
Chapter 215 Fornication?

"Who dares to hurt my son? Ah, senior, please spare me, senior..."

Not long after, the patriarchs of those big families came through the air one after another. Seeing that Sha Sheng was bullying everyone, they couldn't help shouting angrily. Then it floated down from the sky very politely, begging for mercy with a sad face.The quick change of expression was jaw-dropping.

"Hehe, these big families are used to the prestige, but I don't know if I kicked the iron plate today..." The owner of Qinse Island secretly shook his head and walked into the room. He was too lazy to bother.

"Grandma's leg! It's your son who hurt me, how dare you stretch your paws at our youngest?" Sha Sheng smiled sinisterly, and looked at the trembling patriarchs with ill intentions.

"Boss Sha, don't talk nonsense with them." Luo Tian said with a slightly anxious expression, and then turned to the patriarchs of several big families, "Do any of you have a quiet secret room?"

The patriarchs of several big families on Qinse Island couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Quickly answer the damn thing!" Sha Sheng kicked out, directly kicking a son until he vomited blood and flew out backwards.

"Yes, yes, senior, please come down with me, the secret room in the next home is the quietest..." one of the family patriarchs shouted hastily.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Luo Tian quickly stretched out his palm, and then sealed several acupoints on the woman's body with worldly martial arts. At this time, he didn't care about the suspicion of men and women, and directly hugged the woman, and then took a step forward, directly to the ten feet. Besides, it's extremely fast.

"Huh? What's that? It looks familiar..." Sha Sheng, who followed closely behind, had sharp eyes, and saw a champagne exposed from the clothes of the beggar-like woman. On the champagne was a piece of white petals.


If Sha Sheng was close, he could probably see half of Xiangpa, but he could recognize that half.This is the root cause of his life-and-death fight with Bai Ruotang a few days ago, Styx Flower...

On a mountain villa near the sea, the cliff is as high as hundreds of feet. Inside the cliff is a layer of verdant forest, and a gorgeous manor is built against the mountain in the forest.


With a person in his arms, Luo Tian was a bit faster than the patriarch leading the way, and arrived in the manor after a while.

"Senior, please come with me." Seeing that Luo Tian turned out to be in the middle of the alchemy period, the patriarch couldn't help being even more astonished. At this moment, he wished that he would quickly use up his secret room and leave Qinse Island as soon as possible.


After the patriarch brought Luo Tian to a secluded place, he quickly punched dozens of punches on a nearby rockery. After that, the white high wall immediately separated to the two sides, revealing a deep and dark place. out of the hole.

Without even thinking about it, Luo Tian flew directly into the cave, not afraid of inexplicable restrictions in the cave.Anyway, Sha Sheng was watching behind him, so the patriarch didn't dare to play any tricks.

With a flash of green light in both eyes, Luo Tian carried the woman into the ground seven or eight feet deep, walking in the darkness like walking on level ground, and soon arrived in a very elegant stone room.

Randomly laying down a few restraining formations, Luo Tian saw that the woman in his arms was still oozing out a lot of fragrant sweat. The fragrant sweat was so thick that it soaked the woman's clothes in a short while, and even the long hair at the temples was wet. Yes, most of the hair was still wet, as if it had just been fished out of the water.

"This poison is so overbearing?"

Although the woman's mind was a little blurred, she was still somewhat lucid. Seeing Luo Tian's palms grabbing her body, she couldn't help but subconsciously put her hands on her chest and stared at Luo Tian angrily. At this moment, she still lost all her cultivation. Luo Tian's opponent.

"Go away! Ah..."

With a scream and the sound of cloth shattering, Luo Tian still tore the woman's clothes in two with incredible speed, without any obscene luster in his eyes.

"Take this elixir first!" After Luo Tian finished speaking, he took out the self-refined detoxification elixir from the Qiankun bag, then pried open the woman's mouth, and stuffed it directly.Then he turned a blind eye to the woman who had only a small bellyband left on her upper body, and began to ponder.

"This poison is extremely hot, so the antidote must come from ice-cold herbs..." After thinking for a while, Luo Tian slapped the Qiankun bag, took out the Youyuan cauldron, and then took out several kinds of yin and cold wonders from the black lotus space. Medicine, and went to the second day domain to fetch a few top-grade ice-cold spirit stones, and after quickly throwing the spirit stones into the Youyuan Cauldron, the flames in the Youyuan Cauldron rose suddenly, wrapping the spirit stones tightly and calcining them stand up.

"Elixir is useless to me..."

"Shut up!" Luo Tian glared fiercely at the woman with flushed face at the moment, "If it wasn't for Styx Flower's sake, I wouldn't be bothered to save you... You have no face and no figure..."

"You bastard! Auntie is going to kill... woo woo..."

But Luo Tian thought she was noisy, so he grabbed her old clothes and gagged her.Poor woman, her own cultivation base is extremely high, but she is poisoned by a strange poison, her acupuncture points have been sealed by Luo Tian, ​​and now her mouth is stuffed with sweaty clothes, she is so depressed that she almost fainted.

In fact, Luo Tian only needs to observe this woman carefully, and he can find that there is a black ring on her finger as white as jade. It is generally the same, except that it is much more gorgeous than Yin Haihai's one, and it looks more like an ornament on a woman's hand.

Then, adhering to the principle of no evil, Luo Tian turned his back and pondered for a long time. After the top-grade spirit stone in the Youyuan Cauldron was finally refined a little, he grabbed the medicinal materials on the side and threw them into it without hesitation. Inside the Youyuan Ding.

To refine such a high-level detoxification elixir, relying solely on the flames inside the Youyuan Cauldron is far from enough. Yellow flames flew out from the palm of Luo Tian, ​​directly covering the Youyuan Cauldron, and the temperature in the stone chamber suddenly increased. It went up a lot.

All of a sudden, the whole stone room could only hear the crackling sound of flames.

Half an hour passed, Luo Tian had already refined two kinds of antidote elixirs, and gave them all to the woman, but the woman's condition not only did not improve, but worsened.Luo Tian was busy sweating profusely, and made a decision in his heart. He wanted to refine the Qihuang Dan, which could cure hundreds of poisons. The refining of this Qihuang Dan was quite energy-consuming, and it was difficult with his current cultivation level, but At present, he can only put all his eggs in one basket...

Concentrated, Luo Tian looked at Youyuan Cauldron earnestly, with all his mind integrated into it. He manipulated Youyuan Cauldron with great care to refine this Qihuang Dan. The medicinal materials on his body were only enough to fail five times. If he failed five times, The woman can only resign herself to fate.

The first Qihuang Dan, failed!

The second Qihuang Dan failed!

The third one is still being refined, Luo Tian already has nothing else to do.

I don't know when, the fragrant sweat on the woman's body began to reveal a lewd aura. The fragrance was incomparable, as if a hundred kinds of flowers were mixed together, and the woman's complexion became more and more red, and finally even her eyes turned into Turned red, and no consciousness can be seen in the eyes anymore... What's inside her is poisonous, how can there be an antidote?

"Ah!" The woman yelled, and immediately recovered her cultivation for a short time, and then she rushed towards Luo Tian like an angry female leopard.At this moment, Luo Tian didn't even realize that the backyard was on fire...

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