
Chapter 214 Overbearing and Strange Poison!

"Island lord, everyone is following you to the death, but look, the number of spirit stones is getting smaller and smaller every time. How does this make the brothers live?"

"That's it."

"Hey, I'm afraid the island owner has swallowed up all the spirit stones..."

Several young masters in brocade clothes stood at the front, shouting dissatisfiedly, and many of the surrounding crowd also echoed.

"You...you are talking nonsense!"

A maid stood up without hesitation, pointed at the young masters and young masters in front of her, and said angrily: "The sea monsters hunted on the island can't be sold for a few dollars at all, and our island owner himself posted a lot of them." Less money and spirit stones. You guys have great careers, so it’s fine if you don’t help, but you always come to make trouble! You, what are you doing?!”

"What's our intention? What a joke!" A son with a face full of flesh closed his gold-painted folding fan fiercely, and shouted with a gloomy expression, "Except for the island owner on Qinse Island, our big families have contributed the most, why should we share it with us?" There are so few spirit stones? Could it be that the island lord thinks that with the power of the island lord's mansion, he can resist the monsters in the sea?"

"Master Zhang's words are wrong." While speaking, a middle-aged man in fur clothes walked out slowly, his brows almost wrinkled into a "Sichuan", "The contribution of several big families to this island should not be underestimated, but selling The spirit stones exchanged for by monsters, your big families already accounted for more than half, and the young masters didn't put in half effort when hunting monsters, 30 yuan low-grade spirit stones are given to you for nothing, what do you want? "

"Yo, the island owner is finally willing to meet us." Another pockmarked young master shouted angrily, "Just because our families have made great contributions to Qinse Island, the island owner will give us a few Divide thin noodles? I really don’t pay attention to the mere 30 yuan of low-grade spirit stones. What’s more, why should we be treated the same as these casual cultivators who only know how to receive relief? Strength, can Qin Se Island be fully protected?"

"If the Lord of the Island still treats us so unfairly, the next time the monsters attack, our big families will not participate in the battle with the monsters. At worst, our big families will move out of this island. .”

"Yes, move away from this island."

"You, you..." The master of Qinse Island pointed at these arrogant young masters with a pale face, but he couldn't say a word.Relying on the strength of his island lord's mansion, without the support of several big families, I am afraid that Qinse Island will really not be able to withstand the attack of monsters in the sea next time.However, so far, the Island Lord's Mansion really doesn't have many spirit stones that can be produced...

on the edge of the crowd.

Luo Tian leaned against the vermilion pillars at the entrance of the shop, and looked at all this lazily, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and then he retracted it, and said lightly: "What do you think?"

"Incompetent island owner, shameless family, and cowardly islanders." Sha Sheng shrugged, then sneered with his arms crossed.

"Wrong." Luo Tian said softly, "It all comes down to the fact that the island owner is too weak. Moreover, his cultivation base is really low, and he can't control the scene."

While the two were talking, those young masters had already thrown their tempers and rushed out.

"Get out, get out! A bunch of trash who know how to live on relief!"

"Trash is trash, bite me if you don't accept it? Bah!"

The people who received the food spirit stones dared not speak out. Their strength is low, and they can't afford to provoke these domineering young masters.Even allowing him to insult, most people's faces were numb and expressionless.A small number showed angry expressions, but they could only provoke more humiliating saliva from the former.

"Sorrowful for its misfortune, angry for its indisputability!" Sha Sheng looked bored, and with his and Luo Tian's current strength, he could tell at a glance that those young masters and young masters had the highest cultivation bases, and the ones were only in the late stage of the Qi refining stage, while Luo Tian The island owner was at the late stage of the foundation building period, and there were several monks in the early stage of the foundation building period among the surrounding crowd, but none of them dared to act on the spot, or even turned their faces on the spot.

"Third brother, third child..." Seeing that Luo Tian didn't respond, Sha Sheng couldn't help looking at Luo Tian with some doubts.

