
Chapter 205

Luo Tian's choice of these two magic weapons was also a deliberate consideration based on the current situation of the two of them.Zhang Yu was so poor that he didn't have any magic weapons available at all. In addition, even if the exercises he practiced were not the secret methods of the Buddhist sect, they were related to the Buddhist sect, and the defensive methods of the Buddhist sect's exercises were unparalleled in the world.With his current strength, what he just lacks is an offensive magic weapon.But Luo Tian is not the case. Luo Tian has a lot of magic weapons in his hands, not only offensive magic weapons, but also trapping magic weapons, poisonous magic weapons, and Fenbaoyan, which can take half a life if hit. Magic weapon, but the only defensive magic weapon is Zixiayi, so he took aim at the treasured umbrella that is also famous for defense.

"Hehe, I don't know what you two are thinking about?" Sha Sheng smiled heartily, as if he was not worried at all that Luo Tian and the two would be able to choose the top magic weapon.Because those top-notch magic weapons were all restricted by his own father himself, and all their fluctuations and precious lights were hidden.If these two guys in front of them are really cultivated, they are far inferior to themselves, and they can't even compare to their perverted father.

After a while, Luo Tian had already secretly transmitted the sound to Zhang Yu, and the two of them had already made up their minds.

"I want this magic weapon, ha ha." Zhang Yu smiled harmlessly to humans and animals, which seemed to make people put down their guard.It's just that the magic weapon he was referring to made Sha Sheng's mouth open all of a sudden, mother, I begged my father for this magic weapon many times and he refused to give it. Could it be that this idiot in front of him just exploded with shit luck?But his grandma is a leg, and the water splashed out by what I said is all because I said too much before, and now I can't give it away...

"Take it!"

It took a lot of effort for Sha Sheng to break the restriction formation on the Hunyuan Tianmu Hammer, a burst of fire flashed, and the Hunyuan Tianmu Hammer turned into a green light and flew into Sha Sheng's hand, Sha Sheng was very reluctant to part Taking a last look at this treasure, he put on a bold and generous expression on his face and forced a smile.

Zhang Yu happily took the Hunyuan Tianmu Hammer, and immediately entered it with his mind, then sat down cross-legged without hesitation, and tapped a drop of blood essence into it.Then he refines this treasure without hesitation.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng were speechless for a while, this was a bit too urgent, as if they had never seen a magic weapon...

In fact, Zhang Yu had never seen such a good magic weapon in his life, and he was ecstatic for a moment, and only after refining it for an hour did he get up happily.A slap on the inexplicable Sha Sheng's shoulder, "My mother! Sha Shuai, this magic weapon is really suitable for me. Just because of this, I will also chop off chicken heads and burn yellow paper to beg you! You Don't dislike my low cultivation..."

"No, how could it be!" Sha Sheng was also dancing, and then asked stupidly, "What do you mean by chopping the chicken head and burning the yellow paper?..."

Zhang Yu: "..."

Then, Sha Sheng took the two of them up to the second floor again, and this time it was Luo Tian's turn to choose the magic weapon.Luo Tian is also bad enough, pretending to be worried and thinking for a long time, before pointing to a magic weapon, "Just this one."

Sha Sheng looked around and couldn't help being amused, it was the master who gave me face, the magic weapon chosen was not my father's concern, wow ha ha ha... If it wasn't for the father's rule, so what if you asked you to take more?

This time, Sha Sheng erased the restriction very quickly, and handed this umbrella-shaped magic weapon to Luo Tian very quickly, as if he was afraid that Luo Tian would go back on his word.He knew in his heart that there were extraordinarily many magic weapons on the second floor of the attic, and some of them were even high-level spiritual weapons.He was afraid that Luo Tian would accidentally choose those magic weapons that his father said he would take away if he lost them.But he still didn't understand that most of the magic weapons that their water monsters treasured were of the water attribute. As Luo Tian's spiritual root with dual attributes of gold and fire, how could he choose those magic weapons?Otherwise, even if the patriarch of the Cancer Clan personally placed restrictions, it would not be able to stop his spiritual eyes.

