
Chapter 237 Ancient Teleportation Array

Regardless of the majesty and fierceness of the old Taoist outside, Luo Tian, ​​who was devouring the Qianyang Liehuo Pill, was about to collapse.

In any case, Luo Tian never thought that this Qianyang Liehuo Pill's masculinity is so rare in the world. If the masculine aura contained in it, if he hadn't possessed the Fumo Ganghuo in his body and could directly refine it, he might have been burned to death. Gray out.Moreover, this Qianyang Liehuo Pill must have been completed for a short time, and the karmic resentment contained in it is simply unbelievable, affecting the mind all the time. I'm afraid it's also a disgraceful face.Fortunately, Luo Tian's dog shit was lucky, he didn't expend much effort, he just devoured the inner alchemy without any risk.

The colorful sky-swallowing centipede was trapped, so the silver wolf and the giant would naturally not stand by and just hesitated for a moment before rushing forward.The silver wolf gained a lot of wisdom, and didn't dare to make a move on the old Taoist priest, so it rushed towards Yangbaisha and the others, while the giant stepped directly towards the old Taoist priest, shaking the ground while walking, extremely Powerful.


The multi-eyed giant opened its mouth wide, and dozens of eyes on its face shot out destructive rays of light one after another, interlacing to form a large net, covering all the five-color beams of light issued by the old Taoist Wudusuoxian sword. in.

"Your grandfather, think that if you grow tall, you will be able to live in poverty?"

The old Taoist was unafraid, and took out something with his hands, but it was a small box with eight sides. He raised his hand and threw it into the air, and countless brilliant rays of light shot out from the box, one after another, towards the multi-eyed giant. Shot away.

"Destroy the Golden Needle!"

At this time, an uncontrollable exclamation came from inside the float on Hongqiao, which had been silent for a long time.

It turned out that the golden awn that flew out of the small box of Jinxiu was a rare treasure from ancient times, the shattering golden needle.The old Taoist's net worth is indeed rich.

I saw the countless golden needles shooting towards the eyes of the multi-eyed giant along the light, without slowing down at all.The multi-eyed giant roared angrily, then shortly hugged a small mountain peak with both hands, and pulled it up forcefully, pulling a mountain peak out of the ground, and then swung his hands to block the golden needle.

"Your grandfather's, it's not that simple!"

The old Taoist screamed strangely again, then made a tactic with both hands, and finally shouted, "Shattered without arrogance, bones and forms disappear!"

In an instant, the countless gold needles quickly swelled up, and then quickly spun in the air, like drill bits, directly breaking through the small mountain in the multi-eyed giant's hand, and continued to go towards his eyes.

"Huang Quan Luo Shengyan!"

The multi-eyed giant yelled for the first time, and then a deep phantom eyeball floated above his head. As soon as the phantom eyeball appeared, it showed infinite power. A thick and bright light shot straight out, directly smashing the old Taoist's golden needle of destruction. Sweeping up and down.

"It turns out that you are a strong man in the Nine Heavens Realm, and that poor man can't keep you." The old Taoist reached out and touched his bosom for a long time, carefully took out a dark blue bead the size of a chicken egg, and threw it out.


A loud roar and an exclamation came at the same time, and the body of the seven-colored sky-swallowing centipede crouching in the sky quickly shrank, and then shrank to a size of one foot, turning into a stream of light and fleeing.Having completely lost its inner alchemy, it doesn't have any arrogant capital at all.

The other exclamation came naturally from Luo Tian.He had just finished devouring it, and found that his cultivation had directly entered the late stage of the alchemy stage, almost touching the realm of the great perfection of the alchemy stage, that is, the realm of a fake baby. Just after he came out, he saw the old Taoist throw a dark blue bead , can't help being shocked.

Nine Heavens Gang Thunder!

Since Luo Tian memorized the rare book, his eyesight and experience are naturally extraordinary, and he can recognize the things in front of him at a glance.The Nine Heavens Thunderbolt needs a lot of manpower and material resources to collect and refine the sky thunder above the Nine Heavens. It is extremely powerful. With his current cultivation base, being blown up by the Nine Heavens Thunder will directly result in the destruction of body and spirit .

