
Chapter 229

After the incomparably weird moon-white long-clothed scholar disappeared, a meteor-like brilliance flickered in front of him, and then disappeared quickly, with an astonishing aura.

Luo Tian and the others couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Judging from the current situation, these old monsters seemed to appear one after another.No one can tell why they are, and no one dares to follow behind these old monsters, lest they be killed by the other party.

Afterwards, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng sent the Zheng brothers out to arrest people. Anyone who suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment would feel a little uneasy. They were eager to find a monk who was familiar with the surrounding situation to ask for clarification, instead of being so stupid waiting.Maybe soon, they might be involved in the battle of those old monsters and act as cannon fodder.

"The Zheng family's twin demons, I'm stupid...I'm xxx..."

It didn't take long for the Zheng brothers to reap the rewards.There was a burst of terrified exclamation and two arrogant and strange laughs, and then a blue seal appeared between the sky and the earth, and there was no sound in front of him.

"Tsk tsk." Sha Sheng pouted, took another sip of fine wine, and praised, "Green Demon Island's sky-shaking magic skill is really sharp. It seems that the opponent is either dead or injured. I hope he is alive."

"Gentlemen, bring me the map!"

The Zheng brothers flew back from afar in arrogance, and threw the poor guy in their hands on the ground like a dead dog.

The one who was thrown to the ground was a scruffy old Taoist priest, with an emerald green hosta sticking obliquely on the top of his semi-bald head, and a light blue Taoist robe that had not been washed for at least a few months, exuding a haunting smell. Unbearable stench, half-short eyebrows and small eyes, the most striking thing is the red rosacea nose.

"Oh, you little bastard who doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young..." The old Taoist screamed and stood up from the ground. He twisted his buttocks, scratched his thighs, and thought he was very elegant. The old Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly at Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, the treacherous brothers.

"Fuck! It turned out to be you..." The old Taoist turned around and ran without hesitation, his two short legs came faster than anyone else. Two bad ones with pus all over their bodies and sores all over their bodies..."

"Get back!"

The Zheng brothers don't look like honest monks in front of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, there is nothing they can do, they can only bow their heads when they meet more ruthless treacherous brothers.But the old Taoist priest who was full of nonsense in front of them didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, they turned their hands full of hostility and turned into a green seal, throwing the old Taoist priest back all at once.

The old Taoist priest was attacked suddenly, he couldn't control his body at all, so he had to roll a few times, and then fell in front of Luo Tian and the two of them.

"Boundless, he is a god..." The old Taoist got up from the ground with a sad face, and cursed in tears, "Zheng's double demons, you two little bastards, you two will suffer thousands of swords... What does the poor Taoist have to do with you?" I hate you so much, you have to push the poor into the pit of fire..."

"The old guy is talking nonsense!" The Zheng brothers shouted together.

Sha Sheng rushed to the old Taoist priest, looked down at the old Taoist priest, his teeth were shining brightly, "What did the old guy say?"

"Say, tell me about your size!" The old Taoist wiped his nose and tears on Sha Sheng's body, "You murderer, you and the kid behind you robbed the bergamot flower that I have worked so hard to raise for a hundred years It's clean, let Pindao talk about it..."


It is not that there are no forests and trees on the entire snow field, but the patches of thick trees are covered by the white snow and weigh heavily on the canopy of the trees. Just kick towards the trunk of the tree, and the snowflakes and snow particles will rush down. Lose.

"Old man, I think this old guy doesn't know his way at all."

In the gloomy and cold dense forest, Sha Sheng looked at the old Taoist priest who was leading the way with his butt twisted in front of him, and could not help but send a voice transmission to Luo Tian.

"Look again, I also feel that this old Taoist priest is not simple." Luo Tian said lightly.

"Then you still?..."

"If my predictions are correct, this old guy must know the road in this snowy field. For now, we can only rely on him, just be careful."

The Zheng brothers eagerly followed behind the old Taoist priest, their eyes breathing fire. If Luo Tian and the two of them hadn't stopped them, their brothers might have killed the old Taoist priest long ago.


In the silent snowy night, although the movements of the few people were not big, they still startled many crows that were roosting, making heart-palpitating screams.

crackle crackle crackle!

In front of the pitch-black road, a bonfire suddenly appeared. In this gloomy and cold place, a trace of warmth and heat arose in people's hearts.

"Someone, Pindao really has no plans!"

The old Taoist ran forward in a desperate manner, with one foot deep and the other shallow, with his legs swaying.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, the treacherous brothers, glanced at each other, and then slowly followed. Their spiritual sense had already scanned the few people by the campfire in front of them carefully. It should look like the aborigines of the extreme southern plateau.

"Hello friends, Pindao is passing by here, can you give me some food..."

The pitiful appearance of the old Taoist immediately won the favor of the men wrapped in sheepskin jackets, and he directly threw him a bottle of strong wine and a roasted deer leg full of oil.

Luo Tian and the others didn't say much, and gently waved their sleeves to clear an open space three feet away from the campfire, then sat down cross-legged, meditated and adjusted their breath.Compared with the old Taoist, a laid-back guy who sips spirits and venison, he really has a bit more refined temperament.

The few aborigines just glanced at Luo Tian and the others, and then went to talk in low voices. In the open space behind them, there were three deer with their limbs tied up, occasionally making a pitiful cry.

Luo Tian was naturally practicing the Mahadura Sutra. At this moment, his physical body has been tempered and hardened, and he has surpassed the shackles of the Five Elements Shifting Technique, and has stepped into a brand new world.And what is even more amazing about him is that he is still practicing the profound kung fu in Xuanyin Taishang Taoist scriptures at the same time, and his spiritual consciousness can't help but spread far away, and all the wind and grass within a radius of ten miles can't escape all of a sudden his induction.


A burst of dazzling brilliance struck Luo Tian's consciousness, and even his consciousness couldn't resist this extremely dazzling brilliance.

Withdrawing his consciousness very quickly, Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction, a blue light flashed, and then retracted his gaze again.

strong!Absolute top powerhouse!

Luo Tian was full of shock, just when Sha Sheng also felt something, a very bright aurora suddenly flashed on the far horizon, and then disappeared soon.It's just that at the moment when the night seemed to turn into day, many people saw two blurred figures in the white aurora.

ps: I recommend my good brother's article, Lao Lei's Mad God Art, it just hit the shelves, everyone, please support me.

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