
Chapter 199

In fact, even Luo Tian didn't expect the young master of the Cancer clan to be such an interesting guy.But although this guy is a little overconfident, a little narcissistic, a little ugly, the rest is okay, and he is not the kind of nasty thing that people and ghosts hate.

"Hey! That old man in black on the opposite side...whatever you look at, it's you!"

Sha Sheng, the young master of the Cancer Clan, shouted majestically, and secretly raised his figure a little.

Luo Tian couldn't figure it out, old man?black?Could it be that there are other people here besides yourself?Can't help but look around in shock.

Finally, Luo Tian's eyes fell on Sha Sheng's face, and when he saw this guy pointing straight at himself with an orchid finger, he suddenly realized that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.Although I have changed my appearance a little bit, I can't be an old man, right?Moreover, I was clearly wearing Tsing Yi, and this treasure has eyesight problems...

"Young Master Sha, I have a question in my heart. I wonder if I can answer it for you?" Luo Tian thought for a while, and finally said, but he deliberately lowered his posture. After all, the treasure Sha Sheng is quite pleasing to the eye, no As a last resort, I really don't want to meet him in battle.

"If you have anything to ask, feel free to ask, but it's best not to play tricks in front of this young master. This young master has always been wise, great, and insightful..."

"Sha Sheng, take your life!"

Just as Luo Tian was about to speak, his complexion suddenly changed, and he looked up at the distant sky.

A cloud billowed in the distance, and then countless layers of white clouds stretched out. From a distance, it was like a huge feather falling slowly.Clusters of white clouds slowly separated from the sky and turned into dozens of white feathers. On the changing feathers of the clouds, dozens of men and women were standing at this moment, looking at Sha Sheng with murderous expressions.

"Grandma's legs! Bai Ruotang, how many times have I told you that you can't win the share of the Styx flower? It has nothing to do with my father's half a piece of spirit stone. You have nothing to do when you are full? You have to talk to me. The young master is desperately working hard!"

As soon as Sha Sheng, the young master of the Cancer Clan, said this, Luo Tian fell silent immediately, secretly guessing in his heart, it seems that the person who came here must have a feud with Sha Sheng, and it is the kind of deep hatred that is extremely difficult to resolve, otherwise the person who came here would not So murderous.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The young man in white at the head looked angry, and his eyes almost burst into flames, "If you Cancer race hadn't betrayed the original alliance between our two races and reached an agreement with other races halfway, my sister would not You ended up like this, all of this is because of you Cancer. Now my sister won't live much longer, so you can go to the underworld to accompany her!"

"Pull it down!" Sha Sheng yelled anxiously as soon as he heard this, "You Baiyu clan don't take this young master seriously, your sister is going to die, why should you be so handsome? Wuji was buried with this young master? Back then she also ate the Transformation Bead, so what does it have to do with me, the Styx flower quota is a trick of your Baihe clan, don’t blame us Cancer clan!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Just kill him!" Behind the young man in white, an old woman with a childlike face and white hair shouted dryly.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, the Baiyu clan, no wonder these people can transform into human forms.The White Feather Clan is actually all ancient mutated monsters, which are hybrids of cranes and other birds, and possess the talent of mutation, that is, after stepping into the fifth-order monsters, they can temporarily transform into human forms, and the higher the cultivation base, the more powerful they are. The higher, the longer the human form can be maintained.

"Come on! Is it possible that my young master is afraid of you!" Sha Sheng also lost his temper, and raised his hand to throw out a clam-like shell, which flew directly into the sea, entering the water without a sound.

Seeing this, the white-clothed young man of the White Feather Tribe did not stop him, but stood in the air calmly, and said in a cold voice: "Today, I will convince you to death!"

"Huh!" Sha Sheng was not a fool, and he didn't care about words much after hearing the words, his body sank quietly, and landed slowly on the sea.As soon as he landed on the surface of the sea, the sea water within two to three feet around him suddenly became extremely calm, without a single wave, not even a ripple, the whole person seemed to be wrapped in an invisible hood, and the whole space was completely stopped.


In less than a moment, white water waves began to shoot out from the entire endless sea area, and immediately, black shadows emerged from the bottom of the sea water, all staring at the Baiyu people in the air with their dark eyes.

The monsters are actually endless monsters!

Luo Tian's complexion changed, and he quickly backed away a little. The Baiyu tribe had seen Luo Tian earlier, but Luo Tian was not the person they were looking for, and his cultivation base was not high, so they ignored him.

"Little ones! We have never been afraid of anyone at sea. Today, everyone will obey my order and teach these bastards of the Baiyu clan a lesson!" He shouted heavily, and the sound was carried far away on the sea.

"seek death!"

Everyone in the Baiyu tribe sneered, and turned into streamers one after another, like a long sharp sword, rushed towards Sha Sheng who had been hiding among the infinite monsters. At the same time, all the people of the Baiyu tribe uttered sharp The passionate strange sound waves were like a sharp awl piercing the monster beasts that rushed up one after another.

clap clap clap!

Countless monsters that vacated the surface of the sea didn't even have time to react, they fell from mid-air one after another, and then fell into the sea water, and the rest of the monsters swarmed up, devoured them all, leaving no bones left.

Sonic Primordial Spirit Attack!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he could see the attack method of the Baiyu tribe, but the main target of the Baiyu tribe was Sha Sheng, not him, and his cultivation base of Yuanshen at the moment was extremely stable, and had no influence at all.

Different from Luo Tian's perverted reaction, Sha Sheng's complexion changed drastically when he saw this, and he quickly shouted: "Little ones, protect your ears, nose and consciousness, and carry it over. I invite everyone to eat poultry meat..."

It has to be said that Sha Sheng was very effective in bewitching his subordinate monsters like this.Most of those monsters are of the second and third ranks, and there are some of the fourth ranks. There are very few fifth-rank monsters, and there are only two sixth-rank monsters. Hearing this, not only was he not afraid, but even more fearless of death, he jumped up from the sea and rushed towards the Baiyu people.

"Others, form three thousand weak water formations for me!" Sha Sheng was surrounded by countless monsters, so he issued orders calmly.As soon as he said this, those monsters seemed to have rehearsed countless times, and they formed a strange formation with tacit understanding.

Luo Tian looked on coldly, a little surprised in his heart. Sha Sheng didn't expect that he looked like an ignorant guy, and he didn't expect that he had some accomplishments in giving orders and fighting in formations. At least, the three thousand weak water formations in front of him were quite It's not vulgar, and it doesn't belong to any formation. Could it be that this treasure is self-made?

"Open it for me!"

Seeing this, the young man of the White Feather Clan just sneered, and immediately clasped his hands together and then spread them out, and then clasped them together and spread them out again... Each time they unfolded, it was a different technique, and finally a phantom of a fiery red body and white wings emerged behind him, Thousands of white rays were emitted.

ps: update, and...

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