
Chapter 221 Spirit Beast Circle, Leaving

Who is this!Such a strong momentum!

The pupils of the Black Flood Dragon King shrank violently, and then he punched again fiercely, finally dispelling the golden shadow of the fist, but he was forced to retreat a hundred feet away.

"Which expert is here?"

In the inner side hall of Qinse Island, the figure of Hai Lao who was chatting and laughing with everyone suddenly disappeared from his seat.

"..." Sha Sheng and Bai Yan'er were horrified, this old Hai's cultivation is so high?This is close to teleportation.

"Naughty animal, if you return to this old man and take care of the old man's house, I will spare your life today."

Luo Tian suddenly felt stagnant, and immediately an extremely pure magic power penetrated his body, and his injury soon stabilized.Then, Luo Tian heard Hailao's wanton and arrogant laughter.

"I bother!"

The Black Flood Dragon King could no longer maintain his composure. He knew that the person who came was much higher than his cultivation level, but he simply couldn't accept that the majestic Black Flood Dragon King was a dog for others to guard the house.


Hai Lao chuckled and opened his hand, the body of the Black Flood Dragon King was immediately immobilized, and even his soul was frozen, unable to escape.This couldn't help but make the Black Flood Dragon King terrified, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Could it be that this old man came from that place?

Thinking of this, the menacing Black Flood Dragon King's whole body stood on end, and with a rage in his heart, he sprayed out a black inner alchemy from his mouth. As soon as the inner alchemy appeared, the surrounding space burst out There are layers of ripples, and the space is almost shattered in several places.

The Black Flood Dragon King desperately injured his vitality, and sprayed out the inner alchemy that he had exchanged his life for, and finally resumed his actions. Immediately, the Black Flood Dragon King plunged into the sea water without even thinking about it, without even a wave coming out.

Luo Tian next to him stared at Elder Hai dumbfounded. Only now did he know how terrifying this rather kind old man really is.The Black Flood Dragon King who can kill himself in an instant is as ridiculous as an ant in his hands.

Hai Lao shook his head, took out a shiny copper ring, and threw it away.The copper ring fell into the water.

Thousands of feet away, suddenly a wave as high as one hundred feet burst out from the bottom of the sea. Immediately, a one-horned black dragon with a length of hundreds of feet was churning endlessly from the sea water. At this moment, the neck of the black dragon was shining Liang, a copper ring was firmly placed on it, no matter how the black flood dragon struggled, it couldn't break free, instead it let out angry roars one after another.

Resentment and hatred shot out from the black flood dragon's huge eyes, and it stared fixedly at Old Hai.But the latter was enjoying drinking with a jar of good wine in his hand, and didn't take the black flood dragon seriously at all.

"Have you had enough fuss?" With a clap of his hands, the wine jar instantly shattered, and Hai Lao looked at the black dragon with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly, an illusion appeared in Luo Tian's eyes. It seemed that Hailao, who was much smaller than the black dragon, was much taller than the black dragon at the moment...

After waiting for a while, Hailao seemed impatient. He stretched out his hand, and the copper ring on the black dragon's body immediately extended countless golden brilliance, and the golden rings locked the dragon. The huge black dragon The body kept shrinking.

"Spirit beast circle, take it!"


With a flash of light, Old Hai returned to the side hall with one person and one dragon.

When Su Muqing saw the miniature body of the Black Flood Dragon King, she immediately stood up and grabbed the Black Flood Dragon King and beat him fatly.Seeing Su Muqing, the Black Flood Dragon King also looked terrified, but Naihe was restrained and couldn't break free, so he had to be beaten up by Su Muqing.

"Ah? You actually broke your body? Which guy is so lucky, you have a body of pure yin..." The Black Flood Dragon King shouted while running clumsily.

"Oh shit!"

It's fine if he doesn't say it, when he said that, the anger in Luo Tian's heart surged up, and he rushed over to grab the Black Flood Dragon King with Su Muqing and beat him violently.

"It's not you, I am so miserable, so unlucky?"

"I call you Po! I call you Chunyin!"

"The surname is Han, can you try to say it again?"

"... "


"Brother-in-law, don't forget to come to us..." Outside Qinse Island, Su Butian said to Luo Tian with a depressed face, and Hai Lao beside him seemed not in a very good mood.That's right, the two heartless guys who wanted to play for a few more months were finally forced to return early because they found Su Muqing.

Luo Tian nodded hastily, the most urgent thing is to drive Su Muqing away, the farther the better... However, Su Muqing left, and there seemed to be a tough girl beside him, life is really boring.

"This matter, if you don't give me an explanation, there will never be a place for you in the ends of the earth!" Su Muqing sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​then waved her small fist, and finally left first.No one saw the fleeting mist that covered her eyelids.

Seeing this, Su Butian and Hai Lao sighed, and hurriedly followed.

"Third brother! What are you still doing in a daze, let's go!" Sha Sheng slapped Luo Tian on the shoulder, made a gesture towards Bai Yan'er who also left with a cold snort, and then laughed.

"What are you going to do?" Luo Tian asked in a daze.

"Clean up those bastards on Qinse Island first, and then we two brothers will leave here!"

"it is good!"

The entire Qinse Island fell into extreme panic in the next three days. Luo Tian and Sha Sheng joined forces to quickly settle the several big families on Qinse Island, and then handed it over to the island owner's mansion.

"Seniors, what is this?" Qinse Island Master was a little surprised when he saw that the patriarchs of several big families who were usually arrogant were all looking downcast at this moment, and Luo Tian and the two tied the door.

"Your temper is too weak, if you continue to operate like this, even if there are no monsters attacking Qinse Island, it will be destroyed in your hands. The third child and I made an exception to help you once. The patriarchs of these big families have already agreed. They will take out some spirit stones to help the Island Lord's Mansion, and you don't have to live such a useless life!" Sha Sheng sat down and said carelessly.

"This... what should I do?" The master of Qinse Island was also quite embarrassed.

"Don't worry about them not following. When you break through to the alchemy stage, they will be honest." Luo Tian chuckled.

"Breakthrough... the alchemy stage? Senior!" The master of Qinse Island was stunned for a moment.

A few days later, with the help of Luotian's boundless spiritual stones and elixir, the master of Qinse island successfully survived the four or nine days of calamity, and became a genuine alchemy monk.I believe that his cultivation at the moment is enough to frighten Qinse Island.And Sha Sheng left him a few formations to prevent sea beasts from attacking.

Bullying an honest person will be punished by God!

This is the common cognition of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng.After everything was arranged, the two treacherous brothers finally set out on the road again, this time the journey was even more distant.

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