
Chapter 210 You are still far behind!

On the island, the four disciples of the Taiyin Sect who had long been restricted by Sha Sheng shivered in the night. Except for the unlucky guy who was fainted by Sha Sheng's slap, the other three were all in the tall and mighty Sha Sheng. Amid the sound of Sheng's approaching footsteps, his body felt like chaff.It's like three poor little lambs being blocked by a big bad wolf who has been hungry for three days and three nights in a corner with nowhere to escape.

Immortal cultivators who have lost their magical powers are really not compared to ordinary people in the world.Because they have long been accustomed to a superior attitude, and have long been accustomed to everything brought about by their status and mana cultivation. Suddenly they lost everything, and what remained in their hearts was nothing but panic and nothing else.

"Say, or not?" Sha Sheng smiled yin, and rattled his palms, as long as you say no, what awaits you is a violent beating and beating like a storm...

Luo Tian looked at the starry sky above his head with his hands behind his back, and frowned slightly: "Boss, stop talking nonsense with them, and don't open your mouth to send them to see the King of Hades."


"Two heroes, please forgive me... There is an eighty-year-old mother on the villain, and there is a child waiting to be fed..."

The three of them were rather afraid of death. Seeing that Luo Tian and Sha Sheng didn't take the Taiyin Gate seriously, they panicked and begged for mercy with a long voice.

"Grandma has a leg! I see you are in your eighties, you old bastard is older than your mother, right? Huh?..."


Don't look at the immortals who have a long life, but the more such people are often the more afraid of death.Luo Tian and Sha Sheng frightened the monks of the Taiyin Sect to half death by singing the red face and the bad face, and finally got their hands on the method of how to restrict access to the periphery of the Taiyin Sect.

"Third brother, what should we do with these four guys? I think killing is counting!" As soon as Sha Sheng said this, the Taiyinmen cultivator who had already woken up quickly raised the red mark on his face and joined the other three troubled brothers. Qi crawled to Sha Sheng's feet, Qi Qi hugged his thigh, and made a humming sound from his mouth.But Sha Sheng thought they were too loud and blocked their voices.

Luo Tian's eyes rolled, and he remembered the method of manipulating the other party's primordial spirit recorded in Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, and immediately became concerned.He hooked his hand at Sha Sheng, leaned close to his ear and talked.

"What! I have such a unique temperament that stands out from the crowd, it is definitely not suitable for impersonating these Taiyin Sect bastards...Ah...Brother, I am righteous...I can't imitate their wretched models...Ah..."

Soon, Sha Sheng's extremely dissatisfied rebuttal came from the island.

It's night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is the best day to kill, set fire and steal chickens and dogs.

On the island, four figures floated up in the air, pretended to circle the sea a few times, and then flew towards Heiyan Island.

It was also extremely difficult for Luo Tian to exert all his strength to control the two disciples of the Taiyin Sect, so he did not fly too quickly.On the contrary, Sha Sheng put on the Taiyin Gate costume, but it fits very well, as if this black robe was woven for him by nature.

After flying by for less than half an hour, Heiyan Island finally appeared in front of him.


The four of Luo Tian landed on the shore of Heiyan Island together, where several guards on duty were keeping watch.And Luo Tian and Sha Sheng deliberately walked behind the two Taiyin Sect disciples manipulated by him, and let them block them.

The guards of Heiyan Island only checked the tokens carried by the four people according to the usual rules, and then let them go.

After entering the Black Rock Island, Luo Tian manipulated the two disciples of the Taiyin Sect, together with Sha Sheng, to start turning around the Black Rock Island without any risk.After they wandered around for more than an hour, they finally found out that there were three places that ordinary disciples could not enter.

"Third brother, what should we do next?" Arriving at a hidden place, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng went to great lengths to seal up the two disciples of the Taiyin Sect to prevent them from suddenly waking up and making noise.

Luo Tian thought about it quickly, and said, "Go to the retreat place of Taiyin Patriarch."

Sha Sheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly said: "The patriarch Taiyin has been in seclusion for a long time, and his cultivation is astonishing. I heard from my father that the old monster was only weaker than him at the beginning. Now hundreds of years have passed. He can't be without an inch!"

"Don't worry, as long as he doesn't ascend to immortality, he won't be able to escape from my palm!" Luo Tian said with great certainty.

"Hey, that's good." Sha Sheng didn't ask much.

Later, the two treacherous brothers sneaked all the way to avoid the secret sentry and dark post that they had seen just now, and sneaked towards the holy place of the Taiyin Gate.

The Taiyin Sect can also be regarded as a first-class power in the southern region, with strict rules and regulations, how can any disciple dare to come to the holy place in the sect with the courage of ambition.Therefore, Luo Tian and the two of them traveled all the way without meeting anyone at all.

"Let me see if there is anyone in there first?"

Sha Sheng chuckled, then took out a sound transmission talisman, said a few words to the sound transmission talisman, then flicked it with his fingers, and threw the sound transmission talisman high into the depths of the Holy Land.

A green light flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, and the eyeballs almost didn't come out. He clearly saw Sha Sheng's mouth shape. What the fellow said was: Is the Taoist Master Yuqing of Zhengyang Palace here?

"Don't stand still! Change places, hurry up!" Sha Sheng then grabbed Luo Tian and flew towards the other side of the Holy Land.

Chi Chi!

After a while, there was a slight sound of breaking through the holy land, and soon an angry old man appeared at the place where Luo Tian and the two stood just now.

Following the gourd drawing, Sha Sheng used this method to quickly attract some powerful elders stationed around the Holy Land of Taiyin Gate, and then he and Luo Tian kept speeding toward the deepest part of the Holy Land and go.

Of course, Sha Sheng itself is a monster. After taking the Yin-Yang Resurrection Pill, without the restriction of the Transformation Orb, his cultivation base has greatly increased. With the Spirit Pill gifted by Luo Tian, ​​he will almost enter the late stage of the sixth-order monster. As soon as he restrained his aura at this moment, the speed of his physical body alone was already very frightening.Of course, what is even more astonishing is Luo Tian. The most powerful thing in Luo Tian is his consciousness, and his physical body has already reached the point where his heart is made of copper, steel, and iron. Sheng has to go a little faster.

"Hmph! If you two juniors dare to break into my Taiyin Sect Holy Land, then stay!"

At this time, a black cloud floated out of the spirit cap of the middle-aged man in black who had been kneeling in front of the black tower, and quickly condensed into a strange black lotus in the sky above his head, and then the black lotus quietly sank into the deep night among.

Luo Tian, ​​who was hundreds of feet away, was standing on the top of a big tree, with a mocking sneer on the corners of his mouth, and then stretched out his hands, and after doing a few spells, he pointed his fingers towards the center of his eyebrows, and a black flower with a more pure luster A lotus flower floats overhead.

"The rebellion of the Xuanyin Sect actually used the Xuanyin Black Lotus Fire to deal with me? In terms of fire, you are far behind!"

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