
Chapter 218 Killing the tide of monsters, brother-in-law!

The two rather powerful women confronted each other on the sea for a while, and their respective auras were slowly increasing.


It seemed that a very smelly wind was blowing, and the two women frowned at the same time.Next, the two powerful women each looked at a white wave that spread extremely long and far in the depths of the sea.

"Monster wave!"

Luo Tian shrunk his neck, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he found that there were surprisingly many monsters coming this time. There were probably at least a thousand monsters in the sea. Although the most powerful monsters among them were only of the fourth order Monster beasts, but there are too many ants to kill elephants, not to mention so many monster beasts in the sea, it is estimated that Qinse Island can be destroyed in a moment just by rushing up in numbers.

Su Muqing smiled like a flower, "Sister, why don't we get rid of these monsters first, and then decide who will kill this stinky man?"

"Alright." Bai Yan'er quickly responded.

Instead, Luo Tian became like an outsider, shrugged helplessly, and laughed dryly, "Well, you two decide first, I'll go to the side and wait for you..."


The two girls shouted together, and immediately looked at each other, and quickly looked away, their faces were both slightly hot.

"To help or not to help? That's a question..." In the distance, the yellow-robed boy was scratching his hair tangled up. He didn't expect to find his sister so soon, so he managed to come out...

The old man in the yellow robe next to him also had the same plan. The old man didn't drink enough wine, so he just went back, isn't it a bit of a loss?

The third child is so fierce!Sha Sheng was still immersed in wireless reverie.

"You two, don't hurry up!"

Luo Tian reached out and grabbed Xuanji Yugui in his hand, a straight dark yellow flame suddenly lit up.At the same time, he patted the Qiankun bag with the other hand, took out a lot of talismans, licked his lips, and eagerly looked at the group of monsters rushing towards him.

"let's start."

Su Muqing shouted softly, and immediately, she flicked her jade hand towards the void, and a long spear shining with lightning suddenly appeared in her hand.With a single stroke towards the sky, countless streaks of thunder light descended densely from the sky.

Naturally, Bai Yan'er was not far behind, she was ready to move while absorbing the stars and cold flames all over her body, she held the Qiankun jade flute in her hand, and put it on the edge of the sandalwood mouth, bursts of blurred and high-pitched voices resounded throughout the sky.

Chi Chi!

The Xuanji Yugui danced in Luo Tian's hand again and again, and several dark yellow light bars shot directly into the group of monsters, directly cutting dozens of monsters into two pieces, and then the monsters who came up later found that there was a burst of excitement in the void in front of them. Immediately, the spell fluctuations of each department almost covered all the space in front of them. These are middle-level talismans, and their power should not be underestimated. In an instant, flesh and blood were flying in the crowd of monsters, and many died.

"Damn it, there are so many monsters!" Luo Tian cursed resentfully. He didn't have enough talismans, so it seemed that he had to see two girls...

clap clap clap!

Su Muqing's shot was extremely quick and simple. Just stirring the spear in the void, countless thunder lights fell from the sky and hit the water surface, directly hitting the water surface into countless deep pits. The huge stirring power in the deep pits was transmitted Come, suck a lot of monsters into it, and smash them to pieces.


Among the three, only Bai Yan'er was the most relaxed in her hands. Her Qiankun jade flute emitted countless sound waves, which could affect the mind. Those monsters were thrown into the body by the sound waves, and immediately staggered like drunk. , unexpectedly rushed towards the monster beside him viciously.

"Pervert..." The yellow-robed boy cried out in astonishment, "These three have such cultivation at such an age, and they are also among the best young men in the entire Tian Xinghai. Admiration, admiration!"

"I admire your size!" The yellow-robed old man rolled his eyes, and then gave the heartless young man a hard look, "Bu Tian, ​​look at the situation, can the two of us make a move? The old man should listen to your opinion ..."

"No, no, no! The elders are the elders, so how dare a kid make his own claims? Let Mr. Hai make the decision..." The yellow-robed boy hastily evaded.

Two dudes with brain problems!Sha Sheng was very speechless when he heard the words, these two guys obviously didn't want to make a move, and they made so many excuses, I despise you!

"It's a pity that Sha was injured recently, otherwise he would have rushed to help them... Hey... It's really depressing... It's a great pity that I can't fight side by side with my youngest..."

Hearing the words, the young man in yellow robe and the old man in yellow robe looked up at the sky while the other looked down at the ground, and expressed the most powerful contempt for this scumbag who was talking nonsense with his eyes wide open... This guy has a huge aura and pure mana Ruyi, where are the signs of injury?

Therefore, the three guys whose strength was stronger than the three who were defending against the group of monsters leisurely watched the show from the sidelines...

An hour later, even though Luo Tian had countless pills on his body, he was exhausted, hehe, this group of monsters really consumed mana.But looking at the other two girls, they are not much better than myself...

The two women were also dripping with sweat, although their cultivation was much higher than Luo Tian's.But they weren't like Luo Tian, ​​who had a lot of elixir to restore vitality. Naturally, they had been using mana for a long time, and they showed the tiredness they should have.

"Rest for a while, you and I will compete again." This time, Bai Yan'er said first, then sat down cross-legged in the air, and adjusted her breath.

Su Muqing nodded, and then caught sight of Luo Tian who was about to sneak away, and said softly, "Stop!"

Luo Tiancai ignored her, taking advantage of her serious injury, it was a good opportunity to escape, and upon hearing this, his stature improved a bit.

"Su Butian, Hai Lao, if the two of you continue to watch the show, this bastard who stained my body will run away." Su Muqing laughed like a fox, looking confident.

"Ah! What?" The three who secretly hid themselves collapsed.

"Hey! This fellow Taoist, don't leave!" The yellow-robed boy jumped out first, and his figure just flashed, and then blocked Luo Tian's way, "I didn't expect you to...I said brother-in-law, my sister is so fierce... Uh, good woman with a big heart, don’t just refuse to admit it!”


Luo Tian didn't faint, his palms trembled excitedly, "I...I'm not...Listen to me...This is a complete misunderstanding..."

"What's the misunderstanding?" The yellow-robed old man also showed his figure with an ugly face, "This fellow Taoist actually married Qing'er, so let me give you an explanation, but you have to marry her... "

"You..." Seeing this, Su Muqing on the side almost turned her magic power into a madman. These two heartless people are really...

"Although brother-in-law, you are not as handsome or as strong as me, but if you work hard, Lao Hai and I will still support you together!" The yellow-robed boy was calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart was full of joy. God, the earth Ah, my sister is finally wanted by someone, and I will finally be relieved from now on...

Luo Tian looked miserable when he heard the words, "You two, now is not the time to discuss this issue. It is Su Muqing who wants to kill me..."

"Don't worry, kid! With the two of us here, she dare not do anything to you." The yellow-robed old man said righteously, "She will pay back the murder of her husband, and turn against her!"

"Brother-in-law, I support you!"

"... "

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