
Chapter 201

Luo Tian also had no choice but to act, because the whereabouts of Styx Flower was still on Sha Sheng's body. If he was killed, he would be able to get news about Styx Flower, and it might be a long time later.But he had no patience to wait any longer.

Therefore, Luo Tian made a move.

When Luo Tian made such a move, everyone in the Baiyu clan was stunned. They had noticed this human monk who was only at the alchemy stage just now, but they didn't expect that this person had such sharp attack methods and such a fast attack. Incredible speed.

"This fellow daoist, Sha Sheng and I have a sworn feud, and we must kill him today! Please leave as soon as possible, fellow daoist, and don't meddle in this matter!" Bai Ruotang straightened his face and cupped his fists, which seemed reasonable people.

"I can't stand you for your size! Kill your size!" Sha Sheng's pale face returned to a little rosy, pointing at Bai Ruotang and yelling, "You are nothing more than jealous that I am much more handsome than you, and your heart is unbalanced, so jealousy turned into hatred." !"

"Shut up!" Bai Ruotang yelled angrily, then turned to look at Luo Tian, ​​"Fellow Daoist is also a sensible person, it's best not to wade into this muddy water."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said lightly, "What if I have to go?"

"Ruotang, don't pay attention to this person, just kill him!" Bai Ruotang frowned, but the old woman behind him shouted with a full face, as if a human life was insignificant to her, even if that person was in the middle stage of alchemy Xiuwei.

"Old godly woman, I believe you still understand the truth of misfortune coming from your mouth." Luo Tian said lightly, narrowing his long and narrow eyes slightly.

"Hahaha... Are you worthy of talking to me like this?" The old woman of the White Feather Clan took a step forward, pointing at Luo Tian with her crutch in her hand, "Come, come, let the old woman learn your master's tricks!"

call out!

In the next moment, Luo Tian burst out, and with just one breath, he landed in front of the old woman and punched out.A frighteningly hot yellow flame was wrapped around the fist, and there were slight crackling sounds.

"Block the car with your arms!" Seeing Luo Tian's speed, the old woman of the White Feather Clan raised her eyebrows, but then saw that Luo Tian's attack was so light and light, she couldn't feel any mana fluctuations at all, and the crutch in her hand greeted him like lightning. go up.


What made everyone dumbfounded was that when Luo Tian's fist met the old woman's crutches, such a majestic force exploded out. A group of yellow fist shadows slammed the crutches in the old woman's hands and bent them away, forming a After a deep arc, in the end, the crutch made of alluvial gold on the seabed was broken by Luo Tian's punch, and the upper half was thrown high into the sky.

"It's impossible!" The old woman retreated violently, dodging the countless shadows of legs kicked by Luo Tian, ​​her gray hair was scattered and brushed messily across her cheeks.


The old woman's complexion was ashen, and she let out a high-pitched cry, and a phantom quickly appeared behind her, but compared to Bai Ruotang, the old woman was a little worse.After all, Bai Ruotang's shallow ancient blood has been awakened, and its power will increase exponentially.

"Are you still coming?"

A dark yellow flame imprint emerged between Luo Tian's eyebrows, it was extremely clear, and he touched the void with his hand, and the Xuanji Yugui immediately fell into his hand, and circles of dark yellow light strips were like ripples, entwined on the Xuanji Yugui.

No matter what the old woman said, she was also the peak cultivation base of a fifth-order monster, which was equivalent to the cultivation base of a human being in the late stage of alchemy.It is much higher than Luo Tian's own cultivation level, but now that Luo Tian is cultivating both dharma and body, his primordial spirit is even more powerful. If he uses the supernatural powers in the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, the old woman will be defeated if he meets her face to face. .Just because the Xuanyin Sect was once the public enemy of the cultivating world, Luo Tian didn't dare to show off too much, so as not to reveal his identity and provoke endless pursuit.

With a shake of Xuanji Yugui in his hand, Luo Tian immediately felt the joyful cry of Xuanji Yugui, which was the feeling of being closely connected with flesh and blood.

He just waved the Xuanji Yugui lightly at the old woman a few times, the power of the Nine Flame Mysterious Art combined with the Xuanji Yugui was beyond Luo Tian's expectations.I saw a layer of yellow flames that almost covered half of the sky falling down, directly enveloping all the people of the White Feather Clan. After returning to its original shape, the old woman flew out with a pale complexion, and the phantom behind her disappeared.

Luo Tian took a step forward, thrust out the Xuanji Yugui in his hand, and several streaks of light immediately fell towards the old woman.

"Fellow daoist, why do you want to kill them all?" A soft sigh came from Bai Ruotang's mouth, and immediately, a fan of seven birds and five lights appeared in front of Bai Ruotang's body, with just one swipe, all the extremely hot yellow flames dissipated into nothingness.

Luo Tian's supernatural power was broken by Bai Ruotang's move, but he was completely knocked back a few feet by the dark power contained in the Fan of Seven Birds and Five Lights, and he was horrified.It was only then that he realized that even if it was an imitation fairy treasure, its power was too great to be easily resisted by himself.

"Hehe, it's just a whim, and I can't hold back." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and quickly dissipated the extremely weak murderous intent on his body, "Han has cultivated in seclusion for more than a hundred years, and has never fought against anyone, so it is inevitable that he will be a little bit indistinguishable." Clear and heavy."

Put it on, put it on!

Sha Sheng gritted his teeth fiercely, and looked at Luo Tian with disdain. This guy obviously wanted to take someone's life, what excuses are he looking for? He has never seen such a hypocritical person... But, this kid is interesting, I like it...

"The previous conditions still count." Bai Ruotang didn't try to expose Luo Tian, ​​but just forgot him with a glance, "If Fellow Daoist leaves here, Bai will just pretend that all this has never happened."

"Ruotang, why do we have to give in, why do we have to give in to this casual cultivator?" The old woman was almost killed by Luo Tian, ​​and she was staring at Luo Tian with resentment at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist Bai acted openly and honestly, with clear grievances and grievances. Han certainly admires it." Luo Tian said lightly, and then his tone turned cold, "But, do you all think that I am really afraid of offending the Baiyu clan and dare not go on a killing spree? Old godmother , Han respects you as a senior, so I won’t pursue it this time, if you want to insult Han again next time, even if you hide in the White Feather Clan, you will be killed! Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian gently waved the Xuanji Yugui in his hand towards the vast sea surface, and a yellow flame burst out suddenly on the sea surface. After paddling out for a hundred feet, a gully of a hundred feet quickly formed, and the sea water seemed to disappear out of thin air.The horrific heat wave kept the gully for several breaths of time before it was re-swallowed by sea water and restored to its original state.

"This..." Everyone was silent at this moment. This kind of supernatural power is really appalling, and everyone present is confident that they will not be able to win against such means.Looking at Luo Tian again, there was a hint of shock in his eyes, this person was so terrifying!

In fact, no one saw that Luo Tian put away the Xuanji Yugui very quickly. Under his wide green robe, his whole body had been broken in several places, and his whole body was in excruciating pain.For that shocking blow just now, Luo Tian sent it with all his strength, and he also borrowed the power of Xuanji Yugui and Heilian magic weapon. Otherwise, with his real cultivation base, if he could have such a means, he would be capable of being the overlord of any party, not to mention crossing the sea of ​​stars. But it was more than enough.

Luo Tiangan took strange risks for the purpose of intimidating him!

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