
Chapter 197 Styx Flower

After a long time, Luo Tian stepped on the light, followed by the leisurely Zhang Yu, the two said these words one after another, and flew away towards the depths of the sea outside the island.

"Senior, do you really just want to meet the expert who taught me the skills?" Seeing that Luo Tian was like a suffocating gourd, he was almost suffocated to death along the way, so he couldn't help but had nothing to say again.

Luo Tian nodded, looking at the few clear and plump beads on Zhang Qian's neck, he couldn't help telling: "You'd better not reveal the beads hanging around your neck in front of outsiders, or you will be killed. disaster."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Zhang Yu quickly replied very seriously, "The expert told me that if someone sees my prayer beads and doesn't have any greed, he can take that person to see him. Otherwise, you Why do you think you want me to take you to an expert? Those little bastards from Bishui Palace chased me down for two days and two nights and I didn’t let go. I’m a very trustworthy person..."

Luo Tian immediately shook his head and smiled wryly. This simple and honest man is really a wonderful person.Call him stupid, he still has some small thoughts.Let's say he's smart, he's been nagging all day, probably there's no secret he can keep.

Fortunately, I just need to find that Buddhist monk, and just be patient for a few days.

During this period, Luo Tian and Zhang Yu flew continuously for a day and two nights on the endless sea, and finally saw an island appearing on the sea level ahead.With the eyesight of the two of them, they had already seen a seaside town built on the island by the mountains.Finally, Luo Tian still couldn't stand Zhang Ju's soft and hard paws, so he agreed to live in the town for a day to buy some daily necessities, and he gave the stupid big man a low-grade universe bag.

Now that Luo Tianxiu has reached the middle stage of alchemy, he has already reached the state of bigu, and he does not need to eat or drink.But Zhang Yu is in the middle stage of the foundation building stage, and has not yet reached the state of bigu, and still needs to replenish the vitality in his body.In the past few days, Luo Tian had just fed him the qi pills that Quan used to satisfy his hunger, which made the eyes of Zhang Yu, a tall man, so green that he wanted to take two bites of everything he saw.

"Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, first give me five catties of flatbread and five catties of stewed meat. I will stuff my teeth between my teeth to cushion my stomach first..."

As soon as he landed on the island, Zhang Ju seemed to have a pair of dog noses. He took Luo Tian around and found a hotel. Then he found a seat by the window and sat down, then roared carelessly.

Luo Tian's face was indifferent, and he quietly withdrew his divine sense. When he set foot on this island a long time ago, he released his divine sense and swept the entire island. There are also hundreds of monks on the island, but most of them are in the Qi refining period. The highest cultivation level is only in the early stage of foundation building, not as good as Zhang Yu.No wonder there will be hotels here for people to eat and drink. Before the late stage of the foundation building period, they would not be able to fast. Naturally, these people need food and fresh water.

The shopkeeper is not tall, but he looks like he is calculating and shrewd. His cultivation base is at the late stage of the Qi refining stage. I saw his divine sense sweeping over Luo Tian and the two of them, and there was a trace of hard-to-find expression on his face. Come with a wry smile.

Big fish, big meat, and various seafood were brought up one after another. At this moment, Zhang Qian, who had already wiped out five catties of flatbread and stewed meat, stared wide-eyed, and did not greet Luo Tian, ​​and ate like a starved ghost reincarnated. He drank a lot, and when he arrived, Zhang Yu saw that Luo Tian still had an indifferent wooden face. He simply grabbed the plate with his two big greasy hands, and poured a plate of dishes into his bloody mouth with one mouth. The sturdy mess.

Luo Tian looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. He looked at Zhang Yu wolfing down his food in a calm and steady posture. He couldn't help being a little surprised. This scene seemed a little familiar.I don't know what Wang Jinbao and Fatty Wang are doing at the moment, but the food intake in Zhangchao is much stronger than that of Fatty Wang, and he belongs to the kind of top talent who can eat a poor family just by eating.Guessing that Buddhist monk couldn't afford to support this guy, he just found an excuse to kick him out, right?

"Shopkeeper, why don't you continue to serve food?!" Zhang Yu Zhang Dafantong yelled viciously at the shopkeeper whose face was full of bitterness, and Luo Tian, ​​who was full of slander, was startled.

"My lords, it's not that you're a villain who doesn't serve food, it's just that the restaurant has limited drinks and dishes..." The shopkeeper, who dared to disobey these two lords, ran all the way over and smiled wryly, wiping the white sweat on his forehead.

Luo Tian thought about it, and said with a faint smile: "Shopkeeper, I don't know if you pay the bill here with gold and silver or spirit stones?"

"Lingshi, Lingshi..."

The shopkeeper obviously breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that one of the two masters is more reasonable, but he is not the master who eats the king's meal, thank God...

"I need spirit stones for a meal!" Zhang Yu shouted first, and then looked at the shopkeeper with a very puzzled expression, "What are spirit stones?"

"..." The shopkeeper's heart began to beat violently again.

Luo Tian shook his head, slapped the Qiankun bag, took out three middle-grade spirit stones and handed them to the shopkeeper, "Should these be enough?"

"Enough, enough..." the shopkeeper shouted with bright eyes, and quickly put the spirit stone into his arms.

"Then serve me the food quickly!" Zhang Yu yelled dissatisfiedly, and seeing Luo Tian's complexion darkened, he quickly muttered, "I'm only half full after eating..."


Half an hour later, Luo Tian and Zhang Qian, who was barely able to walk, wandered around the entire island. Since Luo Tian had restrained his consciousness, it was absolutely impossible to see through his true identity unless a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage came personally. Xiuwei.Today's him looks to be about the same level as Zhang Yu's.

The entire island seemed to be divided into two parts, half of which were human settlements, and the other half were deep mountains and old forests, separated by a wide land in the middle.The two of Luo Tian were walking along the gravel path towards the other half of the island, because the person with the highest cultivation level on this island lived there.

"The two fellow daoists came to the humble house, and they are simply full of splendor."

Before the two of Luo Tian could get close, an old man who seemed to be in his fifties happily walked out of the forest, stood in the void and bowed.

"Don't worry, the two of us are just passing by." Luo Tian saw a trace of apprehension and panic in the other party's eyes, so he couldn't help but said indifferently, after finishing speaking, he ignored the old man's reaction and continued walking forward.

"Hehe, since this is the case, as a landlord, this old man should lead the way for the two fellow Taoists, please!" A warm smile appeared on the old man's face, and he stretched his arms.

"There are so many flowery intestines..." Zhang Yu muttered in a low voice, and then hiccupped, "Who cares about this broken island."

Luo Tian nodded, before seeing how he made any gestures, his body rose into the air, and walked towards the mountain forest step by step.

The old man's face was shocked, and he looked at Luo Tian in amazement, his body trembled, and he recovered immediately.Regardless of cultivation level, this person's agility is really shocking.

It is only a few thousand feet long, and for Luo Tian and the others, it is only a few breaths. The old man's residence is located in the purple bamboo forest on a mountain peak.

"Huh? This, this is... Styx Flower?"

Before Luo Tian's figure fell from the sky, he was looking at the depths of the purple bamboo forest with sharp eyes, and then his figure flickered, and he shot straight into the purple bamboo forest.

Following behind, the smiling old man immediately sat down on the ground with a dead face, muttering: "It's over, it's over..."

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