
Chapter 236 Seven-Color Sky Swallowing Centipede, Swallowing Inner Alchemy

The Five Poison Sword has become the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword, and the old Taoist priest still looks wretched.It may be difficult for others to detect the changes of the Wudusuo Immortal Sword, at most they can only feel an abnormal fluctuation on the Wudusuo Immortal Sword.And Luo Tian was connected with Wudusuoxianjian mind and soul, and immediately felt the joyful whisper of Wudusuoxianjian, as if it could finally see the light of day again.

Luo Tian was quite depressed, his hands were clenched into fists, and his heart was mixed with a complex sense of excitement, a fairy artifact, I actually have a fairy artifact on him.

The old Taoist did not continue to attack Luo Tian, ​​nor did he erase the spiritual connection between Luo Tian and the Wudusuo Immortal Sword. The super monster shouted: "Little bastards, come out and die!"

"Those who trespass the forbidden area, die!"

The figure of the colorful little snake suddenly swelled up, and then grew bigger and bigger. The scales and epidermis on the body surface were already cracked a lot, and the gray-white eyes were even more hazy, as if containing two ways of death. gas.


The old Taoist yelled in surprise, and then chuckled, "What an evil animal, I didn't expect that this snake skin was just a skin you used to cover up. The colorful sky-swallowing centipede really lived up to its reputation, and it actually gave birth to Qianyang Liehuo Pill. I'll leave it to you today." No!"

"I'm afraid you have no chance!" At this moment, accompanied by an extremely loud clicking sound, the colorful snake skin exploded like a ball, stirring the surrounding space into chaos.

"The seven-colored sky-swallowing centipede ranked No. 40 on the list of strange beasts on the rare treasure list!" Luo Tian's eyes lit up, and he took two steps back without a trace, and at the same time quickly transmitted the sound to Sha Sheng.Those who can enter the top [-] on the Rare Spectrum Alien Beast List are extremely powerful monsters that are extremely difficult to provoke. As long as they successfully reach adulthood, they are all extremely short-lived and terrifying existences.With Luo Tian's current cultivation base, even if he encounters the lowest-ranked adult monster, he can only turn around and run away, without the slightest chance of winning.

In particular, the colorful sky-swallowing centipede is one of the top [-] strange beasts. After the mature stage, I am afraid that even a monk in the out-of-body stage will have no chance of winning against it.

Then, the gray and white pupils of the Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Centipede suddenly spun, one was gray and the other was white. Under the tens of feet long body, there were countless steel-like claws, and the upper and lower parts of the body were even reddish. The green smoke could not stop entwining, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

"Your grandfather's! The poor Taoist has a weapon in his hand, gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas!" The old Taoist screamed strangely, and without fear, he threw the five poison lock fairy sword in his hand into the void, and the entire void immediately rolled It twisted, and then the entire void was filled with ample spiritual energy. After a while, the spiritual energy turned into black sword energy, occupying the entire space in an instant, flying towards the colorful sky-swallowing centipede densely.

The colorful sky-swallowing centipede let out a sharp roar, and then the red and green smoke on its body surged up, forming a two-color light mask that circulated endlessly. Even though the countless black flying swords hit it, it just rippled out one by one. Tiny ripples.

On the other hand, the old Taoist soldier stood there calmly, with an extremely indifferent appearance, and lightly waved the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword a few times in his hand, the space suddenly trembled, and the two-color mask of the colorful sky-swallowing centipede still appeared The slightest crack.

squeak! ——

The colorful sky-swallowing centipede suddenly raised the head with two curved tentacles, and opened its mouth wide. Luo Tian and others even began to clearly see the two fangs on the edge of the colorful sky-swallowing centipede's mouth, and the mouthful The dark green venom, the venom overflowed from the mouth and dripped down. On the way of falling, it burned the air and emitted countless blue smoke. After dripping on the ground, no matter the flowers, plants, bamboos and stones, all turned into a piece of black swiftly. Spreading, the land even sank three inches deep.It can be seen that the toxicity is strong and overbearing!

A burning bead the size of a goose egg spewed out from the mouth of the colorful sky-swallowing centipede. It should be the Qianyang Liehuo pill that the old Taoist said.This pill is the life and death of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Centipede. It is formed by devouring the innate yang energy contained in the bodies of countless human monsters and monsters. Evolution does not rely on cultivation, but only by absorbing a trace of innate yang energy from the bodies of other spirits and monsters. This innate yang energy is the foundation of life, but once it is swallowed, there is no possibility of continuing to live.From this, it can be seen how many monsters, monsters and humans have been slaughtered by this colorful sky-swallowing centipede up to now.

"Self-inflicted, you can't live!" The old Taoist's voice was a little indifferent, "If you have been adhering to your nature, it is fine to cultivate by absorbing a trace of yang energy wandering between heaven and earth. Now that the yang energy in your Qianyang Liehuo Pill is so mixed, It must have slaughtered a lot of spirits and monsters. Even if the poor Taoist didn't kill you today, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to survive the catastrophe of transformation, no matter what."

Then, Luo Tian, ​​Sha Sheng, and Yang Baisha were shocked.

The old Taoist spewed out a mouthful of blood, directly covering the Wudusuoxianjian, and then the Wudusuoxianjian rose out of his hand, piercing through the air and floating above the void, like a dragon yaojiao, crisscrossing back and forth in the space.What makes everyone unbelievable is that it is just to activate the magic weapon. Is it necessary to waste so much blood?This old Taoist is not afraid of dying from too much blood loss.

Five colorful beams of light that almost penetrated the sky and the earth suddenly emerged, roaring and surrounding the colorful sky-swallowing centipede. Immediately, the temperature blocked the Five Dusuo Immortal Sword.

"Boy, it's your turn to play!"

The old Taoist turned his head and smiled at Luo Tian, ​​and then he got behind Luo Tian in an instant, kicked Luo Tian away, and rushed directly to the most unstable void in the arena.

"Old guy, I..."

While cursing furiously, Luo Tian sacrificed the Zixia clothes and the treasured umbrella, and then the five-color beam of light gave way immediately, and Luo Tian ran directly towards the frighteningly hot Qianyang Liehuo Pill.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and run the Nine Flames Mysterious Kungfu to absorb this pill!"

Next, the shout of the old Taoist was like a blow to the head, making Luo Tian immediately ecstatic.The Thunderbird boots flashed a few times under his feet, and he plunged directly into the fiery light curtain emitted by Qianyang Liehuo Pill.

Then, the yellow flames around Luo Tian floated out, and began to absorb Qianyang Liehuo Pill madly and greedily.

The colorful sky-swallowing centipede sneered in his heart, waiting for the little guy in the alchemy stage who was rushing to die to disappear, his cultivation base could increase a bit, but it soon discovered something was wrong, the human monk not only did not die, On the contrary, the inner alchemy that was devouring it couldn't help but twitch violently in the air.Wherever the body goes, the space is broken and broken.At this moment, it wanted to use its enormous power and essence to sustain Luo Tian to death.


The old Taoist casually pointed at the void, and the five-color beam of light moved directly, as if it had condensed into a chain in an instant, locking the colorful sky-swallowing centipede firmly and directly nailing it to the void.It was no longer possible to cause any harm to Luo Tian.

Seeing this, the three of Yang Baisha couldn't help but looked at each other in horror, this old Taoist is really a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and his supernatural powers are probably far better than everyone present.

ps: Try to update as much as possible tomorrow.And tomorrow's plot is a little bit cooler.

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