
Chapter 235 Immortal Artifact——5 Poison Lock Immortal Sword

Next, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng were shocked again.

I saw the old Taoist priest who had just lost his temper, suddenly changed from a ferocious and inhuman strong man to a wretched old Taoist priest, jumping directly behind Luo Tian and Sha Sheng.

"Grandma has a leg!"

"... "

Sha Sheng, who was yelling at each other, and Luo Tian, ​​who was so depressed that he was speechless, flew over and backed away quickly. Then Sha Sheng shook out the wishful barrier, and a layer of gray smoke rose suddenly, while Luo Tian sacrificed the treasured umbrella in front of him. He raised his head, and looked resentfully at the old Taoist priest who was gripping his back tightly.

The old Taoist priest was like a monkey hanging from a tree, he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he shook it.

"Since the senior is here, why do you need to hide your head and show your tail?"

It took Yang Baisha and the three of them quite a while to melt away the huge palm formed by the dark cloud. The three of them were about to kill in a panic, but they heard Mrs. Wen laugh helplessly.

A rainbow separated directly from the Hongqiao, and then, like a floating cloud, immediately stopped in front of Luo Tian and the three of them.

"Senior, please come up."

"Old fellow, you provoked it!" Sha Sheng angrily shouted in a low voice.

"Come on, come up, come up, didn't you hear Xiaohong say let us go up?" The old Taoist still had a wretched expression, a bumpkin looking around, and stretched out his foot to step on the rainbow a few times.

Brother Tian Xinghai only knew Mrs. Wen, and almost no one knew her original name. Even Yang Baisha only vaguely heard that Brother Wen mentioned that Mrs. Wen seemed to be named Ao.The old Taoist knew Mrs. Wen's lay name, a very common name, Ao Hong.

The treacherous brothers who were forced to bow by the overlord had to look at each other helplessly, and then stepped on the rainbow in front of them.Then, the rainbow just flashed lightly, and it directly traveled through the space, reaching the front of the four peerless powerhouses.

"Hey, Xiao Hong, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, but you are getting more and more beautiful. Would you like the old man to introduce you to a young talent?"

As soon as the old Taoist met, he said a very lethal word shamelessly, which shocked the three of Yang Baisha so much that their eyes barely popped out, their faces twitched, their hearts were calm, they must be calm, this Everything is an illusion.

"..." Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, the treacherous brothers, were about to cry. What time is this? This old thing still cares about being a matchmaker and a matchmaker.

What made the three of Yang Baisha and the treacherous brothers collapse even more was that the powerful and mysterious Mrs. Wen just smiled gently, and then spat: "I don't cultivate! I don't accumulate virtue..."


This is simply too powerful!

This old Taoist priest is not a human being!

The old Taoist seemed to be addicted to being a matchmaker. He pulled away the dazed Luo Tian, ​​pinched his face, and patted it like picking an animal, "Xiao Hong, look, how is this one?" ? Although it is not as elegant as Pindao, who is so bony and immortal..."

Responding to the old Taoist priest was Mrs. Wen's low exclamation, and then quickly disappeared into silence.

Immediately, Luo Tian felt an extremely weak spiritual consciousness sweeping across his body. If he hadn't practiced the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, he might not have been able to discover it at all.The habit he developed made Luo Tian quickly release a trace of his consciousness, and then quietly followed him up, but he could no longer enter the moment he approached the Hongqiao, so Luo Tian quickly retracted his consciousness.

The old Taoist gave Hongqiao a playful look, then hunched over and turned around.

Inside the float on the Hongqiao, at this moment, a mature and beautiful lady in palace attire was full of disbelief, her delicate body trembled slightly, and the veil covering her face seemed to be blown by the wind.Liushen murmured helplessly: "Nine Flames Xuan Gong, he, he is really coming back..."

At the same time, the huge silver wolf whose body was casted by silver finally broke free from the restraint, roared loudly, and then spewed out a cloud of white mist, heading towards Hongqiao first.

"It's your grandpa's. The poor Taoist hates puppies the most." The old Taoist shuddered, then poked his neck like a turtle, stared at the silver wolf that was rushing over, and then slowly put his hands in a mysterious posture, one by one and one by one. , as if exhausting all the strength in his body, he finally exhaled and made a sound, pushing hard against the void in front of him.

Unbelievably, before the rushing silver wolf had time to react, the void in front of him was completely collapsed and shattered. Countless dark black feather-like air currents stretched out, spawning countless destructive bands of light, which almost wiped out the silver wolf. The giant wolf was pulled in.

To everyone's horror, the half body of the silver giant wolf that had already fallen into the shattered space did not escape at all, and directly collapsed into nothingness in the space. The speed rushed back.The small half of the body that disappeared was directly surrounded by a layer of hazy light spots, and then grew new flesh and bones bit by bit.

"Flesh regeneration?"

Everyone just glanced at it and ignored it.As long as the monsters have reached a high level, they will generally be more or less able to regenerate the body.It's just that there are good and bad effects.Ordinary monsters are no match for the body regeneration technique of the gecko clan. They rely on this to make a living, so the body regeneration technique has naturally been performed to the limit.

"Your grandfather's, without a weapon in hand, the power of the poor can't be unleashed!"

After the old Taoist dealt a shocking blow, his face was full of sighs and sighs, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng looked at him and wanted to step on his face a few times.

"Senior, I don't know what kind of magic weapon you need?" Yang Baisha and Mr. Feng were silent, but the old monster Binghe said with a smile.The most important thing is that Mrs. Lian Wen and other high-minded monks talk to the old Taoist respectfully, so he naturally wants to make some connections, after all, he also has a big family and a big career.

"No, you can't, the magic weapon in your body, Pindao, can't exert its power." The old Taoist just glanced at the glacier monster before giving a conclusion.

"..." Old Monster Glacier was speechless.

"However, there are still people who meet the requirements of the poor Taoist." The reaction caused by the old Taoist's next sentence was not insignificant. For a while, everyone covered the empty ring, and those who covered the Qiankun bag covered the Qiankun bag , everyone is nervous.

"You, don't look at others, it's you kid!"

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist pointed directly at Luo Tian.

"Don't look for me, I don't have any good magic weapons on me." Luo Tian cried with a sad face, this old Taoist was kicked in the head by a donkey or something?What kind of life are you playing with me?

"If the poor say it is, you have it."

The old Taoist's expression was unfathomable, and his stooped figure immediately stood up straight. He laughed in a low voice, with a hint of arrogance, "Old man, come out, the pearl has been covered with dust for so long, I think you must be lonely too!"

call out!

A black light flew out of Luo Tian's body, as if directly breaking through the space without warning.

Five Poison Swords!

"Hey, boy, it's a waste to have the Immortal Artifact Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword in your hands!"

The old Taoist sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​then grabbed the Wudusuoxianjian, stretched out his hand and hit the sword heavily.

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