
Chapter 194 Breaking the ban and leaving the southern region in chaos!

The main altar of the Xuanyin Sect on Cathode Island has undergone earth-shaking changes after renovations in the past few months.In addition to the huge palace glowing with a brand new atmosphere, even Tantai Yun and the others were particularly energetic in their cultivation.Just imagine, with the almost constant incense of concentration, everyone in Xuanyin Sect doesn't worry about whether their spiritual consciousness can reach the late stage of alchemy, not to mention, the panacea bestowed by Luo Tian, ​​which is very beneficial to the five elements teleportation technique, simply makes Xuanyin Teach everyone to gear up, practice day and night, and everyone is playing their lives under the instigation skills of Tantaiyun, a big fool.

"Old fellow Tantai, your physical cultivation has reached the Dzogchen foundation stage?" Elder Yun Ye Shaoyuan and the other two elders had just stepped into the side hall, and when they saw Tantai Yun who was drinking tea leisurely, he couldn't help calling out in surprise road.

"That's necessary!" Tan Taiyun smiled triumphantly, shaking his head and said, "With the unique and peerless talent of this old man, I am afraid that even if he is... er, even if he is a teacher, he will be inferior to this old man... Poof !"

Before he finished speaking, Tantaiyun stared straight at the door of the side hall, and the tea sprayed out of his mouth, as if he had seen a ghost.

The three of Ye Shaoyun followed Tantaiyun's line of sight, and they all stared dumbfounded at the young man with a faint smile on his face at the door.

"It's unreasonable!" Tantai Yun jumped up from his seat in tears, and saluted respectfully to the young man in Tsing Yi, "Master, it's only been less than two months, you The old man's physical cultivation has reached the middle of the alchemy period, so let him live?"

"Bold Tantaiyun, how dare you be so rude to the head teacher!" Ye Shaoyuan was the first to react and shouted angrily.

"It doesn't matter." Luo Tian waved his hand lightly, then sat down in the first seat, and the maid standing beside him hurriedly served tea.

Tan Taiyun knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he quickly sneered, shrank his neck, and stepped aside.According to the religious rules, if you have no respect, you will have to suffer from the soul devouring by thousands of ants. Fortunately, the new head teacher has a mild temper, otherwise, I will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

After a moment of silence, Luo Tian glanced at each of the four Tantaiyun for a moment, and then said seriously: "The development of this religion is limited to the range of thousands of miles on the cathode island. This teacher sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart. It is a day and night. sleepless..."

When the four of Tantaiyun heard what Luo Tian said, they all had weird expressions, as if they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.Master Xin Dao, don’t be fooled, except for your efforts in arranging the large array on Cathode Island, giving some panacea and incense, and bestowing peerless exercises, you, an old man, don’t have the slightest thought about educational affairs .However, practicing in seclusion every day can be regarded as sleepless day and night...


After Luo Tian finished speaking, he slapped the table hard with heartache, and said righteously: "As the head teacher, I should take the lead. Don't you think so, elders? Well, looking at Elder Tantai's expression, he thinks it's true. Yes expression, this head teacher is very pleased!"

The four bosses behaved differently after hearing the words.

Tan Taiyun looked up at the sky, Ye Shaoyuan looked down at the ground, and the other two female elders also lowered their heads and stared at the toes, as if the toes were a supreme treasure.

"That's why, my head teacher has decided to sacrifice everything for the sake of my school's power to shock the world again!" Luo Tian was still shouting slogans enthusiastically, "This head teacher heard Elder Tantai said last time, how many people should you wait to join forces?" This thousand-mile restriction that can safely send one person out, this head teacher will naturally take the lead in setting an example..."

"Teacher, don't..." Tantaiyun and the others hurriedly dissuaded with shocked expressions, and Ye Shaoyuan and the other two female elders gave Tantaiyun a hard look.You are so old that the headmaster has dedicated himself to death.

Tan Taiyun was also bitter in his heart, and looked at Luo Tian with great resentment, last time you old man insisted on pulling me to drink, I didn't expect your old man to drink so much that he got me drunk and got me a lot of secrets... I hate ah!

"Shut up!" Seeing the commotion started again, Luo Tian couldn't help shouting angrily, and then gave a rather helpless wry smile, "Elders, please be careful, as the head teacher, how can I let my subordinates commit crimes personally? Dangerous? Absolutely not! Can’t! Can’t!”

