
Chapter 219: Black Flood Dragon King

Su Butian and the yellow-robed old man Hailao babbled together, driving Luo Tian almost crazy.

Watching from the sidelines, Luo Tian saw that Su Muqing's aura was getting stronger, he couldn't help shaking, and then hurriedly said: "You two, I have something important to do next time, I will definitely have a drink with you two next time..."

call out!

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, the treacherous brothers, cooperated very well. They just glanced at each other, and then they both shot towards the same direction.

In order to escape, Luo Tian almost exerted all his strength, and within a few breaths, he was a hundred feet away. This speed is really appalling.Sha Sheng, who was behind him, was crying bitterly in his heart. He rolled his eyes and fell directly to the sea surface. The waves shot under his feet, and his speed was three points faster than that in the air.He was originally a monster in the sea, so he would naturally be able to display his strength better in the sea.

"Interesting." Su Butian, a young man in yellow robe, closed the cheap folding fan he got somewhere, squinted his eyes slightly to see Luo Tian's faint figure about to disappear into the sky, and smiled softly, "Brother-in-law is also a wonderful person. "

"Although this person is only in the middle of the alchemy stage, his aura is vague. It seems that he has cultivated a variety of exercises. This kind of young man is rare now." Hai Lao sighed softly, looked at Su Butian, "Catch or kill?"

"Catch it." Su Butian thought for a while before saying in a deep voice, "We can't guess Qing'er's mind, what if this is a joke game between the young couple..."

Hai Lao shook his head, his figure flashed, and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Luo Tian, ​​who was running away with four people, felt a shocking aura descending from the sky, and his speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to enter the space of the black lotus, his vision went dark and he passed out.Before getting dizzy, he could vaguely hear Sha Sheng's scream...


In a quaint and luxurious flower hall, the owner of Qinse Island and the patriarchs of several big families are all sitting upright, but their eyes flicker from time to time, and they don't know what they are thinking.But seeing their bitter faces, one can tell that they are not having a good time at the moment.

Originally, when they saw this unprecedentedly powerful wave of monsters, they all held the mortal ambition in their hearts to live and die with Qin Se Island.But I didn't expect Luo Tian and the two women to join hands to kill this huge wave of monsters, so I was really happy in my heart, and I just waited for the group of uncles to leave before sending people to the sea Salvage the corpses of monsters and sell some spirit stones.As a result, before they could go out, the group of killing gods who could slaughter Qinse Island by anyone who came out at will returned again, and forcibly requisitioned all the guest rooms in the backyard of the Island Lord's Mansion.

They were feeling uneasy, and they didn't expect that there would be someone as miserable as them at this moment.

In the side hall of the back garden, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng were sitting side by side. Opposite them were Su Butian, Su Muqing and Hai Lao. Even Bai Yaner was sitting on the side with her arms crossed, looking very interested. From time to time, he stared fiercely at Luo Tian, ​​who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Qing'er, hehe." Su Butian spoke in a doting tone, "There are no outsiders here, can you tell me about you and your sister... er, what is going on between you and Fellow Daoist Han? "

"Brother!" Su Muqing blushed, and then yelled in disbelief. She didn't know where to put her hands, but it was only for a moment. After a while, Su Muqing looked at Luo Tian with a dark face, " You let him talk!"

"I'm a victim!" Luo Tian knew that Hai Lao's cultivation base was too terrifying, so he lost all thoughts of running away at this moment, and shouted angrily, "Han was just kind, but who knew he did something bad! Among your sisters If you are addicted to obscenity, even I will be implicated, and you will kill me, how can there be such a saying?"


Su Buyian's face suddenly became gloomy, and he patted the table, "Qing'er, is there such a thing?"

"It's true." Su Muqing lowered her brows, looking like she was about to cry, "But I'm still a girl who hasn't left the cabinet. This, this tells me how I will go out to meet people in the future..."

"Who dares to be so bold as to poison you?" Elder Hai's long hair was trembling, "I really don't know what to do!"

Seeing his younger sister's appearance, Su Butian guessed something, so he couldn't bear to blame her anymore, and then asked with a cold face, "Who is it?"

"Who else is there other than that evil beast!" Hai Lao snorted, "In the entire Tian Xing Hai, apart from him, who else would dare to attack Chao Qing'er!"

Su Butian's complexion changed slightly, then he pondered for a moment, looked at Luo Tian and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, that obscene poison is usually extremely strong, I don't know you...cough cough..."

Luo Tian drooped his head, and said weakly: "Mr. Han has never seen such a vicious tiger and wolf in his life, which made my sister toss for two days and two nights..."


As soon as Luo Tian said this, everyone present became stone sculptures, and even the expressions on their faces froze.

After a long time, Sha Sheng was the first to come back to his senses, looked at Luo Tian fanatically, and began to wink.For two days and two nights, the third child was too cruel!

At this moment, Su Muqing's pretty face almost fell to the ground, and even the roots of her ears were flushed, and her pair of jade hands were tightly grasping her dress.

As the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan, Bai Yan'er has a bold temperament, but her beautiful eyes boldly looked down Luo Tian's waist...

"Let's do this." Su Butian managed to wake up from his dementia, "Fellow Daoist Han, it's not your fault. But your younger sister was really broken by you, so you have no choice but to marry her."


Luo Tian and Su Muqing objected together.

"Shut up!" Su Butian looked at Su Muqing first, "Two days and two nights, who knows if you've got a dark womb? What if you're pregnant? You can't be born without a father!"

"Ahem..." Luo Tian said with an embarrassed dry smile, "Brother Su, it's not that Han doesn't want to marry Lingmei. It's just that Han has a heart for a long time, and he can't tolerate others..."

"What's so difficult about this!" Elder Hai immediately objected, "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, boy Han, you are really pedantic!"

"..." Luo Tian was speechless immediately, he thought to himself, Su Muqing is such a fierce and willful woman, it's not that I don't want to marry her, but I really can't afford to serve her.


I don't know when, layers of dark clouds floated from outside Qinser Island, gloomy and scary.

From the depths of the ocean, an incredibly huge black shadow slowly emerged from the water, revealing a huge head, which then turned into countless black light spots and dissipated into the void.

"Hey hey, where are you going to escape this time?"

With a flash of light, an incomparably feminine young man in black appeared on the surface of the sea. This person was a dragon in the depths of the Sea of ​​Stars who had cultivated a human form, and he had actually stepped into the existence of a ninth-level monster.Guys like Sha Sheng and Bai Ruotang who can transform into human form with the help of secret blood or foreign objects are much stronger.

The young man in black was full of evil spirits, even his smile was evil and scary, and his mind was almost taken away at a glance.

At the same time, Hai Lao who was on Qinse Island suddenly looked at Su Butian and said each word coldly.

"Black Flood Dragon King!"

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