
Chapter 212 Surrender!


At this moment, not only Fu Qingchen's primordial spirit, but also all the Taiyin sect elders in the Holy Land were stunned...

"Old...old three..." Sha Sheng kept picking his ears, his face full of tangled expressions, "I heard that right, right? You are... ah... you are taught by... Xuanyin... ah... this is simply too much. …ah…"

"Don't dare to do it." Luo Tian snorted coldly, and immediately moved away quickly, Fu Ruohai actually worshiped in the empty space that salute.

But Fu Ruohai on the Blackstone Throne didn't care, just gave a wry smile, then looked at Luo Tian who was standing proudly standing in the void tremblingly, his eyes became misty, "Ever since I accepted the Taiyin lineage, I haven't hurt a fellow sect .Although I know that sooner or later the headmaster will come to the door, but all this is the ancestor's greed for profit for a while, and it is the retribution of my Taiyin lineage..."

"Hmph!" Luo Tian sneered, pointing at Fu Ruohai, "If it weren't for your Taiyin lineage to betray our sect, our sect might not have been annihilated! Your Taiyin lineage and Elder Feng's lineage are really hard to blame. !"

"Hey, that's all. Now that the head teacher is born, my Taiyin sect is at your disposal. It's just that there are many disciples in the Taiyin sect who are not directly descended from my Taiyin sect. I wonder if the head teacher can spare their lives?"

Luo Tian's heart moved, and he began to think, is this Fu Ruohai so willing to die?Is there a fraud in it?

"Third brother, be careful of this old boy playing tricks." Seeing this, Sha Sheng quickly said via voice transmission.

"This Black Stone Throne is one of the treasures of the master, and I will return it today..." Fu Ruohai, who is old and smart, couldn't see Luo Tian's scruples, and shook his head with a wry smile.Immediately, without hesitation, he abruptly cut off all connections between his mind and the Blackstone Throne, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Old Ancestor..." Fu Qingchen yelled anxiously, but his soul was controlled by Luo Tian at the moment, and he had no way to resist, so he could only feel miserable in his heart.It is really not reconciled that the magic weapon of the Taiyin Gate to intimidate Xiaoxiao around is surrendered like this.It's just that when Fu Qingchen thought about the other party's identity, he couldn't help but lose all hope.The Taiyin Gate is about to be destroyed, so what's the use of a mere magic weapon.


Luo Tian stretched out his hand to recall the Blackstone Throne, and then his spiritual consciousness immediately enveloped him. Only when he found that there was no problem, did he pop out a drop of blood essence and bring the Blackstone Throne into the Black Lotus space.

With a little finger, Fu Qingchen's primordial spirit was immediately wrapped in countless gold dots, as if thousands of needles were piercing his body, it was uncomfortable, whether it was pain or itching, Fu Qingchen immediately screamed.

"Also... please forgive Qingchen for now..." Fu Ruohai's body was hidden in a black cloud at this moment, and he looked at Luo Tian with some horror at this moment. Even though his cultivation base had reached the early stage of leaving the body, The descendants of the Taiyin lineage all have the soul imprint planted by Xuanyin | Dao Zun that day, unless a monk whose cultivation base is higher than Xuanyin | Dao Zun is found to break the imprint.But not to mention that Xuanyin|Taoist Master’s cultivation reached an extremely terrifying situation back then, but the price he paid for finding a monk with a higher cultivation level than Xuanyin|Taoist Master would not be enough for him to live in the Taiyin Gate for thousands of years. sorry...

"Is there a place to talk?" Luo Tian was silent for a while, then suddenly said softly.If he wanted to destroy the Taiyin Gate, it would only take a moment, but then what?He may become a famous figure in the entire Tianxinghainan region overnight, and then countless monks will find him one after another, and they will compete with him to become famous.That is not what I would like to see after I have just comprehended the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra.It may be a hidden disaster to keep this Taiyin gate, but it still has a lot of uses for the current self.After all, a master monk in the early stage of the out-of-body stage, a master in the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage, and several elders in the alchemy stage... No matter where this force is placed, it cannot be underestimated...

"Yes, of course!" Fu Ruohai shouted hastily, "Please headmaster and old man..."

A moment later, Luo Tian was sitting on the second floor above the black pagoda, Fu Ruohai, Fu Qingchen and a group of disgraced Taiyinmen elders were sitting on his right hand, and Sha Sheng was carefree. Sitting on Luo Tian's left.Suddenly, the scene became extremely weird.There were two rows of people sitting under Luo Tian, ​​the row on the right had seven people, and the row on the left was Sha Sheng alone...

"This head teacher was ordered in the face of danger, and it is my duty to promote this school." After a long time, Luo Tian spoke first, but seeing that the eyes of everyone in the Taiyin Sect were a little strange, he realized that Fu Qingchen's primordial spirit was still in his hands, and he quickly stretched out his hand, Fu Qingchen's primordial spirit and physical body merged into one.Fu Qingchen coughed lightly, then got up pale and bowed to Luo Tian, ​​and then sat down.

"The Taiyin Sect is originally one of the branches of my sect. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Fu is willing to return to the name of our sect?" After Luo Tian finished speaking, he looked at Fu Ruohai with a half-smile. After that, all of them are direct disciples of the Taiyin Sect, and he controls the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra in his hands, so he is not afraid of them going to heaven, and he can kill them all in an instant.

Fu Ruohai, who was shrouded in a layer of black clouds, got up quickly, and said: "The Taiyin Sect is originally the sect of the Xuanyin Sect's apostles. Now that the head teacher is gracious, I am willing to return to the Xuanyin Sect. It's just that the old man If you have a stubborn illness, you can't stand on the saddle and wait on the head teacher."

Luo Tian nodded secretly after seeing these words, sure enough, none of these old guys were fuel-efficient.

A green glow suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Luo Tian's voice was like thunder: "If this head teacher can cure your stubborn illness, what should I say?"


This time, not only Fu Ruohai, but also Fu Qingchen and the other six Taiyin sect elders' eyes lit up. The Taiyin Secret Sutra was originally born from the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, and now the head teacher is willing to bestow the complete power In the future, there will never be any danger of becoming obsessed with the exercises of the Taiyin lineage.

"If the head teacher is so generous, I am willing to swear allegiance to the head teacher to the death!" Fu Ruohai is also a character, and he agreed without hesitation when he saw this, and his words were extremely excited.Fuck the soul brand of his mother, if the stubborn illness is cured, your old man will let me go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire!

Next to him, Sha Sheng was also excited like something, grandma is so leggy, the third child will handle the Taiyin Gate?Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Luo Tian's tone changed again, and he shouted in a deep voice: "I will only give you one chance. If you still have thoughts of apostasy in your heart, once I find out, what awaits you will be wiped out!"

"My subordinates dare not!"

The Taiyin Sect headed by Fu Ruohai, no, all the Taiyin sect knelt on the ground and said loudly and respectfully.

Luo Tian used both soft and hard tactics, and finally made the Taiyin lineage surrender again.Then, the next thing is Shenfeng Island...

ps: Originally, I would continue to code the third update, but I have to go out for a while because of some urgent matters. There may not be an update today.But starting tomorrow, it will explode again.Friends who can't wait, you can read my old book, it's very cheap...

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