At this moment, Luo Tian was staring at an open space outside, there was no one else there except a beggar sitting cross-legged.The beggar was in ragged clothes, his hair was loose, and his body was trembling uncontrollably, as if he was enduring great pain.

"Tall, it's really tall!" Sha Sheng only took one look, and then cried out in a very lewd manner, "It's our youngest who is domineering, and such an extremely beautiful beauty is actually taken by the youngest's pair of hands that are all over the world!" Wushuang's wolf eyes can be found at a glance, we are really beyond reach, beyond reach!"

In fact, the beggar is a woman, and judging by her age and appearance, she is not too old, and although the young woman is dressed in rags, her hands and face are extremely clean. At this moment, her pretty face is as pink as a peach blossom, A pair of eyeballs are seductive like silk, and the look of pain in the eyes is extremely alluring. At this time, the white teeth are biting the red lips tightly, and there is a bit of a delicate posture, which looks unbearable. Live with care and pity.

However, the expressions of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng changed drastically after that.

I saw a slight aura fluctuating from the beggar-like woman, if it wasn't for the two of them's strong spiritual sense, it would be difficult to detect it.The breath on the woman's body at this moment fluctuated up and down in the middle of the alchemy stage, and then shrank back, shrinking to the foundation building stage, and then returned to the qi refining stage.

The expressions of Luo Tian and the two of them had just relaxed, and the aura on the woman's body soared all the way, directly rushing to... the early stage of Nascent Soul!

"Uh, what's going on here? Are you juggling?" Sha Sheng opened his mouth wide, and after a long time, he slapped his forehead and sat down on the ground, so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"Poisoned, this woman's mana and spiritual consciousness are violent, she must have been poisoned." Luo Tian said with a frown.

"Yo ho, when did such a baby come to Qinse Island?" The young masters and young masters had just walked out of the crowd when they saw the beggar-like woman, and hurriedly walked over with lewd smiles on their faces.This group of pampered guys are not good at cultivation, but they are proficient in everything from visiting brothels to flirting with women from good families.

"Get lost!" the woman shouted coldly and arrogantly without raising her head, and there was a majesty in her words.

"Still a little chili! I like it!"


Another rolling word, but this rolling word was sent by Luo Tian.All the dandies felt a flash in front of their eyes, and there was a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of them.

Luo Tian's face was cold, he reached out and grabbed the woman's white wrist, and then put his fingers on it, the eyebrows changed several colors in an instant.Seeing Luo Tian grabbing her wrist, the woman wanted to break free as soon as she moved her arm, but she couldn't break free now because of the strange poison in her body.

"Where did the bastard come from, you dare to meddle in what I'm waiting for, and you're so impatient?" Seeing that Luo Tianheng had gotten into something, these bullying guys shrank their necks, but immediately thought that this was Qinse Island Ah, on my own territory, I'm still afraid of him kicking the ball!All of a sudden, his courage grew stronger.

"...What kind of strange poison is this that is so domineering?" Luo Tian held the woman's bright wrist, and his eyebrows were huddled together. Even with his two lifetimes of experience, he couldn't see why the other party had been poisoned. Such a strange poison, this situation is simply weird.


All the dandies attacked with fists and kicks one after another, their movements were unanimous and skillful, it seemed that they didn't do this once or twice.

"Stay away...stay away from me, no...leave me alone..." the woman said with a reddened complexion, but her voice was still cold.

"Grandma's leg! A group of bastards are not afraid of dirtying the hands of our youngest..." Sha Sheng shouted excitedly, and then, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, he kicked this group of dudes to the sky with great interest ... In the distance, only a few figures could be seen flying high, then falling, and flying again, with Sha Sheng's sinister laughter mixed in.

ps: The next chapter will be very cool, very cool... hehe.However, I still have class in the afternoon, and the remaining two chapters will be updated in the evening.For Fengtui, four chapters a day are guaranteed.Heroes, don't worry.

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