
Chapter 227 Explosive Flame Beast and Chijin Beast

Mahaduer Sutra!

If there are disciples of the Buddhist sect here, they will definitely covet this peerless scripture that ranks second in the Buddhist sect and the first in body training. At that time, there will be another unprecedented bloody storm, which is inevitable.

The number one Buddhist scripture is naturally the legendary Beiye Bodhi Tathagata Sutra. This scripture does not cultivate the primordial spirit, does not cultivate the physical body, but only cultivates the Buddha's mind and the way. After accumulating enough vows, you can ascend to the Buddha Land Immortal Tower.It is indeed a rare treasure scripture in the world.

Soon, as Luo Tian tried his best to run the exercise method in the Mahadura Sutra, a golden '卐' character gradually appeared in his body, flipping back and forth in all directions, the yellow flames in the dantian and several black streaks The vortex beam of light, these three forces formed a tripartite confrontation.

The Nine Flames Xuan Gong is mainly used for attacking external objects, the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra is mainly used for the attack of the primordial spirit, and the Mahaduer Sutra is mainly used for defense.These three peerless skills are not attacking each other at this moment, they just stay in peace and stability, forming a strange triangular shape.

The people around, including Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers, didn't care about Luo Tian at all. After getting along with Luo Tian for so long, they already knew that this guy practiced so hard that he didn't look like a human being!On the contrary, the other six monks looked at this middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life in amazement, with a gleam of admiration in their eyes.

Luo Tian is really stubborn and invincible for being able to not give up on cultivation despite the crisis on all sides.

Seeing that the dozen or so people on the Maha Bridge had passed smoothly, Luo Tian still didn't wake up.

After waiting for a while, Luo Tian finally moved his eyes, and then the green light in his eyes flickered. Luo Tian's heart moved. It turned out that the carved patterns on the Maha Bridge had disappeared at this moment, as if they had never existed.

"Let's go."

At this moment, Luo Tian's physical body has been refined again, and even his spiritual consciousness has been subtly improved. This peerless method recorded in the Mahadura Sutra is really unheard of, and it opened a door that has never been seen before Luo Tian. The bright door, I don't know where it leads...

As soon as he stepped on the Moha Bridge, Luo Tian's arms, legs, and chest and abdomen were all condensed into blurred and bright lotus shapes, and his clothes didn't move at all, as if he had become dark since he stepped on the Moha Bridge. The sky could no longer have any influence on Luo Tian's mind.

Walking leisurely with his hands behind his back, Luo Tian walked towards the opposite side of the Maha Bridge without stopping. After a cup of tea, Luo Tian reached the other end of the Maha Bridge.Looking back, I saw that Sha Sheng, who was the fastest, had barely covered a third of the distance.

Luo Tian, ​​who was puzzled by some Zhang Er monks, shrugged and walked aside, intending to continue indulging in the Mahadura Sutra, but when his ears moved, his consciousness swept away, and two cold lights shot out from his eyes.

"Help, come here..."

A sharp cry for help came through the wind, and the voice was extremely frightened.

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned slightly, he waved his sleeves and opened his hands to throw out a dozen or so feet of talismans, and then activated one of the hidden talismans to cover up all the other talismans in it, and then spent some mana to arrange several talismans prohibition.

After a few breaths, Luo Tian saw a few hundred feet away, several ray of light shot from outside at high speed.

"This road is blocked, everyone, please go back." Luo Tian said lazily, with a look of indifference to the world.

As soon as the rays of escaping light faded away, he immediately said with a mournful face, "Senior, help me, there are monsters chasing after us..."

Luo Tian shook his head lightly, this is definitely not possible, there are monsters behind you, and since there is a monk in the early stage of alchemy among you, and you are all hunted down in such a mess, wouldn't it be a fire to let me let you come here?

Everyone naturally knew Luo Tian's cultivation was in the middle of the alchemy stage, because Luo Tian didn't hide it at all.Otherwise, where would these monks talk nonsense with Luo Tian, ​​they would have rushed over regardless.It's a pity that there is no way now, Luo Tian blocked the only valley exit in front of him.

"Fellow daoists, let's go, since the monster behind us is no match for us, we can only offend seniors!" Among them, a sweaty monk shouted urgently, and then rushed towards Luo Tian first .


Luo Tian said something lightly, and then noncommittally took out a bottle of fine wine from the Qiankun bag, which of course was snatched from Sha Sheng.After taking a light sip, Luo Tian suddenly grinned, and the monks rushing towards Luo Tian even saw Luo Tian's white teeth.


I don't know which unlucky monk first touched the restriction laid down by Luo Tian, ​​and then a few magic symbols in the restriction automatically detonated, covering the monk with overwhelming ice spears and countless howling wind blade fireballs.

After a while of panic, Luo Tian, ​​who didn't fall into trouble, watched the monk rushing past the first restriction with green smoke all over his body, and began to rush towards the second restriction that was more difficult to pass. Luo Tian couldn't bear to close his eyes. eyes...


At this time, the spatial fluctuations in the distant sky suddenly became chaotic, and then a fire and a golden glow quickly fell from the sky.

Luo Tian looked around and couldn't help being stunned.

"It's a Flame Explosive Beast!"

"Grass, and the red gold beast!"

"It's over, it's really over now, they are catching up..."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Luo Tian's complexion also changed slightly.I saw these two little beasts in front of me, one was about ten feet tall, and the other was only about the size of an ordinary kitten. Judging from their size, there was a huge gap.But judging from the aura, the little golden kitten-like beast has a stronger aura.

With flashes of figure, Luo Tian soon appeared in front of the two strange monsters wearing Zixia clothes, with a treasured umbrella floating above his head, and kept sizing up the two monsters.But the two monsters are undoubtedly very embarrassing, especially the Zhanggao monster with red flames all over its body. It has the head of a cow and the body of a deer with a snake tail and lion claws. It looks quite terrifying.With a kick of his limbs in the air, he charged towards Luo Tian like a cannonball.

"This beast."

Luo Tian shook his head with a smile, and then slapped him. Several giant yellow hands appeared in the air, and surrounded the rushing Flame Beast from all directions.

puff puff!

After a dull sound, to Luo Tian's surprise, the Blast Flame Beast was so powerful that it smashed all of Luo Tian's illusioned hands in a few strokes, and then rushed over again.

However, it was not the Explosive Flame Beast that made Luo Tian feel the danger, but the Chijin Beast that had been standing in the air like a dead object.The Chijin Beast moved, and with a swipe sound, its entire small body came directly in front of Luo Tian, ​​and then slapped out its small paws lightly.


The Xuanji Yugui suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's hand, and a blazing dark yellow flame burned on it, forcing the claw of the Chijin Beast back.However, he retreated more than ten feet in the air one after another before stopping.

This red gold beast is so strong, Luo Tian was shocked in his heart.

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