
Chapter 216 Woman, You Overestimate Yourself!


Sha Sheng, who was leaning on the rockery outside the secret room boredly, was pricking up his ears at the moment, when he suddenly heard Luo Tian's strange cry of grief and indignation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured to himself: "The third one is really true, It’s nothing more than guarding and stealing, but to make such a big commotion, my old man really blush for him, blush for him... By the way, the third guy must be a first-time brother, I don’t know if he understands pity and pity... Poor old man I have to guard the goal for him... Ah... It's unreasonable... I'm much more handsome than him..."

"That's all, it's too immoral to listen to people's corners! I'd better find a place to have a drink..." Sha Sheng thought for a while, carefully arranged a few restraining formations, and then shook his arms, With one stride, his figure shot into the sky like a cannonball.

It doesn't matter that every room in the stone room is full of spring, and it doesn't matter what kind of formation Sha Sheng, a pervert who is proficient in formations, sets up and goes away.At this time, outside Qinse Island, a blue cloud seemed to be flying slowly but actually very fast. There were two people standing on the cloud, one old and one young, the old was hale and hearty. An intoxicating air.

"Butian, I beg you, please speed up." The old man in yellow robe had a worried look on his face.

The young man in yellow robe looked around with novelty in his eyes, "I said, Uncle Hai, don't worry so much. That girl Qing'er has a high level of cultivation and many magic weapons on her body, no one can do anything in the entire Tianxinghai I was afraid that others would bully her, and this young master was always worried that she would bully others..."

Elder Hai rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "Are you acting like a big brother? Heartless! If you hadn't promised to give me a few bottles of snow plum jade wine this time, my old man wouldn't have come out with you... "

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, okay?" The yellow-robed boy slapped his forehead weakly, "There is an island just ahead, you and I, go and taste the island's specialties and let the boy buy it for you. A few bottles of good wine before we hit the road..."

"...Uh, it's almost the same, so let's hurry up!"


"Old man, I'm going to get drunk again..."

Well, he is also a heartless master.


There are quite a few hotels and taverns on Qinse Island, mainly because Qinse Island is the only relatively large island nearby, and there are more monsters near Qinse Island, so many rest on Qinse Island All of them were monks on their way.

At this moment, in the largest tavern on Qinse Island, Sha Sheng is leaning against the window beautifully, drinking wine one mouthful at a time, looking out the window, feeling very comfortable.Sha Sheng is lively on the outside, but in fact he is very lonely inside.He likes to drill in crowded places, only in this way can he feel it.

"Boss, hurry up and serve some good wine!"

An old voice came with joy, and Sha Sheng glanced at it, and saw two people in yellow robes coming in from the door, one old and one young, the old man's hair was half-white, and he approached him as soon as he entered the door At the counter, Hou anxiously looked at the big wine vat behind the counter.

"My lord, I'm sorry, the shop is already full, why don't you wait a little longer?" The shopkeeper had a bitter face, a look of helplessness, his tavern business was surprisingly good today, and customers came early. full.

"What? Tell the old man to wait? No, the old man can't wait..."

The young man in yellow robe next to him blushed when he heard the words, and hurriedly tugged on the old man's sleeve, "Uncle Hai, why don't we go out for a stroll first?"

"Don't go shopping, don't go shopping!" The old man waved his hands impatiently, and then saw Sha Sheng who was drinking alone, and walked over quickly, "Hey, little brother, how about a consultation?"

"Since we are both wine lovers, the old man can just sit down." Sha Sheng smiled. This old man is quite cute, and he can be seen as an old drunkard by his words and deeds.

"Thank you, little brother." The old man looked deeply at Sha Sheng and said a word, then waved his hand at the shopkeeper, "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and serve the wine!"

Sha Sheng shook his hand, this old guy is cruel enough, he just drinks and doesn't eat food.

The old guy was really strong, and he was unexpectedly strong. As soon as he sat down and didn't even ask for food, he started drinking with a sea bowl.The young man next to him shook his head again and again.

"Brother, the dishes I ordered haven't been touched yet, just ask the shopkeeper to reheat them." Sha Sheng chuckled, this combination of young and old, I can't see through their cultivation, it seems that they must have extraordinary backgrounds, and they can A magic weapon to conceal the fluctuation of one's own breath.

"How can that be done!" The yellow-robed boy shook his head like a rattle, but he just made a polite gesture, and immediately sat down on the stool, "Hey, I came out in such a hurry this time that I forgot to bring the spirit stone... "

"..." Sha Sheng was speechless for a moment, these two people were stronger than the other.

"Wow, what kind of wine did my little brother drink? Why does it taste so good!" At this moment, the old man in yellow robe stared at the jug in front of Sha Sheng with his eyes flashing, and his nose twitched again and again.

"This... huh, it's my own brewed wine, it's not good, it's not good!" Sha Sheng said it was not good, but judging by his extremely proud expression, how can he be modest?


With Sha Sheng's cultivation base, he just felt a movement in the space in front of him, and the pot of wine in front of him disappeared.

The old man in the yellow robe took Sha Sheng's wine and drank it all in one gulp, then praised loudly: "Good wine! It's really good wine! I don't know if I can share a few pots for the old man..."


"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." at that moment, in the stone room, Luo Tian's green clothes were torn into strips with scratches all over them, and he was lying powerlessly on the ground sobbing, "I've worked so hard to save you, you're lucky , directly force Lao Tzu...you can just force that, and don't care that this is the first time for Lao Tzu..."

For three full days and three nights, even though Luo Tian's Five Elements Teleportation Technique was extremely powerful, he almost died from exhaustion.Coupled with the fact that the woman was staring at him with a frosty face at the moment, the woman had already recovered her cultivation, and it was not something that Luo Tian, ​​who is now half useless, could resist.

"Okay, don't cry!" The woman was dumbfounded by Luo Tian. Feeling the burning pain in her lower body, she couldn't help but frowned slightly. This reckless guy interrupted his practice, and then he just thought that his medical skills were extraordinary, and it turned out to be what he is now.My father has never touched my hand by another man, but today I was broken by this guy. Looking at the trace of dried blood on the side of the leg, the woman who had calmed down a lot came out again...

"Hmph! I, Su Muqing, lost my virginity to a middle-aged uncle like you today. If you are sensible, you can kill yourself obediently, lest I do it myself! Otherwise, your death will be even worse in the future!"

"Ah?" Luo Tian was startled when he heard the words, sat up immediately, and pointed at the woman angrily, "You really are the most poisonous woman! I was also mistaken by you. If I knew you were poisoned, you would be fine." Begging me to save you, I won't even make a move!"

"You!" The woman's expression softened a little, and she said calmly, "Since you don't want to die, then you leave the palace. I'll just pretend that nothing happened today."

"Woman, don't overestimate yourself." Luo Tian's complexion changed suddenly, and he said coldly, "To tell you the truth, I don't want to die today and I won't leave the palace. I only have one choice, and that is..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian shortened his stature and disappeared from the spot.

"Are you able to run away?" The corner of the woman's mouth smiled faintly, she immediately got up and wanted to chase after her, but suddenly her brows furrowed, her footsteps faltered, and she spat with a flushed face.

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