
Chapter 209

While Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, a pair of treacherous brothers relying on the Xinghai plate to harm monsters all the way, thousands of miles away on a large island, which is where the Taiyin Gate is located - Heiyan Island, In the depths of the row upon row of palaces, stands an ordinary black tower. The entire black tower is shrouded in a layer of fuzzy black smoke, entangled indefinitely, as if dozens of pythons are coiled outside the black tower.

Under the black tower, there is a middle-aged man in black kneeling at the moment. This middle-aged man does not know how long he has been kneeling, and even his hair and eyebrows are covered with a layer of snow-white frost mist. The black clothes are also patches of irregular white.The middle-aged man knelt down motionless, as if he had lost all vitality in his body.Even a few birds that went out to look for food in the early morning landed on his shoulders, head, and back without noticing...


There was an incomparably vicissitudes of sighing sound from the black tower, the bird on the middle-aged man was startled suddenly, and was about to spread its wings and fly into the air, but it turned into a layer of crystal black powder in the air, spraying freely in the air spread out.

"Old Ancestor, please help me!" The middle-aged man in black cried sadly, "Your body is seriously injured. If you don't practice Taiyin Secret Sutra, you may not live for a few years!"


There was an angry shout, and immediately there was no sound from the black tower.The middle-aged man in black seemed to have made up his mind, knelt on the ground and remained motionless.

At this time, in the space at the top of the black tower, countless black gas flames were floating around. It seemed that countless black iron chains extended from the whole space. There are huge stone platforms weighing tens of thousands of catties.

The stone platform is extremely smooth, like finely carved jade.But above the stone platform, there is a huge black lotus completely formed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating in the air. The black lotus feet are as big as five or six feet, and the lotus leaves, lotus, and lotus core are all lifelike.The space above the black lotus is somewhat distorted, and a huge black throne is suspended. The throne looks very old and a little broken, but it still can't hide the terrifying and majestic aura coming from the throne.

An old man in black robes was sitting on the throne at the moment. The old man's face was as tender and smooth as a baby's. If it wasn't for his white hair, he would only be in his thirties.What is just shocking is that below his waist, there is no half flesh and blood at all, just two straight skeletons of white bones, which have been drooping on the bottom of the throne, looking extremely terrifying.

"Self-inflicted evil, I can't live!" The black-robed old man sighed bitterly, and said to himself, "At the beginning, my Taiyin lineage betrayed Xuanyin|Dao Zun, Dao Zun once predicted that without his protection, my Taiyin lineage Sooner or later, all of them will be turned into bones and scattered between the heaven and the earth! Now, it seems that Dao Zun is so powerful that he can slaughter gods and gods, and he even pointed out the flaws of my Taiyin vein..."

"Forget it, forget it, where do you come from, where do you go, this... everything is retribution, retribution..."

A long sigh came, and there was no more sound.


A few days later, on a sparsely populated island three hundred miles away from Heiyan Island, Sha Sheng walked swiftly with two wild goats in his hands, and arrived in front of Luo Tian after a few vertical leaps.

"You'd better kill me..." Luo Tian patted his forehead weakly, looking at a bison and three wild goats that were already roasting in front of him, wanting to cry without tears.Since he was really bored a few days ago, he caught a wild goat and roasted it, and Na Sha Sheng became aware of its taste. Every time he went to a rest place, he would grab some wild game and let Luo Tian roast it with his own hands.

"Third brother!" Sha Sheng threw the wild goat to the ground, then looked at Luo Tian with admiration, "Your craftsmanship...really, really good...Brother, I have never tasted such delicious food since I grew up...hehe , I will trouble you a lot in the future!"


Luo Tian Haoxuan didn't pass out, he thought to himself that this guy hasn't eaten these things since he was a child, right?Seeing them tossing so many fruits and vegetables in the water palace is already called a feast...

In fact, the two of Luo Tian have already reached the state of bigu, and it doesn't matter to them whether they eat food or drink water.But Luo Tian is a good drinker, so it's quite uncomfortable to drink without food.Therefore, Luo Tian occasionally eats delicious food on weekdays.

Brothers Luo Tian and Sha Sheng began to drink one cup at a time, but they didn't expect that their current location already belonged to Taiyin Gate.As for any power that has reached the level of the Taiyin Sect, there will generally be disciples under the sect patrolling uninterruptedly for twelve hours to prevent the enemy from making a surprise attack.And Luo Tian and the two knew this, and they were just attracting the inspecting disciples from the Taiyin Sect.

"Old man, third child, heck!" Sha Sheng held up a beef leg and gnawed furiously, suddenly his expression changed, and he yelled indistinctly with his mouth full of roast beef, and then burped.

"Well, someone is coming." Luo Tian leaned against a bluestone, pouring wine with his head up in an extremely wild shape, and looked at Sha Sheng with slightly squinted eyes, "Is it you who made the move? Or me?"

"Uh, that's the old rule, winning or losing is determined by drinking." Sha Sheng munched his mouthful of roast beef, greasy dripping from his mouth.

"Grandma has a leg! Why did I lose again?"

In the silent night sky, the four Taiyin Sect disciples who were in charge of patrolling the surrounding sea area suddenly heard a roar, and then a cloud of dark red smoke flashed from a distance to the front in an instant, and then stretched out and rolled up, engulfing all four of them. in.

Clap clap clap!

There were four consecutive sounds of flesh hitting the hard stone surface, and then the dark red smoke dispersed, revealing Sha Sheng's face that thought he was handsome and boundless.

"You...you are...what kind of monster are you? You...you dare to break into me...my Taiyin Gate..." The disciples of the Taiyin Gate also looked like they were in the early foundation period, not to mention Sha Sheng's powerful strength. Sha Sheng's appearance shocked them...

Sha Sheng caressed his face with both hands, leaned forward with an extremely amiable look, and raised his eyebrows, "I ask you, do you know the method of entering and exiting the Taiyin gate's restriction formation?"

"I don't know!" Seeing that Sha Sheng didn't dare to do anything to them, the disciples of the Taiyin Sect suddenly gained confidence in their hearts. It turned out that it was just an embroidered pillow that was not useful. Don't dare to offend my Taiyin Gate!

"Strike to death." Luo Tian took a sip of the fine wine and said softly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.


Sha Sheng pulled his arm far behind his body, then opened his huge palm, which was the size of a cattail leaf fan, and swung it round to slap the Taiyin Sect disciple who was the loudest and had the hardest mouth.

The Taiyin Sect disciple flew backwards two zhang, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood with several teeth, and a huge red palm print appeared on his whole face, which looked a bit funny.

Luo Tian almost spit out the drink from his mouth...

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