
Chapter 230 Come Together

The two figures that changed the color of the entire Antarctic Plateau seemed unwilling to attract too much attention, they just disappeared like a flash in the pan, as mysterious as meteors falling from the sky.

Luo Tian possesses spiritual eyes, coupled with the spiritual blessing of Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, he seems to have caught a trace of a looming trace, the two figures may be difficult for others to detect, but he can clearly see the two broken shadows. Shadow seems to be heading towards the sky.

Fiercely fighting above the Nine Heavens, what an awe-inspiring demeanor!

One night passed in the blink of an eye.

The night in the snowfield seems to be much longer. Luo Tian clearly remembered that when there should be a hint of whiteness in the eastern sky, the sky was still pitch black.Finally, after another two hours of delay, the sun lazily shined on the earth.

"Old guy, hurry up and lead the way!"

The Zheng brothers stared at the sloppy old Taoist priest with red eyes, looking suspicious.

"Oh, the air in this morning is so fresh and comfortable!" The old Taoist twisted his neck and buttocks, still hunched over his body, then gulped down a gulp of strong wine, and reluctantly walked forward.

"This old guy is really useless."


The Zheng brothers talked with each other, as if there was no one else around, and didn't care about the face of the old Taoist at all.

"Your grandfather's, Pindao is also one of the great masters in Tianxinghai..." the old Taoist muttered.

"What did you say?"

The Zheng brothers kicked together, and the old Taoist was immediately attacked on both buttocks, and then leaped forward quickly, flying forward with all four limbs in parallel.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng thought about it, and then looked at each other. This old Taoist priest's background is unknown, although he is crazy, he can't be too cruel.

Bang bang!

Sha Sheng kicked the Zheng brothers flying mercilessly, and the old Taoist and the Zheng brothers slammed into the front at high speed in a uniform shape.

"Old guy, I heard you like to drink?"

When the old Taoist climbed up from the ground in the unique dog-eat-shit shape, Sha Sheng grinned and said.

The old Taoist turned his eyes straight, and suddenly his eyes shone strangely. He rubbed his hands and said, "Of course, the wine I have drank in this life is longer than your cultivation time..."


Sha Sheng didn't feel bad either, he threw a bottle of good wine unique to the Cancer clan to the old Taoist priest, and then walked forward side by side with Luo Tian.

"Good wine! It's really good wine!" The old Taoist's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help but praised happily.

On the snow field, there are countless mountain peaks, some high and some low, covering all the sight.

The old Taoist priest walking on the mountain road was still drinking wine heartlessly and talking wildly.The Zheng brothers behind them kept rolling their eyes.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng felt that this place was unusual. This place seemed a bit strange. There were endless monsters and beasts in the snowfield. After walking for so long, not only did they not encounter a single monster, even an ordinary bird or beast screamed and roared. I didn't hear it, it was too dead silent.What's more, the treacherous brothers Luo Tian and Sha Sheng discovered to their horror that the mana power in their bodies was imprisoned bit by bit and unable to be used as they walked forward.

"There is a problem here!"

The Zheng brothers leaped forward belatedly, grabbed the old Taoist priest's shoulders in a very tacit cooperation, carried the old Taoist back, and then stared at him fiercely, "Old guy, do you want to go first?" Frame us? The magic power in our body is gradually being imprisoned!"

"Your grandpa, is it my fault too?" The old Taoist was about to cry, "Didn't you see that the magic power in my old man's body is gone, so I can only rely on you two to carry my old man on his back, otherwise everyone will be here Spend it."

"Back your uncle!"

"Back your sister!"

Sure enough, the Zheng brothers rejected the old Taoist's offer without hesitation, and instead exerted a bit of force in their hands, making the old Taoist babble.

"You carry him behind your back." Sha Sheng's face darkened, "Could it be that you want to stay in this place where no shit is possible for the rest of your life?"

The Zheng brothers, who were persecuted by the treacherous brothers, had a bitter face and cursed behind the old Taoist priest's back.Being carried on his back, the old Taoist felt extremely comfortable, and later he sang a ditty happily.

"Third brother, what do you think?" Sha Sheng asked through voice transmission.

Luo Tian smiled faintly, "This old guy is quite interesting."

Sha Sheng's old face turned dark, interesting?What kind of bullshit is this?

"Look at the feet of the Zheng brothers." Luo Tian said with a sly smile.

When Sha Sheng looked at it, he really couldn't help laughing. This old guy is really a master who doesn't want to suffer. I don't know when he made a tattered gravity talisman and stuck it on his buttocks. The pair of Zheng brothers The unlucky guy is probably going to die from exhaustion.

After walking for about an hour, everyone had climbed the third mountain peak, seeing that there were still a few mountain peaks that could temporarily escape from the snow field in front of them.

"Old guy, you're fucking dirty!"

The Zheng brothers finally found out that something was wrong. An old man in his dying years weighed only a hundred and eighty catties, but the two of them tried their best, and it was still like carrying a huge boulder hundreds of catties on their backs.

"Don't slander the poor Taoist!" The old Taoist shouted first, "The poor Taoist is only at the foundation-building stage, and almost all the mana in his body has been imprisoned. How could he play such tricks in front of you two masters!"

In fact, there is not a single lie in what the old Taoist said.

In this strange and wonderful place, most of the magic power in Luo Tian's body has been imprisoned at this moment, and most of Sha Sheng has been imprisoned. In this place, it seems that everyone is treated equally, and no one has privileges.

The Zheng brothers carried the old Taoist on their backs angrily. Naturally, the old Taoist would not be too cautious. When everyone climbed the fifth mountain, almost all the mana in their bodies was imprisoned.The old Taoist had no choice but to take back the tattered gravity talisman.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng were also surprised, how did this old Taoist hide from the gravity talisman activated by the Zheng brothers?However, although the mana and consciousness consumed to activate the Gravity Talisman are extremely weak, the Zheng brothers have much higher levels of cultivation than the old Taoist priests, and there is absolutely no possibility that they will not be discovered.But in fact, the Zheng brothers have been taken advantage of all the way.

Look at the mountain running dead horse.The mountain road is like this. From a distance, the road is very close, but when you get closer, you find that there is still a considerable distance from the actual destination, quite far.

When Luo Tian and the others climbed the eighth mountain, they found out very sadly that there was an even taller mountain waiting for them to climb.

"Your grandfather, he's exhausted to death!"

The old Taoist muttered dissatisfiedly, the boss of the Zheng brothers who was carrying him almost fainted out of breath, you are fucking tired of being carried?Shouldn't I be so cool?


A white figure suddenly appeared in the distance, and everyone looked around, and it turned out to be the middle-aged man in the moon-white gown they saw earlier.

"Life is really lonely like shit..."


The sky on both sides also fluctuated for a while, and then a long rainbow bridge appeared in the sky on the left, and a dragon boat appeared in the sky on the right.

At the very front, there appeared a wind column like a black vortex, like a dragon or a tiger, sweeping from far away in the sky.

The four powerhouses, the four powerhouses in front of them seemed to have identified a direction and came hand in hand.

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