
Chapter 217 2 Women Fight

With a dark face, Luo Tian scurried around in embarrassment in the prohibition formation arranged by Sha Sheng. Fortunately, Su Muqing knew nothing about the formation and only knew how to break the formation with brute force. Su Muqing couldn't do anything to Luo Tian for a while, such as the five-element teleportation technique, which is a unique skill for escaping.

Thus, the two began a difficult tug-of-war.

"Where to escape!"

"Su Muqing, don't go too far! I have no choice but to force you. Why do you have to force me so hard? I don't think today's matter is as good as this. Don't worry, I will never say anything, I swear!"

"go to hell!"


In a hidden reef group outside Qinse Island, a very faint wave burst out suddenly, and immediately, a silver figure emerged from the water.

The silver figure's pretty face was icy, and he looked forward with resentment, not knowing what he was thinking.It was Bai Yaner, the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan who had fought with Luo Tian once.

"Ugly, let's see where you escape this time!"


Inside the pub.

"Brother, come, come, let's get some more wine, you and I must get drunk together today!" The old man in yellow robe looked at Sha Sheng with a smile on his face, and he was not even half drunk at all.

"Open..." Sha Sheng's face turned a little green. He, who has always been known as the number one drinker in the Cancer clan, was also very frightened facing the Dionysus in front of him. He wondered where this old pervert came from, it was simply too perverted.

"Okay! Shopkeeper, open another jug ​​of fine wine!" The yellow-robed old man shouted extremely excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

"You're just kidding!..." Sha Sheng screamed, and couldn't help looking for help to the yellow-robed boy who had been eating food in a gentle manner.

Unexpectedly, the yellow-robed boy just smiled, and continued to eat the dishes very chicly, chewing and swallowing every bite slowly, as if he was enjoying the delicious taste of the dishes.


Two surging auras soared into the sky, quickly sweeping across the entire Qin Se Island.The faces of the masters of the several big families who boasted of their cultivation on Qinse Island couldn't help but change drastically.

"Who is this fighting on Qinse Island?"

"This cultivation level... hey, it's beyond our ability to resist."

"Resist? I'm afraid someone can stab you to death with one finger!"

When the patriarchs of the several big families were communicating with each other with their spiritual senses, the peaceful island owner flew out of the island owner's mansion and stood frozen in the air, only then did he see clearly that there was a yellow flame in the air It is endlessly entangled with a colorful light belt.However, the seven-colored light belt clearly had the absolute upper hand, pressing down on the yellow flame from time to time, and there was no power to fight back at all.

"Qinse Island is really troubled now." The island owner sighed, shook his head and went back to the island owner's mansion. Seeing the momentum and faint breath made by others, how could he be able to resist it.


At this moment, the yellow-robed boy in the tavern was taken aback for a moment, almost choking on the food in his mouth, and stammered, "Hai... Uncle Hai, this breath seems to be Qinger's."

"Well, yes, I don't know whose is the other ordinary breath?"

"Scared!" Sha Sheng suddenly woke up three points from his drunkenness, "The other breath belongs to the third child in our family!"

"... "

The three of them looked at each other for a moment.

"Go and see!"

The three of them turned into streamers and disappeared directly from the tavern.

"Oh—you haven't paid for the drinks yet!" the tavernkeeper shouted after him, grimly.


"Is it over?" At this moment, Luo Tian frantically resisted Su Muqing's powerful offensive. The sky was so heavy that there was no way to fight back.

"Hmph!" Su Muqing didn't stop at all, and with another wave of jade hand, a rainbow-like ribbon of colorful light shot out directly, hitting Luo Tian hundreds of feet away, and was thrown from Qinse Island all at once. Into the sea above.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Tian quickly drew an arc, and then flew into the air violently, his feet drew a deep puddle on the sea surface, Zixia clouds and red clouds flashed on his body, Zixiayi and the treasured umbrella finally appeared There is a chance to sacrifice it.

"Doushi Umbrella?" Su Muqing frowned slightly, swept Luo Tian's consciousness with a sneer, and said with a sneer, "Your skills are like evil ways, but I didn't expect the magic weapons on your body to be righteous Magic weapon, it's really surprising!"

"The thing that surprises you is yet to come!" Luo Tian gritted his teeth, looking at Su Muqing who was wearing a light pink dress in front of him, he couldn't help becoming angry. Since his debut, how has he ever been so embarrassed?Taking a deep breath, Luo Tian was about to perform the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra.

"Who's hiding there? Sneaky!"

But Su Muqing yelled softly, and immediately stretched out her hand to look at the sea and grabbed it suddenly.

An incredible scene appeared.

The seawater within a radius of five feet on the surface of the sea seemed to be cut ice, and was directly fished out of the seawater by Su Muqing's grasp. The square seawater was probably at least tens of thousands of catties, so Su Muqing grabbed it. He grabbed it easily with one hand and suspended in the air.


There was another coquettish drink, and the sea water in the four directions suddenly flashed with silver light, and instantly froze into ice cubes, then split into pieces, and a silver glow shot out from it.

"You bastard who offended me, I will definitely kill you today!" A cold voice full of hatred slowly spread over the sea, it was Bai Yan'er.

Su Muqing swept her beautiful eyes, and then stared at Luo Tian with a half-smile, "Xueyu Island cultivation method? Can't tell, you are still a passionate seed, and you dare to provoke even the people of Xueyu Island."

"Stop farting!" Luo Tian blushed, "Who provoked her? This woman has a problem with her brain, and she just keeps pestering me!"

"Bastard, die!" Bai Yan'er shouted, and immediately a huge milky white flame burst out from her body.

"Sucking Star Cold Flame? It turns out to be from the Silver Shark Clan, no wonder..." Su Muqing smiled faintly, and immediately, with a little finger, a band of colorful light suddenly appeared beside Bai Yan'er, quickly turning into a ball of colorful light, Bai Yan'er was firmly trapped in it.

"What are you doing? Our two families have always been in harmony with each other!" Bai Yan'er was secretly startled, the woman in front of her was so overbearing that she looked like the legendary Jade Pond Shocking Grandpa...

"The person I want to kill, when will it be your turn to do it?" Su Muqing smiled very wickedly, like a playful girl with a strange spirit.

"The person I want to kill also doesn't need a fake hand!" Bai Yan'er suddenly became angry, and shouted in a cold voice, and immediately the star-absorbing cold flames on her body wrapped the colorful light ball, and directly scattered the colorful light ball.

Su Muqing trembled when she heard the words and laughed, "If you don't believe me, just try it. Xueyu Island is famous enough, but this lady will not be afraid."

In the distance, three furtive figures huddled together and whispered.

"Why is this girl still so angry?" the voice of the old man in yellow robe.

The yellow-robed boy had a bitter face, "How would I know, why did she meet the people from Xueyu Island? These two seem to be fighting for a man. Could it be that they are jealous? Wow, this really shocked me!"

The third child is awesome!Sha Sheng looked at Luo Tian who wanted to die with great admiration, and thought silently.

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