"Grandma's leg! Old guy, our third child is still inside, wow, the third child will forget to run inside!" Sha Sheng shouted with a frightened expression, jumping up and down anxiously.

"Don't worry Boss Sha, I'll be back..."

As soon as Luo Tian yelled, the Nine Heavens Thunder exploded in front of the multi-eyed giant. Suddenly, the whole space was chaotically broken. Luo Tian only had time to scream, and was pushed away by the boundless wave of space. He flew a long way, and with his current position, he retreated and rushed directly into the valley.

With just one breath, Luo Tian disappeared.

The old Taoist scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I used too much force..."



All are illusions!

When Luo Tian looked into the valley from the outside, he could only see countless densely packed buildings built by mountains and rivers, and it was extremely prosperous.When he really entered the valley, he realized that the complex of shadowy buildings seemed too far away from him. No matter how he flew, he couldn't see the end at a glance.

The helpless Luo Tian had no choice but to keep going. He knew that if he went back the same way, there would be many ferocious monsters waiting for him, so he had to try.I don't want to die young.

The scene in the valley can be described as unpredictable. Luo Tian found that all the mana in his body had been recovered at this moment, and he had been flying for an hour with the escape light. There were mountains and lakes under his feet, deserts and seas, and long rivers flowing. It was very strange.

Finally, Luo Tian felt that the buildings in front of him were a little closer to him, and Luo Tian flew more vigorously for a while.

"Who's there? Come out!"

Suddenly, there was a very slight movement in Luo Tian's consciousness, and then he shouted in a low voice, looking at a mountain under his feet.

"Why are you? I..."

A red and green glow soared into the sky and quickly fled into the distance.

The green light in Luo Tian's eyes turned, and then he felt relieved, happy, it turned out to be the colorful sky-swallowing centipede whose inner alchemy was devoured by him, and his cultivation base was greatly damaged. Urging the light below him, a cyan thread flashed quickly in the air, chasing towards the former.This ancient beast is full of treasures, so it cannot be let go.

"I said little guy, you have already devoured Lao Tzu's inner alchemy, what are you dissatisfied with?" The colorful sky-swallowing centipede is extremely fast, but its strength has dropped greatly, and it can't escape Luo Tian's consciousness. After searching, now that Luo Tian has performed the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Sutra, he already has the spiritual consciousness cultivation level in the middle stage of leaving his body.

Luo Tian didn't speak, just blindly chased after it, the speed getting faster and faster.

"Little guy, how about we discuss it? I'll take you to find the treasure left by Lord Demon Emperor, so you don't chase after me, okay?" Seeing that Luo Tian was unmoved, the Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Centipede continued to seduce Luo Tian.

"I'm not happy!" Luo Tian stepped on the Thunderbird boots, his speed was extremely fast, "I'm going to catch up with you, how can I give up halfway?"

"You fucking can't do it once!"

"Pull it down." Luo Tian refused, this seven-colored sky-swallowing centipede has a problem with his brain, should I throw away the fat I got?

Luo Tian, ​​who decided not to talk nonsense with the colorful sky-swallowing centipede, slapped the Qiankun bag with his big hand, took out a few talismans, and then bombarded the colorful sky-swallowing centipede indiscriminately. It fell into the air.

call out!

Luo Tian's attainments in body shape control were also extremely high, and he followed the colorful sky-swallowing centipede to the ground. Seeing this guy burrowing into the belly of a mountain, he quickly sacrificed his Zixia clothes and the treasured umbrella to protect himself, and burrowed into it. up the mountainside.

"what is this?"

As soon as Luo Tian entered the mountainside, he was directly shocked by the scenery inside the mountainside.

There is a lake in the middle of the mountain with a radius of tens of miles, which seems to have been excavated manually, and there seems to be a small island in the middle of the lake, Luo Tian carefully flew past without saying a word.After setting foot on the island in the middle of the lake, Luo Tian saw a ray of sunlight drifting down above his head, shining on a place covered with strange patterns.

Teleportation Array?

Ancient Teleportation Formation!

Luo Tian thought for a moment, he recognized Qingliwen, and Qingliwen was used to communicate in ancient times.On the teleportation array, three large characters full of ancient meanings of "Teleportation Array" are engraved in Qingliwen, flying like dragons and phoenixes.

ps: there are updates...

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