy skills, he knew nothing about restraining formations. Today's formations are all obtained from Xianxiamen Han Zheng, so he can't be considered proficient.Besides, he has always been unwilling to learn these things in his heart.

The closed room had been repaired long ago. Luo Tian Lingkong sat cross-legged in the void, concentrating all his mind and entered into the space of the black lotus. There was a layer of yellow flame flowing around his body, but a finger-thick black finger shot out from the sky spirit cover. The smoke stays straight.

In the first sky domain of the Black Lotus Dimension, spiritual herbs and rare flowers are everywhere, a thriving scene. Occasionally, two little guys, Yinmingma and Polygonum multiflorum, can be seen playing in it.Where Luo Tian looked, it was in the direction of the Black Flame Bamboo, and the Black Flame Bamboo was still growing extremely slowly.

With a thought, Luo Tian found that the speed at which the First Heavenly Domain was spawned is simply jaw-dropping.At this speed, it may only take three to five years to produce a thousand-year panacea. There is a gap of hundreds of times with the outside world, which is really against the sky.


Luo Tian looked at the blue clouds and mist outside the island of the first day domain, and couldn't help thinking.

The cyan clouds and mist are gathering more and more closely at this moment, sometimes forming dragons and tiger elephants, sometimes taking the shape of exotic flowers and grasses, constantly changing and changing, wandering in the sky.Luo Tian had never seen this kind of vision before, and immediately controlled his mind carefully to explore the depths of the cloud and mist. The speed of his consciousness naturally reached the extreme, but Luo Tian was even more shocked in his heart. A full quarter of an hour passed, and his consciousness unexpectedly It hasn't reached the end yet, and my spiritual consciousness is still approaching the limit.


Just when Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness couldn't hold back and was about to withdraw it, the endless blue clouds in front of him suddenly changed, and a brighter scene appeared in front of him, only a burst of unbelievable yellow light shot towards him Come, it contains an extremely comfortable atmosphere.

After Luo Tian felt a soft sound in his body, an arch bridge formed by blue clouds slowly formed from the island of the first sky domain, which was extremely weird. When the blue arch bridge reached about the middle area, it stopped moving on its own.Surprised in Luo Tian's heart, he mobilized his spiritual consciousness to pay close attention to the only half of the arch bridge.Unexpectedly, after the meal, a fine yellow light suddenly appeared in his sight.

The other half of the arch bridge!Fine yellow!

With a soft bang, the two arch bridges, each half of which were only half connected, were closely connected together, causing countless cyan clouds and fine yellow clouds to oscillate.

Luo Tian quickly withdrew his consciousness, and his body standing on the island of the First Heaven Domain took a step forward. After a few breaths, he crossed the two-color arch bridge and reached the other end.Looking at what he saw, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

God, here, here are all spirit stones!


After a dull soft sound, a fine yellow stone tablet suddenly appeared in the center of the island in front of Luo Tian.

Wu Xuantian, the second day domain!

Territory Lord: Luo Tian is the top-grade dual spiritual root, both of which are top-grade spiritual roots.

Function: the first heaven domain, to give birth to elixir, and to refine spiritual consciousness.On the second day, the aura doubled.

Domain owner's life chance: 410 years old.Chance, secret.

Territorial master catastrophe: chaos.

It's the second day domain!Luo Tian was overjoyed, walked quickly a few steps, and quickly circled around the island of Tiantian Territory twice, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

This is a big blow, I didn't expect to be able to open the second day domain after entering the alchemy stage.Moreover, the aura in this second domain is extremely abundant, there are piles of spirit stones everywhere, looking at those spirit stones, the light is scattered and not let go, all of them are crystal clear like gems.Luo Tian intensively read all kinds of classics, and naturally recognized that these are top-quality spirit stones.

Tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones, what this means, presumably an idiot cultivating immortals knows.

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