
Chapter 220 1 punch!

"He still dares to come?"

In the side hall, Su Muqing almost gritted her silver teeth, her beautiful eyes shot out infinite hatred, her jade hands were clenched tightly, and her nails sank deeply into her palms.

"Sit down!" Su Butian and Hai Lao yelled softly in unison, and then their eyes fell on the innocent Luo Tian.

At this moment, Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness has been withdrawn quickly, and he knows that a monster with a very high cultivation level has come from Qinse Island.

"I'm talking about brother-in-law, the guy who poisoned my sister is outside, do you have the confidence to fight him?" Su Butian said with a smile.


Luo Tian hurriedly shook his head desperately, are you kidding me, that guy outside is at least an eighth-level monster or above, I can't do it.

"A man without kind!" Su Muqing snorted coldly, "As long as you support three tricks in his hands, how about canceling the festivities between you and me?"

"Qing'er!" This time, it was Old Hai who spoke with a sullen face.

"Is this really true?" Luo Tian's face straightened, but his mind kept turning, thinking about whether this proposal is feasible and how smooth it is...


"It's a small low-level island, but there are still a few guys with acceptable cultivation." The black-clothed youth transformed into the Black Flood Dragon King had an evil smile on his face, "It seems that today not only the beauties are in hand, but also the Tonic, really happy, happy!"

The clothes on the Black Flood Dragon suddenly moved, and the terrifying and powerful aura directly covered the entire Qinse Island. Everything on the Qinse Island was covered by his divine consciousness, and even a mosquito could not fly out.

This Black Flood Dragon King is a dragon who has cultivated the Dao, he is obscene and poisonous by nature, and at this moment he has made a decision in his heart to slaughter the island.

call out!

Just as the Black Jiao King took a step forward and was about to land on the top of Qinse Island, a cyan light shot directly from the island and settled twenty feet in front of him in an instant.

"Huh? This little guy who is only in the middle of the alchemy stage is really cute, and he came to the door automatically." The Black Flood King squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist across the way, can we discuss it?" The blue light and shadow was Luo Tian with a bruised nose and a swollen face. At this moment, he saw that the other party had a strange smile on his face, and the mana in his body circulated, and the bruises on his face disappeared immediately.

"Interesting, interesting." The Black Flood Dragon King chuckled lightly, rubbing his palms lightly. It's been a long time since I saw such an interesting young man, and he dared to discuss with me, the Black Flood Dragon King?

"There's something wrong with it!" Luo Tian pointed at the Black Flood Dragon King angrily, "Do you dare to bet with me that I can support three moves in your hands without defeat?"

The Black Flood Dragon King frowned, and then the evil smile on his face became wider. Is this guy too naive or is he just a fool?Support three moves undefeated in my hands?Not to mention you, a small monk in the middle of the alchemy stage, even a monk in the out-of-body stage would not dare to speak such big words in front of me.

A ninth-level monster is already equivalent to the distraction stage of a human monk.Moreover, due to the talent of monster physique, ordinary monks in the distraction stage may not be the opponent of ninth-level monsters.Not to mention others.

"Dare or not?"

Luo Tian's voice spread far away this time, and he knew that some high-level monsters in the surrounding sea area were secretly watching this time.

"as you wish."

The Black Flood Dragon King suddenly burst out laughing, he couldn't help laughing, he hadn't been this happy for a long time.


The Black Flood Dragon King made a move. In fact, he didn't make a move at all, but two straight beams shot out from his eyes, and they landed in front of Luo Tian in an instant.

Luo Tian took a deep breath, and immediately shouted loudly, purple clouds suddenly appeared on his body, and a red cloud covered his head.Although the Black Flood Dragon King doesn't take himself seriously, he still has to go all out.

clap clap!

With two crisp sounds, most of the purple clouds in front of Luo Tian were immediately swept away by the two beams of light. Don't give up.

Ding Ding!

At the critical moment, the Tushita Umbrella and the Black Lotus Magic Treasure showed their power together, and the combination of the two magic weapons finally eliminated the beam of light invisible.But Luo Tian was also startled into a cold sweat, just one look from the other party, he almost died, the Black Flood Dragon King was really terrifying.

Back in the Profound Fire Forbidden Area, Luo Tian had seen the power of the five demon kings, but only now did he realize that these demon kings were so perverted that they were beyond people's expectations.

Can't sit still!

Luo Tian suddenly held the Xuanji Yugui tightly with both hands, and immediately slammed it down at the Black Dragon King. The dark yellow light bar turned into countless swirling dark yellow light beams in mid-air, and charged firmly towards the black flood dragon king. King Jiao, at this moment, he has used the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra in a disguised form.

On the other hand, the Black Flood Dragon King seemed to turn a blind eye to all this, and muttered to himself: "The little guy is really good, he can resist the attack of my [-]% cultivation, although it relies on the magic weapon on his body. But this time, I will use it Give [-]% of your cultivation base."

After finishing speaking, the Black Flood Dragon King reached out his hand casually to slap, and a black dragon claw more than ten feet long descended from the sky, and slapped it down quickly.


The countless dark yellow vortexes that Luo Tian cast finally collided with the black dragon claws. The dark yellow vortexes were pressed by the dragon claws and plunged into the sea water directly. Countless white waves rose into the sky and splashed in all directions. A layer of fuzzy white mist was formed.

Luo Tian felt a huge force coming from his consciousness, and then spat out several mouthfuls of blood with a wow.Although Xuanyin's Daoist scriptures are unparalleled, the gap between Luo Tian and the other party's cultivation base is too large. As the saying goes, one force will drop ten times.The strength of the Black Flood Dragon King is too high, he can completely suppress Luo Tian with magic spells and physical body alone, not to mention that he has only used [-]% of his cultivation.

The dark yellow vortex was quickly refined by the black dragon claw, but the black dragon claw was also worn away by the dark yellow vortex.

"The third trick!"

The Black Flood Dragon King was a little surprised that Luo Tian was able to block his [-]% cultivation, but seeing the opponent's reluctance, he had to use [-]% of his cultivation for the third move.

Thirty percent cultivation base is enough to kill Luo Tian.The Black Flood Dragon King is still very interested in this lowly ant in front of him.

Next, the Black Flood Dragon King stretched out his palm, just bent his fingers so lightly, and a black light spot like a bean flew out lightly.

"Heaven and earth coercion!"

Luo Tian shouted softly, his whole body's aura suddenly changed, a strong aura shot out from his body, it seemed that at this moment, the whole world was pressing towards the Black Flood Dragon King.

The Black Flood Dragon King was just stunned for a moment, and soon found that a small mountain peak with lightning had hit his face. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly, and with a shock of mana, he shook the mountain away violently.

"Three tricks have passed!"


Luo Tian turned around and fled, heading towards Qinse Island in a panic.

"Ant, I'm angry."

The Black Flood Dragon King smiled faintly, but there was infinite murderous intent in his smile, and he punched out.

At the same time, in Qinse Island, a golden fist shadow also surged out quickly, and slammed into the fist of the Black Flood Dragon King fiercely.

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