
Chapter 213 Qinse Island, Beggars

The entire Taiyin Sect is still the same as before, and the ordinary disciples are still patrolling and practicing as in the past. They have no idea that just one night has passed, and the Taiyin Sect has actually undergone tremendous changes.Of course, the cultivator among the sects, who was a little on the stage, still alertly smelled an unusual aura.And those elders in the sect who knew what happened, all of them kept silent in tacit understanding.

In fact, even if these bigwigs who knew the inside story wanted to say something, they couldn't open it.Do you want to tell the disciples under the sect that the Taiyin sect was single-handedly picked?Then all surrender to that person?

If you say it, no one will believe it.

"Headmaster... this, I will definitely live up to you!" In the black tower, Fu Ruohai's white hair kept shaking with excitement, and he knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes. In the black mist covering his body, Below the waist was originally just a skeleton, but now it was faintly covered with a layer of blood.Fu Ruohai knew in his heart that if the new head teacher hadn't given him the complete exercises of the Taiyin Secret Sutra, his half-crippled body would never have recovered.But now, Luo Tian gave him hope.

Luo Tian waved his hand and said lightly: "You don't need to thank me, just remember what you said today. I will never be stingy with my own people."

"Yes, yes!" Fu Ruohai was a little incoherent.

"The only thing you need to do now is to increase the strength of the Taiyin Sect." Luo Tian looked at Fu Ruohai meaningfully, "No matter what method you use. But you have to remember it well and don't make it too public. Right now It's an eventful time, and it's unwise to make too many enemies."

"Teacher, are you going to leave soon?" Fu Ruohai frowned slightly, "In the Star Sea, there are intricate and powerful people emerging one after another, just in case you make a mistake..."

Luo Tian waved his hand and said: "With my current strength, even if I face you, I can support you for a while without using the Primordial Spirit Golden Talisman. When I meet a strong enemy, even if I am not an opponent, I can leave safely. Bring it up again."

"Teacher..." Seeing that Luo Tian had made up his mind, Fu Ruohai didn't say much.From a selfish point of view, there is still a trace of temptation and luck in his heart. If the young headmaster is given by someone outside... then the Taiyin sect will have no scruples, but he doesn't think Luo Tian is willing to use the Taiyin lineage technique Tell yourself everything.

Luo Tian is not a fool either, he didn't give Fu Ruohai all the exercises of the Taiyin lineage, but only paid his allegiance verbally, he would not be so naive as to think that this old monster could sincerely obey.A part of the skills and formulas are left, which can also contain this old monster.Besides, with Luo Tian's current supernatural powers, unless the other party's cultivation base is extremely high, and he kills him by surprise as soon as he comes up, it is impossible to kill him.Now that his cultivation base has been promoted to the middle stage of the alchemy stage, and his spiritual consciousness has also reached the early stage of the Yuanying stage, he can already stay in the black lotus space for ten or eight years. If he encounters a powerful enemy that cannot be resisted, he will hide in the black lotus space at worst.As for that guy Sha Sheng, there are not many in the entire Tianxing Hainan Region who dare to kill him...


"Third son, you said it would be great for the two of us to be uncles in the Taiyin Sect, why come out in such a hurry? It's completely nothing to blame for."

Above the sky, two escaping lights moved forward at high speed.Sha Sheng babbled on and on all the way, with an attitude of not enjoying himself enough at all.

"Tell me about the truly powerful forces in the Star Sea." Luo Tian was silent for a while, then suddenly said.

"A truly powerful force? Oh, this is too much..." Sha Sheng thought about it carefully, and suddenly his expression turned serious, "But according to what you mean, the power that is really proud of the Star Sea is probably not With one palm..."

"Let's hear it." Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Although my Cancer Clan is considered to be the overlord in the Tianxing Hainan Region, it has not yet reached that level." Sha Sheng said with a sigh, and then carefully filtered the information in his mind, "The forces at that level should There are three...four...four, if you count the elusive Buddha sect."

"Four?" Luo Tian was also a little surprised, there were actually four in the Tian Xinghai of this level of power!Overseas, indeed, the strength is unmatched by the Profound Sky Continent.

"That's right, it's these four perverted forces!" Sha Sheng nodded emphatically, "These four forces all participated in the shocking battle that besieged the Xuanyin Sect. Island, there is also the empty island in the northern region of the Star Sea, and then there is the Buddha Sect."

"How are they compared to the Cancer Clan?" Luo Tian suddenly asked on a whim.

Sha Sheng rolled his eyes vigorously, then looked at Luo Tian with great resentment, and said helplessly, "If they want to destroy the Cancer Clan, it only takes so long..."

Saying that, Sha Sheng raised two fingers.

"Two months... Impossible, two days?" Luo Tian's heart twitched, "It can't be so strong, can it?"

"It's two hours." Sha Sheng sighed helplessly.

"... "


Qinse Island, although not strong in the Tianxing Hainan Region, is quite famous.The reason is that thousands of years ago on this little-known island, a couple of extremely loving monks came to this island hand in hand. The couple worked together to lead the residents of the island to hunt down the monsters in the sea, and were eventually captured Everyone elected as the owner of the island.As a result, the good times didn't last long. The couple who were originally deeply in love were only in the alchemy stage and had a life limit. After more than two hundred years, the wife in the couple finally couldn't break through to the Nascent Soul stage. melt away.Originally, the husband was very hopeful to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, but in order to be with his wife, he gave up this great opportunity, and ended up dying.The residents on the island were moved by the couple's unswerving feelings until death, so they named the island Qinse Island.

"Hey, what if I can do this?" Luo Tian couldn't help asking himself after listening to the story Sha Sheng told.In fact, among monks, even Taoist couples with excellent feelings, it may be difficult to do this.Without him, all immortal cultivators practice against the sky, and if they have the opportunity to aspire to a higher level of heaven, I believe no one will refuse this temptation.The Taoist companion can find another one, but this is the innate fate, maybe there will be no next time.

"Look, the current owner of Qinse Island is the descendant of that couple, he is so kind, and he has issued spirit stones in the porridge factory again..." Sha Sheng suddenly sighed, "Good people don't live long, but evil people will last for thousands of years." Hey, looking at the appearance of the island owner, I'm afraid the time has come."

After Sha Sheng said this, Luo Tian came to his senses, "Huh? How could there be so many beggars on Qinse Island? And there are many monks among them?"

"It sounds good, it's doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. To be clear, he's a fool." Sha Sheng shook his head, "I'm afraid the owner of this island will lose all his property sooner or later..."

"Someone seems to be making trouble? Go, go and have a look."

"Hey, third child, wait for me!"

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