The Tushita Umbrella looks only one foot in size, like the oil-paper umbrellas used in the rainy places in the south of the Profound Sky Continent, but there are twelve fan bones on it, all of which are refined from unknown animal bones. The top is even mixed with rare materials such as Yanghuo Wujin and Huoxuanyin. It is made of the silk of the Arctic Iceworm as the main material.The most important part of the entire Tushita umbrella is the royal red spherical bead the size of a pigeon egg on the top of the umbrella. According to the records of rare treasures, this red bead was made by a thousand-year-old centipede in a deep mountain swamp. The inner alchemy was refined, this thousand-year-old centipede hibernates under the Yin | water all the year round, and the cold poison in its body is really extremely powerful. In order to kill it, I don't know how much manpower and material resources were spent.

At this moment, Luo Tian was also afraid of Sha Sheng's repentance, so he immediately imitated Zhang Yu, blending in blood essence and refining it on the spot.

"These two guys are so virtuous..." The corners of Sha Sheng's mouth twitched as he watched, but he was still a little proud in his heart. This time he just gave away a Hunyuan Tianmu hammer. At most, his father scolded him for a while. Don, I won't catch myself back...

At the same time, under a deep water area thousands of miles away from Chijin Water Palace.In the majestic and beautiful crystal stone palace, on the top throne polished by countless treasures, sat a red-faced middle-aged man with a square face and an invisible coercion all over his body.

At this moment, the red-faced middle-aged man is holding a glass of fine wine in his left hand, and holding a delicate and charming human woman in his right hand. His pair of big hands are constantly rubbing the pair of plump breasts on the woman's chest. Constantly changing shapes.The woman even fell down in the arms of the middle-aged man with a pretty face and slightly reddish. It seemed that even the roots of her ears were red, and she moaned coquettishly.

"Report!" A loud shout came, and immediately a fish monster walked into the palace quickly and knelt down.

The red-faced middle-aged man frowned slightly, and shouted with some dissatisfaction: "What's the fuss? How decent!"

"Your Majesty, the tortoise army sent the sound transmission talisman thousands of miles away, and it is said that there is an urgent matter to report!" The fish monster raised its hands above its head, and a sound transmission talisman that seemed to be numb and not numb lay quietly in the palm of the fish monster.

The red-faced middle-aged man grabbed the air with his big hand, and took the sound transmission talisman into his hand, and then penetrated his spiritual sense...

Soon, an extremely angry roar sounded from tens of miles around.

"Grandma's leg... I'm so angry... This old man is really... this little bastard, little bastard, little bastard... If he is not my own... ah... I insist on killing... ah... someone... hurry up... I can't catch it back ...Ah...You guys come to see me..."

Then, there was the sound of plates, bowls, chopsticks, jade and porcelain breaking, which lasted for a long time.

For a moment, all the monsters couldn't help shrinking their heads. Who made the king who had been quiet for less than two days so angry?But except for the young master who has always been idle, it seems that no one else has this ability...



Sha Sheng didn't know why, but suddenly sneezed violently, and then cursed bitterly: "I don't know who is secretly scolding me again? It's best not to let me know who it is... Otherwise..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ju looked at Sha Sheng who was kneeling beside him, "Sha Shuai, my good brother, the chicken head has been chopped off, the yellow paper has been burned, and the incense is almost gone, hurry up and kowtow , my knees are astringent..."

Sha Sheng looked at Luo Tian who was kneeling in the middle, Luo Tian also nodded bitterly, then Sha Sheng smiled and kowtowed first.

Luo Tian and Zhang Yu hurriedly knocked down.

Unlucky Luo Tian, ​​originally it was Sha Sheng and Zhang Qian who chopped off the chicken head and burned the yellow paper, but in the end the two insisted on dragging Luo Tianxia into the water.So Luo Tian became brothers with Sha Shuai, who was extremely confident, and Zhang Yu, who had a huge appetite...

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