
Chapter 198

In the dense dense purple bamboo forest, circles of purple bamboos are gathered together, swaying and swaying in the mountain wind, sometimes rustling, sometimes rattling, and the cicadas in the bamboo forest are screaming desperately , adding a dash of tranquility.Among them, there are a few circles of places where purple bamboos are densely packed, and through several secretly scattered rays of light below the purple bamboos, two white flowers standing proudly are reflected.

This white flower is about the size of a washbasin, and is dragged by layers of leaves that look like children's hands. From the inside to the outside, there are three layers of petals, all of which are milky white like milk, with a circle of pale pink stamens in the middle, which makes the flower even more beautiful. How holy.

"The Styx flower...it really is it!"

Luo Tian was surprisingly excited, his steady arms were embracing the air, his eyes were misty, and even his voice trembled slightly.Visible inner excitement.

After a long time, Luo Tian, ​​who was standing beside the Styx flower, finally moved his body, and in a flash, he came out of the purple bamboo forest.

"Dao... Fellow Daoist, this thing is the wealth and life of an old man..." When the old man saw Luo Tiantian returning with his hands, he immediately hugged the thigh of Zhang Yu who was closest to him with his nose and tears, his voice was mournful, The mournful tone of the tone is like a dead old woman, which makes people cry.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, that's the real master, and it's useless to find me." Zhang Que shrank his thighs, but the old man's hug was really tight, Zhang Que stretched his thighs, directly dragged the old man up, and hurriedly said angrily She pouted angrily at Luo Tian.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to rush towards Luo Tian.

"I just ask you one question, and you must tell the truth." Luo Tian said coldly, his eyes fixed on the old man who was still pretending to be poor.

"Definitely, definitely!" The old man hastily stretched out his sleeves to wipe his eyes that didn't even have a drop of tears, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"This Styx flower, where did you get it?"

The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then said with a mournful face: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know..."

"Do you want to drink a toast?" Luo Tian smiled lightly, grabbed the old man with his palms in front of him, and lifted the old man from the ground. The old man was like a chicken whose neck was pinched, his face turned red and he coughed repeatedly.

"I said, I said..." the old man said with difficulty.


Luo Tian retracted his palms into his sleeves, and stood with his hands behind his back, "There is often only one chance, I hope you will grasp it well."

The old man took a few breaths, and then said with a bitter face: "I really don't know where this Styx flower came from... because this thing is not owned by this old man, but someone else put it here for the time being to take care of it."

"Oh?" Luo Tian frowned slightly. "Generally speaking, this Styx flower is not very useful. It is only effective for people with poor meridians and disordered mana in the body. Who needs this thing to suppress injuries in the body?"

"Fellow Daoist! You actually explained the efficacy of this Styx flower in a single word." The old man flattered Luo Tian without a trace, "Speaking of which, it's bad luck for an old man. This Styx flower can only be found in the purple bamboo forest." Can survive and grow, the old man didn't know this at the beginning..."

"I just want to ask you, who gave you the Styx flowers?" Luo Tian interrupted the old man's words with a cold expression.

"Young Master of the Cancer Clan, Sha Sheng."

This time, the old man's answer was surprisingly quick, without any delay.

"Cancer family? Where is he at the moment?" Luo Tian looked puzzled, "This Styx flower will be fully bloomed in five days at most, and if there is no thousand-year-old chalcedony liquid to nourish it after it blooms, it will wither within a day Return to the dust, don't you say that you still produce millennium chalcedony liquid here?"

"How can there be such rare treasures as the millennium chalcedony liquid!" The old man said miserably. It should come here in three days and wait for one day, and then pick the flower on the second day."

"I will wait for these few days, and hope that everything you said is true."

"Every sentence is true!" The old man's mood changed, and he replied very happily.

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he went to the side and sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and went to adjust his breath.Three days later, the young master of the Cancer family must be a tough nut to crack.

Zhang Cut didn't care about these things, he greeted the old man, and went directly to the bamboo building not far away to rest.


Three days later, the sea surface outside the island was continuously turbulent, with countless dark black waves flying up, mixed with the whistling strong sea wind, making strange humming sounds.On the surface of the nearby sea, it seemed that huge folds were constantly squeezing back and forth, and the sea water went up and down, ups and downs like mountains.

Luo Tian, ​​who sat cross-legged for three days and three nights, suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately murmured: "It's finally here."

I don't know when it started, on the crazy sea surface, waves as sharp as knives rose up one after another, bringing up rows of sharp white waves, constantly undulating under the dark sky.

Suddenly, white waves rolled in the depths of the ocean, and then a monster the size of a house emerged from the water, slowly forming a black shadow on the sea surface.The speed of the black shadow was not fast, and it was only when he got close that he realized that the black shadow was actually an extremely huge crab, with some light golden spots all over his body, with eight front claws, and the two huge front claws were like two waving crabs With a big saw, it looks like a cancer royal family.

"You bastard, old man, you're pissing me off!" The giant crab swam to the shore, and suddenly yelled, "Don't think that if I find a helper, I'll take care of you, isn't it just asking you to take care of the Styx flowers? That's all, you old bastard makes me angry..."

Luo Tian was startled for a moment, and then was shocked to find that the other party's body shrank and quickly transformed into a human form. This fucking ninth-level monster?

"Fellow Daoist, don't panic. The young master of the Cancer Clan is only a sixth-order monster. He only took a transformation bead by mistake when he was a child to change into a human form." Crouching on the edge of the cliff, he staggered and shouted, "Young Master Sha Sheng, this old man didn't ask for help, it was this fellow Taoist who wanted to discuss some matters with you."

"Discuss your uncle!"

Sha Sheng stood in the air like a shrew and cursed, "Such an ugly bastard, is he qualified to discuss things with the handsome and boundless young master? Huh?"

Luo Tian hardly vomited. The Sha Sheng in front of him was in human form, but with messy red hair, he looked like a beggar, especially his two eyebrows were thick and ugly, like an earthworm that had been stumped several times. That nose is more like a fiery red pepper, this kind of appearance is pretty handsome, even Monk Mingyue can return to vulgarity...

"Uh, this Fellow Daoist Sha Sheng is really exhaustive..." Luo Tian was startled, then laughed dryly.

"It's up to you!" Sha Sheng tossed his messy hair coquettishly, covered his face directly, and then said quite proudly, "I, Sha Sheng, have always been handsome and unparalleled. I have both wisdom and courage!"

Luo Tian didn't react much this time, mainly because he had been with guys like Mingyue Monk Fatty Wang for a long time, and he already had enough tolerance.No, the old man behind Luo Tian is retching...

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