
Chapter 226

Everyone was astonished. The Zheng brothers were originally one of the few scourges in the Southern Region, and now they have such perverted puppets. I am afraid that in time, those old monsters in the Southern Region will not be able to do anything to them.

"Wahhaha, Yuan Lei, are you convinced? Another puppet beast to make brother feel better?"

"Little Leilei, do you still have puppet beasts?"

The Zheng brothers exclaimed triumphantly, believing that their brother's reputation this time will resound throughout the entire Tianxinghainan domain.Although they didn't have half of the credit for this, they were very happy in their hearts.

"Oh, cough." Yuan Lei's face turned red, then pale, and finally turned black...

"Hehe, the two Zheng brothers are indeed the proud sons of my Southern Region." Yuan Lei returned to normal in a moment, and shouted enthusiastically, "This round, I can be regarded as the younger brother. The two Zheng brothers swept The Southern Territory is not long away."

The faces of the Zheng brothers changed when they heard the words, and they snorted coldly. They naturally knew Yuan Lei's sinister intentions in saying this, and it was nothing more than to provoke disputes between themselves and other southern monks.The two brothers wanted to step aside quickly, but the half-skeleton didn't listen to them at all...


The remains of the jade bone directly turned into a white line and sank into the bodies of the Zheng brothers, and the Zheng brothers hurriedly ran to the side of Luo Tian and the two of them.

With a movement of Luo Tian's palm, the jade bone wreckage fluctuated in the air and then disappeared.

Everyone, except the Nascent Soul stage old man who followed Yuan Lei and looked at Luo Tian thoughtfully, the others all turned their heads and went about their own affairs.

Suddenly, the old man's complexion changed drastically, and then his lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what he said.Then Yuan Lei's body trembled, and he hurriedly led the Thunder Bamboo Sect towards the entrance of the extreme southern plateau.

The treacherous brothers Luo Tian and Sha Sheng glanced at each other, each saw the murderous intent in the other's eyes, and then smiled like two bloodthirsty wolves.


Two days later, a layer of colorful clouds rose from the depths of the extreme southern plateau, covering half of the sky.There are even more strange voices.

"What's going on?" Luo Tian and the two looked at the Zheng brothers.

"The extreme southern plateau is about to open."


"What bullshit is the tomb of the demon emperor? It's probably a fool!" Sha Sheng angrily sat on a piece of bluestone, and slapped his palm hard, and the bluestone under him immediately shattered like a spider web.

"There are four tombs of the Demon Emperor, that's incredible." Luo Tian also frowned.

Originally, the four of Luo Tian and his party wanted to enter the extreme southern plateau to snatch some ancient magic weapons. As a result, the monks in the extreme southern plateau kept an absolute distance from the four of them, and as soon as they entered the extreme southern plateau, they all rushed away , without any pause.Luo Tian and the others were listed as extremely dangerous objects.

"Look, look at the good relationship between the two of you on weekdays!" Sha Sheng angrily wanted to hit the Zheng brothers, but Luo Tian stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What do you two usually do when you enter the extreme southern plateau?"

The Zheng brothers said with a bitter face: "Usually, they follow the large troops into the depths of the plateau to find some natural materials and earth treasures or spiritual stones. This extreme southern plateau has been opened for many times. The place we are now It’s just the periphery, where is there any magic weapon? Even if there is a magic weapon, those old monsters have already snatched it away.”

"Then let's go to the depths of the plateau to explore!"

"Ah? Two masters, no way, there must be ten people in the extreme southern plateau to pass the Maha bridge. If there are not ten people, no matter how high the cultivation base is."

"Grandma's a leg! If you don't have enough people, go and arrest them. Why are you still standing there?"

"... "


"All beauties, can I invite you to spend the Maha Bridge together?" Not long after, the Zheng brothers stopped several female monks with sincere faces.

Several female monks looked at the Zheng brothers who were extremely scum in the southern region with fear, and quickly shook their heads and backed away.

"Grandma, what a leg! You have to go if you go, or you have to go if you don't go!"

Sha Sheng wore a red robe, shouted with murderous intent, and directly stopped several female monks.

"Ah? Ah! It's the junior sisters from Rainbow Island!"

"Junior sister, don't panic! Come for brother!"

"Get out!" A cyan light flashed, and immediately Luo Tian appeared in front of several monks with an indifferent face, "Uh, you don't need to get out, our team still lacks two people including those beauties, so you just stay." Let the two go, the rest get out!"

"You dare to scold me? I'm from Jingguang Island..."


Luo Tian was in front of the arrogant monk in an instant, and stretched out his palm wrapped in yellow flames, and slapped the monk so that he vomited blood and flew backwards.

"This old man doesn't want to talk nonsense." After finishing all this, Luo Tian said lightly, "After we cross the Maha Bridge together, you and I will have nothing to do with each other. If you talk more nonsense, don't blame this old man for killing you!"

Several monks who wanted to be a hero to save the beauty and act like a man were stunned by Luo Tian's slap, and then finally walked out tremblingly. There are ten people.

Half a day later, Luo Tian and his party of ten arrived at the Moha Bridge.

The Maha Bridge, to put it nicely, is actually a stone arch bridge about ten feet long, but the carving patterns on the bridge have become somewhat blurred under the wind and rain over the years.

"Life and death, and suffering!"

On the side of the Moha Bridge, there is an incomplete stone tablet. These two incomplete scriptures are engraved on the stone tablet. The scriptures seem to have a magical power, which deeply frightens the soul.

At this moment, there were ten people on the Maha Bridge twisting their bodies incongruously, stumbling around as if they were drunk.

"When they pass by, let's go again." Luo Tian said lightly, then sat down cross-legged, with his consciousness coming out through his body, and headed towards the Moha Bridge.He discovered something unusual about the Maha Bridge.

The spiritual consciousness approached the Maha Bridge very easily, and did not feel any abnormality at all.Unwilling to give up, Luo Tian separated out another ray of spiritual thoughts, and walked back and forth on the Moha Bridge, but he used the method of transforming spiritual thoughts from Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra.

After a while, Luo Tian still found nothing, but felt that the patterns on those arch bridges were a bit strange, with a move of consciousness, he quickly connected the carved patterns on the Moha Bridge together, and finally formed a complete picture.

It was an angry monk. There were two circles of Buddha's light behind him, and countless arms and palms extended from the Buddha's light. Each palm held a magic weapon, or a gold brick, or a golden ring, or There are hundreds of magic weapons, such as subduing magic pestle and so on.

"This vein..." With a move of his consciousness, Luo Tian wandered uncertainly along the lines on the monk's body, only to find that there was a kind of Buddhist technique hidden in the vein.


Luo Tian's consciousness suddenly churned, and he could hardly hold it back. The lines on the monk's body suddenly formed a scripture.

"Life and death, overcoming hardships, all appearances and no self, the eight laws of the flesh..." The scriptures are revealed bit by bit.

Finally, a small line appeared at the end of that verse.

Mahaduer Sutra!

ps: Let me tell you, I’m going to take a small trip tomorrow, I don’t know if it can be updated, if it is updated, it will be a little late.If there is no update, I will take a day off and resume the update the day after tomorrow.

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