After three "no" words in succession, the four bosses immediately opened their mouths wide, and no more words came out of their mouths.

"That's why, my head teacher decided that in a few days after Elder Tantai broke through to the alchemy stage, this head teacher will bid farewell to everyone and sacrifice his life for the bright future of my teaching. I believe that in the near future, this head teacher will The teaching will surely stand at the top of this world again and shake the world!"

Ye Shaoyuan and the other three big bosses looked at Luo Tian with admiration and admiration, what a great teacher, handsome and powerful, and have such a lofty ambition to the extreme!

Only Tan Taiyun pursed his lips in depression, making it up, your old man will continue to make it up.Others don't know, but I already knew that your old man just used this as an excuse to go out and enjoy himself...

"Look, all of you look, Elder Tantai was moved to tears by the great sentiments of this teacher..." Luo Tian spit and said, "I can have such profound knowledge as Elder Tantai Most of the talents are there, so why not rise again!"

Tan Taiyun really didn't really cry this time, you idiots keep saying that I can fool you, and our head teacher is the real big fool!


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Tantai Yun survived the four or nine days of calamity without any danger.In terms of the Xuanyin Sect's exercises, the spiritual consciousness is much more perverted than normal people, and it is naturally much easier to survive the four or nine days of calamity.In addition, Luo Tian selflessly dedicated all the magic weapons he snatched from the Qiankun Sack to the four elders of Xuanyin Sect, which made these four elders even more grateful.But what made these four bosses most grateful was that Luo Tian tossed out hundreds of top-quality spirit stones from the second day domain of the Black Lotus Space...

In fact, Luo Tian now has a lot of magic weapons, such as Hei Lian, Zixia Yi, Fen Baoyan, Sancai Sword, Wudu Sword, Ancient Brass Coins and Xuanji Yugui, plus his current physical strength is comparable to The treasure-level magic weapon has even intensively cultivated the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Scripture. At this moment, even a great monk in the early Yuanying stage, with the magic weapon for the defense of the soul, cannot keep him.

Here, several rays of light came through the sky and flew along the turbulent sea surface. The huge aura condensed together completely set off dozens of high water waves on the sea surface, and formed a huge wave on the sea surface. A straight and deep ravine formed.

"It's here."

As soon as the light converged, five figures appeared.Luo Tian was dressed in Tsing Yi, floating freely and freely, holding a folding fan lightly in his hand, with the demeanor of a romantic and unrestrained prince in troubled times.

The four elders headed by Tan Taiyun floated behind Luo Tian with dignified expressions, frantically looking at the Tsing Yi figure standing leisurely in front of him, for a moment, they didn't know what to say.

"Elder Tantai, here are some talismans that I made by myself, I will leave them to you for safekeeping." Luo Tian threw out a Qiankun bag, which was the one he used before, and now he has replaced it with a larger one. cosmos bag.

"Teacher, this, this..." Tantai Yun was speechless, and after a long time, he bowed deeply, "This subordinate wishes the teacher to return soon!"

Luo Tian's lips parted slightly, but it was the sound transmission to Tantai Yun.Tantaiyun shook his head one after another at the beginning, and finally nodded with an ugly expression.

After a while, Luo Tian stared at the sea water in front of him, fiddled vigorously with his big hand, and then slapped the Qiankun bag, several water-dispelling talismans exploded, enveloping the five people and sinking into the deep water.



A monster in the water covered with barbs was penetrated by several sword qi, and with a bang, it turned into pieces of bloody meat and fell into the sea water.

The blood mist dissipated, revealing Luo Tian with a wry smile on his face.

The level of chaos in the Xinghai South Region on this day was beyond Luo Tian's expectation.Here, whether it is between people and people, between people and monsters, between monsters and monsters, there is a natural hostility, and meeting each other is endless.If there is a disagreement, blood will bleed all over the ground.

How can this be such an overseas wonderland full of fairy mountains and immortals? It is even more barbaric than a barbaric place where bandits and robbers run rampant.

Suddenly, Luo Tian's face moved slightly, and he turned his head to look somewhere ahead. The next moment, his figure moved slightly, and he disappeared immediately.

ps: The pricing has been changed, uh, because the website stipulates that it is four points, I was scolded yesterday... I will treat it as a discount for everyone, I hope you can help to subscribe to Chapter 1, thank you.Today I still write as much as I want, and I don’t have much time, but I will do my best.

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