
Chapter 231 Slap in the face!

"Which direction is it?" After being shocked for a long time, Luo Tian finally looked at the old Taoist priest.Among the few people, perhaps only the old Taoist priest can accurately tell the unusualness of that direction.

"Uh." The old Taoist rubbed his distilled nose, and then said with a sneer, "That place is one of the forbidden places on the Antarctic Plateau, and I don't even know about it..."

Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers couldn't help but rolled their eyes, as if they had known this before.

"Grandma, what a leg! With so many strong men descending, there must be a peerless battle in that place. Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime!" Afterwards, Sha Sheng clenched his fists fiercely, and said with a determined expression.

After contemplating for a moment, Luo Tian jumped out without hesitation, stepped lightly on the snow a few times, and flew into the distance.

"If you can keep up, come. If you can't, find a hidden place to hide for a few days."

Luo Tian's voice came from afar, and later, Sha Sheng and the others rushed out quickly.Only the old Taoist was left standing there in a daze.

"Your grandfather's! Do you really think you can get rid of the poor?"

The old Taoist howled in grief and anger, and then threw off his two skinny short legs and ran wildly, but his speed was not comparable to that of Luo Tian and the others.


When they climbed over the last snow mountain, what appeared in front of Luo Tian was a vast and lush primeval forest, but there were some pavilions and halls that only existed in the ancient times in the forest.

The blue light in his eyes flickered and turned, Luo Tian took a few glances and then looked away. He was really horrified. When he arrived at this strange place, a trickle of water gushed out from his dantian, which was extremely warm and circulated in his body instantly. .Although this warm current is very weak, it is still more reassuring than the previous magic power being completely imprisoned.

"Grandma's leg!" Sha Sheng called out depressingly, and then fell on Luo Tian's side like a boulder, splashing a bright white powder mist from the thick snow on the ground.

"What's going on?" The Zheng brothers were also dejected. "There is obviously enough aura here. Why is all the mana in our body still imprisoned?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned, could it be that he was the only one who could cast some mana?This place is really weird and unpredictable!

"Up... ancient buildings, up... oh ancient..." The stammering voice of the old Taoist priest entered the ears of the four people, causing great ripples, and then the old Taoist priest, who initiated the evil, quickly rolled down from a sloping hillside , accompanied by groans of pain, and finally lay down on the snow like a five-body prostration.

"Old man, this place is too weird. Do we still want to enter?" Sha Sheng obviously felt some inexplicable panic, his face turned pale.

Luo Tian nodded, and said softly: "This place may not be a forbidden place. As long as we are careful, we won't cause any trouble."

At this time, the rainbow bridge and dragon boat in the sky, as well as the black vortex, disappeared in this virgin forest at some point.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian reached out and took out the Five Poison Sword, then flicked it lightly, and jumped down from the snow slope.

Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers hurriedly followed, in this inexplicable ghost place, it's better not to be scattered, otherwise they don't know how they died.This place is downright frighteningly gloomy.


Sure enough, not long after everyone stepped into the forest, a black light shot out from the forest and rushed towards them.

A bucket-like black sword aura swept across intensively, and the black light and shadow was immediately divided into several sections in the sword aura.

After Luo Tian withdrew his long sword, his slightly frowned brows finally relaxed a bit. It was just a first-order boa constrictor, but the scales around the boa constrictor were extremely hard, and his palms felt faintly aching from the shock.

Sha Sheng and the others also discovered the abnormality, and they couldn't help thinking about it. It's unbelievable that a first-level monster has a body hardness comparable to that of a second-level monster.


A scream mixed with panic came from the front, and it quickly fell silent.

"There are people here!" At some point, an old Taoist priest with a bruised nose and a swollen face stumbled behind the four of Luo Tian, ​​and said in a profound manner.


"It's up to you to say that!"

The Zheng brothers immediately retorted.

"Your grandfather's, what is that?" The old Taoist suddenly screamed, trembling and pointing in a certain direction behind him.

The four of Luo Tian looked back, and their scalps couldn't help feeling numb. Countless little red centipedes appeared behind them, rushing towards the four of them silently, looking like a red sea wave.

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian made a decisive decision, and ran forward after speaking.

After throwing hundreds of feet, the four of Luo Tian were gasping for breath, and white smoke spewed out from their mouths and noses.They didn't seem to realize that in this spring-like forest, it seemed to be colder than the snowy field.

"What about the old guy?" Sha Sheng frowned, "Didn't he feed the centipede?"

"Fart! The poor are born geniuses, how could they fall into the hands of these stinky centipedes?"


The eldest brother of the Zheng brothers jumped up immediately. He found the voice of the old Taoist priest behind him, and then found out very sadly that the old Taoist priest jumped onto his back at some point and ran with him on his back. I went all the way without noticing.

When people are extremely panicked, even though people's ability to respond is sensitive, it is actually the time when they are the most slack, and they are often the easiest to lose their minds.

"Hey hey hey..."

At this time, there was a cold laughter in the woods, and with the laughter, more than a dozen monks with red eyes quickly surrounded Luo Tian and the others.

"The bastards of the Hehuanmen, are you tired of your work? Dare to attack me!" The Zheng brothers sneered with a ferocious expression on their faces.

"Brother Zheng, don't you f*cking mother-in-law and my mother-in-law pretend to be arrogant, and I will naturally take a detour when I see you outside, but here everyone's cultivation is imprisoned, so I'm afraid of you! Aren't you two arrogant on weekdays? Today, I will lead someone to kill you!"

"Bah! With you useless scumbags, even if it's doubled, I can overthrow you with one hand!"

"Brothers, let's take good care of these two brothers and then kill them. As for the others, let's give them a good time!" As soon as the leading Hehuan Sect disciple said this, everyone behind him burst into laughter, as if Zheng There is no doubt that the brothers will die today.

"Your grandfather's!" Unexpectedly, the old Taoist jumped out first, with his hands on his hips and spitting and cursing, "Big words are shameless, come here if you don't agree, I will let you see why flowers are so popular!"


A strong man with a height of seven feet flew out and kicked the old Taoist priest directly. Immediately after him, several burly men walked out and stepped forward.

The fighting power of the old Taoist priest was completely opposite to his tone. He was mercilessly knocked down when he met each other, and then several people from the other side rushed up and punched and kicked.

"Your grandfather, without a guy, Pindao can only show less than half of his strength!" The old Taoist squatted on the ground, then covered his head and cursed, "Fortunately, Pindao protected his face in time, Only the handsome appearance can be preserved..."

"Slap him in the face!"


The old Taoist was picked up like a chicken, and then he slapped his face and flew a foot in the air.


Luo Tian narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

"What the hell are you?!" A group of people on the other side laughed heartily.


Luo Tian stepped on the ground with his big foot, and in an instant he was in front of the strong man, and he slapped hard, sending the strong man flying for two feet.

Slap your face hard!

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