
Chapter 203 Xinghai Disk, Going to the Water Palace

"It's just a pill robbery, what's the point!"

A long laugh burst into the sky, and immediately, a figure rushed directly into the void, it was Luo Tian who had succeeded in alchemy.

At this moment, Luo Tian was standing high in the sky with his hands behind his back, his green robe fluttering loudly, facing the dark clouds that were gathering more and more, his body suddenly moved.

Whether it's punches, palms, legs, or feet... Luo Tian's whole body moved in an instant. He didn't know how many moves he had made. All he could see were shadows of hands and legs within a radius of ten feet around his body. , densely packed as if the weeds on the prairie were blown down by the wind.


The scene in the sky almost gave everyone an illusion of sight, as if Luo Tian was bombarding indiscriminately under the pressure of the dark clouds, and finally there was a dull explosion, and then the dark clouds slowly dissipated into powder particles and light smoke, and slowly dispersed.

Then, Luo Tian fell lightly from the sky, but everyone was dumbfounded when he saw it.

"My mother!" Zhang Ju stared at a pair of bull's eyes, suddenly yelled, stepped forward and grabbed Luo Tian, ​​and looked at him carefully, "You are not injured? This is impossible, even if Dan Jie is powerful It’s not small, but it’s also thunder!”

Luo Tian helplessly patted Zhang Cha's greasy paws, and said angrily, "What kind of injury did you suffer? The power of this Pill Tribulation isn't very good, but it helped me move my hands and feet, which is quite comfortable."

Everyone: "…"

You must know that apart from Zhang Yu and the island owner, the others are all monsters.Their fear of sky thunder is much stronger than that of human monks, and even crossing the sky is much more difficult for them than human monks, much more.They couldn't understand at all, what kind of mysterious power was hidden in a guy who passed the alchemy so easily?Or, how incredible is the power behind him?

At this time, Luo Tian suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead, and then shot out like a wind, and then the breeze moved, Luo Tian returned to the same place, with an indescribable smile on his face.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "I was lucky this time, and actually refined four Yin-Yang Resurrection Pills. Here, two of you each."

"Why..." Sha Sheng yelled dissatisfied when he heard the words, but when he saw Luo Tian and the Baiyu clan's eyes fell on him, he finally muttered, "The Styx flower was contributed by me... the Baiyu clan's The guy earned a yell for nothing, hum!"

"Hmph what?" Bai Ruotang didn't say much, stepped forward to bow to Luo Tian, ​​and said gratefully, "Fellow Daoist Han is anxious and righteous, and Bai owes you a favor."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ruotang took two Yin-Yang Resurrection Pills from Luo Tian's palm, and stepped aside.

"No! This can't work!"

The old woman of the Baiyu tribe who had been injured by Luo Tian immediately screamed.

Luo Tian frowned, this old godmother really didn't know what to do!

"Han Xiao...Your fellow Daoist Han has done us Yao'er a great favor no matter what, just owed a favor is not enough!"

Everyone is relieved.Especially Luo Tian and the others who thought wrongly, felt ashamed immediately...

"Let's do this!" Bai Ruotang waved his hand, and the venue immediately fell silent, "These two Yin-Yang Resurrection Pills are enough to save Yao'er from the pain of reversing meridians for 30 years. Give it to Fellow Daoist Han!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ruotang stretched out his hand and flipped it over, and an octagonal iron sign the size of a bowl appeared in his palm, it was ordinary and unremarkable.

"Xinghai plate!" Sha Sheng let out a strange cry, and immediately looked at Bai Ruotang as if he was meeting Bai Ruotang for the first time, "Grandma, what a leg! Bai Ruotang, you old boy is so willing to spend your money that you even took out the Xinghai plate to give away, as far as I know You know, your Baiyu clan only has three Xinghai discs in total, right?..."

Xinghai dish?

Luo Tian suddenly became puzzled in his heart, and he searched his guts and let him rewind all the memories of his life several times in his mind, and there was no information about Xinghai Disk.

"Brother Han, Bai will leave now. If you have time, please come to the Baiyu clan for a visit." Bai Ruotang did not say much after that, cupped his fists and said loudly, and then led the Baiyu clan to leave through the air.

"That's natural." Luo Tian clasped his fists in return and shouted looking into the sky.

"It's quick enough to change your words. Hmph, these hypocritical and shameless guys..." Sha Sheng grabbed the two Yin-Yang Resurrection Pills from Luo Tian's palm, and opened and closed his hands carefully. Then disappear.

"Zhang Yu, you and I will rest here for a day, then let's go." Luo Tian waved his hand, turned back and walked towards the bamboo building.

"Hey, boy Han, do you think I'm just empty? That bastard Ruotang gave you the Xinghai plate. I must have given you more than him... ah... definitely more than him... Bai Ruotang from Bird Day... I want to kill you …ah…"

"Idiot." Zhang Qian walked towards the bamboo building lazily following Luo Tian with a figure-of-eight gait.

"You dare to scold me, idiot! I want to kill... ah... you bastards... don't you dare to take this young master seriously... this young master must... ah... yes, old thing, this young master will also I want to stay with you for a day... ah... you two wait for me... ah... this young master is not ungrateful..."

"Stay here for another day?" The old man's old face was as ugly as a blooming chrysanthemum suddenly being rubbed a few times.


Finally, Luo Tian still couldn't hold back Sha Sheng who was clinging to him like brown sugar, kindly invited him, and agreed to go to the sea with him.Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be a powerful figure of the Cancer Clan stationed in this sea area.

"It's here." Sha Sheng flew over a piece of sea area with the reluctant Luo Tian, ​​and said triumphantly, "How is it? This place is magnificent enough to receive the two of you, no matter how smart you are. Are they far inferior to this young master's guy?"

Luo Tian and the two: "..."

"Look at it." Sha Sheng laughed loudly, swung his sleeves down abruptly, and then played out several repeated moves one after another. These moves finally formed a bright beam of light. Next, Sha Sheng's big hand forced down As soon as it was pressed, the sea water was churning, and after a while, several flickering rainbow lights came from the bottom of the sea, and then intertwined with the beam of light displayed by Sha Sheng, the sea water split into two, and a huge black hole appeared. .

"Go down." Sha Sheng said proudly, and then gave Zhang Yu a contemptuous look. Walking through the seabed, at least you need to cultivate at the alchemy stage. For boy Han's sake, I must kill... ah... convince others with virtue...

Luo Tian and Zhang Yu glanced at each other, and immediately they jumped into the dark pit without saying a word, without even saying hello to Sha Sheng.

Sure enough, Sha Sheng became irritable again, "You two bastards... ah... you are still so noisy in my territory... grandma... don't run around... there are many underwater Kuishui mines and Jiudu mines... ah... stupid, you Damn, I trampled to death a lot of my most beloved blue crystal flower...I must...ah...kill it..."

ps: Caught a cold, runny nose and tears... It will be three shifts today, and four shifts tomorrow.sorry.

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