
Chapter 204

Hundreds of feet below the bottom of the sea, to Luo Tian's surprise, this place is not as gloomy and gloomy as they had imagined before.Although the water palace in front of me is not extremely huge, it is also extremely majestic. The attic halls in the distance are looming, undulating, and reflected in the eyes, it is a deep and shadowy scene.

"Two, this way, this way!..."

Sha Sheng was leading the way with sweat profusely on his face, almost turning his head three times a step at a time. On both sides of the sandstone path, stone pillars made of luminous stones stood every ten feet, reflecting Sha Sheng's expression very clearly. After eating dozens of catties of crotons, a face that thought to be so handsome that it was boundless was about to cry.

Can you not cry?The two masters in front of him have been rampaging in the medicine garden that he has cultivated for hundreds of years, and he clearly saw that the two of them secretly picked a lot of precious medicinal materials for the sake of looking good, and the other party's love I have kindness, and I am too embarrassed to stop it, so I...

"Hee hee, Sha Shuai, the scenery here is pretty good! I like it." Zhang Yu scratched his head with a loyal and honest look, looked around and said casually, "It's beautiful, but why can't anyone see it? ?”

Sha Sheng had already straightened his waist, but he couldn't help but slapped his forehead in frustration when he heard the words, and shouted: "You idiot, monsters can only be transformed into human forms at the ninth level. If I can see people everywhere in this water palace, sooner or later!" Just go out and sweep the Star Sea...Ah...you fucking don't mess with that stone pillar...ah...I'm in a terrible situation...I'm going to kill...ah..."

It seems that since Sha Sheng met Luo Tian and the two, he has never stopped, and his heart has been hanging in his throat.


There was a dull loud noise, and the space in front of the three of them fluctuated violently, and then a two-foot-high oval-shaped dark light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of them, finally forming a portal, and then dozens of people armed with weapons flew out of it. Armored monsters come.

"Who is so bold? Dare to trespass into the Chijin Water Palace...Uh, it turned out to be the young master...Didn't the young master say that he would be free for at least a month before coming back?...Uh, the young master was farting just now, without saying anything. OK, that's good..."

The one who spoke was a short old man with mung bean eyes, with a turtle head and a nondescript black gauze hat on his head, two mustaches on that tiny head, accompanied by two twisted The twisted eyebrows, like four eyebrows, are very funny.From the time he opened his mouth to the time he shut his mouth, his eyes never left Sha Sheng's face. Seeing that every time he said a word, Sha Sheng's face became more and more evil, and in the end he had to shut up resentfully.

Luo Tian looked on coldly, and couldn't help smiling. This old man was obviously a sixth-level turtle demon, but he was also like Sha Sheng, with his mouth open.It's really who plays what kind of bird, what kind of person brings what kind of soldiers.

"Grandma's legs!" Sha Sheng shouted with a straight face, "I just met two...two friends, and brought them to the Water Palace to rest for a day or two, and then my young master will go out to sea again... By the way, Master Military Adviser, is everything normal in the water palace recently? Can the palace guard array still function?"

When Sha Sheng spoke, the corners of his mouth were obviously upturned, obviously showing off how powerful his water palace is.Why can't Luo Tian see it, but Luo Tian is not a person who is keen on power, what he wants is nothing more than freedom.

"Normal, everything is normal..." the tortoise demon said nastily, looking at Sha Sheng resentfully with a pair of mung bean eyes, thinking, what kind of game are you playing, sir?Why don't you say anything in advance, so that your subordinates can cooperate with you in acting...

"Uh, Shuai Sha, I'm hungry..." No matter how much the two masters and ministers put themselves into acting here, Zhang Yu grabbed Sha Sheng's arm pitifully, "Let's go eat first, shall we?"

"Master Military Advisor, hurry up and prepare the grandest banquet for this young master!" Sha Sheng commanded arrogantly, and after finishing speaking, he glanced proudly at the wooden-faced Fellow Daoist Han...


In the grotesque water palace, in the most spacious hall at the moment, there were only three people sitting in front of the table, and the turtle demon stood neatly behind Sha Sheng, with his small face raised high.

Luo Tian and Zhang Yu looked at each other, both were speechless.

"I said, handsome Sha, is this the grandest banquet for you?" Zhang Qian said with a sad face, "It's fine if you don't have any seafood, and there's no beef or mutton. It's just all vegetables and fruits. I'm still growing up and eating. These can't be done, can't be done..."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dafantong looked at the colorful and six-colored crystal plates in front of him, and couldn't help but feel even more depressed.

Sha Sheng: "..."

The turtle demon has a black turtle face, seafood?Big your head, thin your head!Don't say you want to eat our kind, you stupid bastard is still picky and picky when faced with such a sumptuous feast!Thinking of this, the turtle demon couldn't help swallowing secretly.


I didn't drink a few sips of wine, I didn't eat a few dishes, and the most solemn banquet ended so calmly...

After Sha Sheng arranged a place for Luo Tian and the two of them, he led Luo Tian and the dejected Zhang Qian to the Treasure Pavilion in the Water Palace with arrogance.Along the way, many monsters saw the young master leading two humans, they all squeaked or roared, but in their words and deeds, they were very respectful and fearful.

"Wow wow wow wow..."

Sha Sheng led the two of them through the water palace for half an hour before arriving outside a second-floor attic that was heavily guarded.

The entire attic is made of coral essence of more than a thousand years, and there is a layer of clear light faintly.

Luo Tian's eyesight is extraordinary, and he can see through the difference of this attic at a glance. There are at least fifty or sixty restraining formations in the attic here, and the defense is so tight that even it is comparable to the large guarding formation in the Chijinshui Palace. would be too much.

When Sha Sheng opened his mouth, there was a strange cry that the two of them could not understand, and the octopus guarding the attic shook his head bitterly.Sha Sheng then threw out a jade token, and the monster octopus screamed a few times helplessly, and ordered his men to open the door of the attic.

"follow me."

Sha Sheng threw the token above his head, and a water-like light curtain diffused out, covering the three of them, and quickly walked into the attic.

"You two don't step out of the light curtain, otherwise it will trigger the restraint formation here, which will be extremely difficult." Sha Sheng warned, and then continued, "I will take the two of you to walk on the second floor first. Last time, the idiot can choose a magic weapon at will from the first floor, Han Xiao... Fellow Daoist Han can choose a magic weapon at will on the second floor. If there are more, this young master will not be able to make the decision."

Whether the attic is big or small, the three of them quickly walked around the attic.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu said that he loves all the magic weapons in the attic very much.But Luo Tian was different, he had sharp eyesight, and after this round, there were more than ten magic weapons that made him tempted, and he secretly sighed in his heart that the Cancer Clan is indeed one of the two major forces in the Southern Sea.But he also carefully searched for two magic weapons for himself and Zhang Yu. These two magic weapons had a good reputation in Xuantian Continent back then.

The magic weapon chosen for Zhang Yu was an offensive magic weapon called Hunyuan Tianmu Hammer.The magic weapon I chose for myself is a defensive magic weapon, called the Tushita Umbrella.

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