
Chapter 202 Yin Yang Resurrection Pill

As soon as Luo Tian's deterrent method came out, everyone remained silent, which was exactly the result he wanted in his heart.Of course, he hoped that the White Feather Clan would retreat because of this.

At this moment, Bai Ruotang has already begun to reassess the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in his heart. This person's real magic power is not even as good as his own, but his supernatural power is terrifyingly strong. This person cannot be suppressed easily.

However, as a group of mutant monsters, Bai Ruotang has been extremely proud since he was a child, and now he has inspired the mutant blood, which is enough to look down on people of the same age.But he happened to notice that there was also a mark of flame on Luo Tian's forehead with excellent eyesight, and he muttered in his heart, could this person also be my demon clan inheritance?

If Luo Tian could know the true thoughts in Bai Ruotang's heart at this moment, he might vomit blood and die. Grandpa, I'm a human being with good roots, okay?

Silence, quiet to the point of crashing silence!

"Fellow Daoist Han, Sha Sheng must die today, even if the entire Baiyu tribe present is wiped out!" After a long time, Bai Ruotang said in a slow voice, "My sister Yao'er is too important to our tribe. Therefore, today Sha Sheng must die, and I will also take the Styx flower!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ruotang's suppressed emotions turned into a sky-shattering roar, and the voice went straight to the sky and lasted for a long time.

Luo Tian looked helplessly at Sha Sheng, who was obviously guilty, then reached out and touched his nose, and said with a faint smile, "If I can temporarily suppress the injury in Lingmei's body?"


The sound was not loud, but at this moment, it was enough to clearly reach the ears of everyone present.

"You, can you really do it?" Bai Ruotang asked with a trembling voice.

The pain under the loose robe was even worse. Luo Tian took a deep breath and said softly: "If there is a Styx flower, Han must be [-]% sure that he can refine the Yin Yang Resurrection Pill. What is the magical effect of this medicine? There is no need for Han to say more."

"Grandma's leg! Can you really refine the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill?" Even Sha Sheng's face was full of disbelief and excitement. What are those guys from Zhengyang Palace doing?

"Mr. Han is not talented, and he still has some attainments in alchemy, so he can't just talk nonsense." Seeing this situation, Luo Tian quickly breathed a sigh of relief, good guy, let him face the group of Baiyu people who are not afraid of death, Even using the supernatural powers in the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, I am afraid that he will be powerless, and in the end he can only end up fleeing far away.

All the people of the Baiyu tribe, their eyes lit up when they heard the words, not to mention the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill, even the main drug of the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill, Minghe Flower, would have to pay a huge price, the person in front of him actually said How can they not be surprised that they can refine the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill that only Zhengyang Palace can refine?But the surprise was the surprise. Before they saw the Yin Yang Resurrection Pill with their own eyes, their suspicions about Luo Tian still existed.

"Well, anyway, the Styx flowers will be in full bloom tomorrow. At that time, you only need to give Han a few days, and the Yin Yang Resurrection Pill will be offered with both hands, but you need to agree to the next simple condition."

"Conditions?" Bai Ruotang and Sha Sheng immediately showed ponderous expressions on their faces. If the other party bids a lot of money at that time, wouldn't they be caught in a trap?

"It's just a very simple condition, Han will not make things difficult for you." Luo Tian said lightly.

"Deal! As long as your Excellency can refine the Yin Yang Resurrection Pill, you will accept Bai as a slave!" Bai Ruotang gritted her teeth fiercely, making up her mind.


"Big Brother White!"

Everyone of the Baiyu tribe shouted, the price paid for a Yin Yang Resurrection Pill is too high.In terms of cultivation alone, Bai Ruotang is enough to rank among the top three among the younger generation of the Baiyu clan, and he is someone who will surely enter the Elder's Pavilion in the future.

"That's not going to happen." Luo Tian chuckled, "Han is used to being lazy and not used to being around other people. I don't know what Fellow Daoist Sha is thinking?"

"Grandma's legs! I agree!"


At this moment, the trembling old man kept pacing in front of the bamboo building, with a sad face on his face, he blamed the two of Luo Tian in his heart, and scolded the two of Luo Tian in his heart, these two masters are willing to provoke Not to mention the culprit, but also brought so many monks, oh my god, he can't really see through any of these monks, they are far beyond what I don't know by hundreds of times, and I blame myself for being greedy. The next benefit.Fortunately, the two uncles brought more uncles and grandmothers...

"These days, don't bother me."

Luo Tian just dropped a word, then arranged several restraining formations, and leaned in.

Back in the Black Lotus Dimension, Luo Tian dug a lot of medicinal materials from the first day's domain, and a lot of high-grade spirit stones from the second day's domain.Just now, he poured the Styx flower floating in front of him with stalactite stalactites.

Out of the Heilian space, Luo Tian slapped the Qiankun bag, and the Youyuan Ding immediately turned into a green glow and flew out.Alchemy is really a troublesome job, not to mention the inexhaustible treasures of heaven and earth, even the requirements for the primordial spirit are extremely strict, and the cultivation of alchemists themselves is second.However, pills are divided into ranks one to nine, and this Yin Yang Resurrection Pill belongs to the category of rank five pills, and it is still difficult for me to refine rank five pills.

After extravagantly smearing the body surface with stone milk bell green, Luo Tian's physical body recovered a lot from the backlash injuries.After resting for a while, Luo Tian finally pointed the Youyuan Cauldron with his fingers, and the Youyuan Cauldron started to spin in the air, and several kinds of medicinal materials flew directly into the cauldron.


"Grandma's leg! It's already the fifth day, so why hasn't Han come out?" Outside, Sha Sheng kept talking back and forth with two dark circles under his eyes, "If this guy fails in alchemy, my Styx flower will also die." It's useless, how did you get to the present, and the one who suffers the most is Lao Tzu?"

Bai Ruotang sat cross-legged on the side like a rock, motionless, as if the sky had fallen and had nothing to do with him.

The rest of the Baiyu tribe also had gloomy faces and didn't say a word.Needless to say, the old man didn't even have a bite of food in the past few days, but just drank some spring water and ate some wild fruits.

Among all the people, the most relaxed one is Mr. Zhang Yu. This master sleeps and eats and sleeps all day long. Don't live too comfortably... It's just that the hotel on the island is suffering. This uncle can eat and eat. That's all, every time I don't give spirit stones to meals, I have already owed a huge debt of more than ten middle-grade spirit stones on credit. If this continues, the hotel may be closed down if it is eaten.


In the early morning of the seventh day, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. It was not loud, but there was also a faint flash of an electric snake in it.

"Dan Jie, it's Dan Jie!"

Everyone opened their eyes at this moment, stared closely at the sky, and then all looked towards Luo Tian's alchemy place in unison.

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