
Chapter 228 Devouring, Lonely Like Shit

Luo Tian thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how this Chijin Beast was so strong, how could it have been in peace with the Explosive Flame Beast.They should be natural enemies.Wait, natural enemy?

With the ultimate spiritual root of gold and fire dual attributes, it is naturally impossible for Luo Tian to practice all the exercises of the two attributes intensively. He is nothing more than practicing the Nine Flames Mysterious Art. Therefore, his attainments in the exercises of the fire attribute are far away. Higher than the attainments of metal skills.


At this time, Luo Tian suddenly noticed a frantic fleeing monk uttering an incomparably miserable howl, and saw that the monk who was still flying in the flight of light suddenly split into two, and then sprinkled a cloud of red, green, and green in the air. The blood and internal organs of the monk were silent again.


The Explosive Flame Beast also focused on the cultivator who was in the early stage of alchemy, but the cultivator had some real skills in his hands, and the Explosive Flame Beast couldn't do anything about him for a while.

"Wahhaha, I'm here too!"

As Luo Tian expected, the first person to walk out of the Maha Bridge was Sha Sheng.

A flash of red light came to Luo Tian's side, Sha Sheng smiled lightly and said, "It turned out to be the Explosive Flame Beast and the Scarlet Gold Beast. There are such ferocious beasts on the outside of the extreme southern plateau, and there are indeed dangers everywhere."

In fact, there are many reasons why Sha Sheng is so calm and breezy.Today, he is already at the peak of the sixth-order monster. The Blazing Flame Beast and the Chijin Beast are only in the middle of the fifth-order and the other is at the peak of the fifth-order. For him, it is not a worry.

"Damn it, are you guys human? When you see monsters slaughtering their own kind, you stand by and do nothing!"

Finally, a monk got angry and scolded Luo Tian and the two who were chatting leisurely without hesitation.

"Are you fucking bored?"

A sinister laugh came, but it was the Zheng brothers who also escaped from the Maha Bridge after Sha Sheng, stared at the monk with gloomy eyes, crossed their arms, and said lightly, "Besides, Just a word of nonsense, I will send you to see Hades immediately!"


This time, without waiting for the Zheng brothers to slaughter him, the cursed monk was besieged by the countless lights and shadows of the red gold beast, and turned into a pulp.His body shield is not worth mentioning in front of the red gold beast, it is easily torn like straw paper.

At this time, Luo Tian moved.

A cyan light and shadow instantly reached above the Chijin Beast, and then a dark yellow light bar flew down, sending the Chijin Beast flying three or four feet away.


The eyes of the Chijin Beast suddenly turned red, staring at Luo Tian firmly, the four small claws suddenly opened up and became bigger than his body, it looked extremely weird.

"What a wicked beast!"

Luo Tian waved his hand, and countless dark yellow vortexes appeared around him, looking majestic.In this move, Luo Tian has already used the Nine Flames Mysterious Art and the Xuanyin Bound Soul.

The red gold beast brought out a streak of golden light, and countless afterimages flashed in the air, and then foolishly crashed into the dark yellow swirl of light formed by Luo Tian in an instant, swinging in the swirl of light with its teeth and claws open.

"Pull away!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he quickly punched out a few spells in his hands. The dark yellow vortex beam of light shrank, and bound the Chijin Beast firmly. Then, the Chijin Beast that was wrapped like a zongzi He couldn't stop struggling and screaming.

Others can't see it, but Luo Tian understands in his heart that a colossal and irresistible force has emerged from the dark yellow vortex beam of light, constantly extracting the essence and soul from the body of the red gold beast. The result of Yin Tai Shang Dao Jing.The essence of monsters corresponds to the magic power of human monks, while the soul corresponds to the soul of human monks.Everything in the world belongs to the ancestors, and it is difficult to escape the coercion of the world.

Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers watched from the side, their jaws dropped to the ground, and their eyeballs barely popped out.

In fact, Luo Tian still quietly used a trace of coercion from heaven and earth.With all his might, Luo Tian exerted the coercion of heaven and earth, and even the ninth-order transformed monster, the Black Flood Dragon King, could lose his mind for a short while, not to mention the red-gold beast, which was only at the peak of the fifth-order.

Soon, the Chijin Beast calmed down.The golden luster on its body surface gradually dimmed, becoming less and less lustrous, Luo Tian still absorbed most of the essence and spirit in its body, and the heart was filled with extreme fear and uneasiness, and the expression of surrender and fear still appeared in its eyes. shine.

But Luo Tian acted as if he didn't see anything, and carefully scattered the absorbed essence all over his body, while the soul was directly refined and merged into the primordial spirit.

After a while, the entire body of the Chijin Beast turned black. With a wave of Luo Tian's sleeve, the Chijin Beast, which had long lost its vitality, quickly turned into fly ash and dissipated into the sky and the earth.

"Mother, the third one is too cruel..." Sha Sheng murmured next to him, and the Zheng brothers nodded desperately.A monster beast at the peak of the fifth rank was refined into ashes in a moment without any power to fight back. What kind of method is this?

"Fellow Daoist, please help me!"

Over there, the monk at the early stage of alchemy who was fighting hard with the Explosive Flame Beast began to sweat on his forehead. Seeing that Luo Tian killed the Chijin Beast with his hands and feet, he couldn't help but speak out.

call out!

The Explosive Flame Beast saw that the Chijin Beast, which was more ferocious than itself, was killed by the opponent, and it lost its fighting spirit. With a movement of its body, it went out for more than ten feet.

"Since you're here, stay here."

Luo Tian clasped his hands together, and the Explosive Flame Beast was involuntarily sucked into the dark yellow vortex beam of light that suddenly appeared...


"I said, you two, move more quickly!"

Above the snow field, several flashes of light flew through the air very quickly, and Sha Sheng's impatient roar sounded unknowingly how many times.

"Gentlemen, it's the first time our brothers have visited this snowfield with a radius of thousands of miles. It's all because of those bastards. They ran away when they saw us!" The eldest and younger Zheng brothers couldn't help gnashing their teeth. Both eyes saw a fierce light.

"There seems to be someone in front." Luo Tian, ​​who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

Sure enough, the four of Luo Tian flew another few hundred feet, only to see a lonely figure appearing in front of them on the snowy field. All the seven orifices bleed to death and died suddenly, which is extremely eerie and strange.

"Life is really lonely like shit..."

Although the man's melodious sigh was not loud, everyone seemed to hear it in their ears, and couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Grandma's legs!" Sha Sheng cursed in a low voice, "This old monster's cultivation is too terrifying, almost like my father's."


The Zheng brothers also exclaimed in a low voice, "Old monsters of this level usually enter through another passage, how could they appear here?"

"It seems that there must be a rare treasure born near here."

Luo Tian said lightly.

"Ahhh... Lonely as shit..." The man flicked his feet, and his whole body flew forward like a spring, and he disappeared instantly.

ps: I'm back, there will be an update tonight.A lot of heroes ask me about the update, I can't say this, but I will definitely update it as soon as I have time...

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