
Chapter 238 Part 3 Refining Void


While Luo Tian was in a daze, the red and green lights lit up, and then a few more spirit stones were added to the groove outside the ancient teleportation array at some point, and a faint fluorescent light diffused out. This is the ancient teleportation array. Symptoms of being activated.

"Where to go?!"

Luo Tian didn't have time to think about it, so he dodged to the side of the teleportation array, stretched out his palm, and a dark yellow flame burst out from his palm, directly covering the groove of the teleportation array, and the spirit stone in the groove was immediately captured by Luo Tian. The sky destroyed two blocks, but the teleportation array had already been activated and could not be stopped.Seeing this, Luo Tian flipped his palm, Xuanji Yugui appeared in his hand, stretched out his hand and slashed, the fluorescent light curtain outside the teleportation array was directly broken a big hole, it looked like an apple was cut in half by a sharp knife from the middle Same.


With a soft sound, Luo Tian quickly jumped into the light curtain and stood on the ancient teleportation array, but found extremely sad that the seven-colored sky-swallowing centipede had been killed by himself, and the green blood flowed from it. The body that had been broken into two pieces flowed out, emitting a stench.

Luo Tian quickly held his breath, the blood on the bodies of these strange beasts was also poisonous, and the two corpses were quickly corroded.And at this time, the teleportation array has been fully activated.


In front of him was a group of tall and unusual buildings. Luo Tian stood under the group of buildings, like an insignificant ant, unremarkable.

Luo Tian raised his head high, looking at the row upon row of buildings, his aura was majestic and majestic, almost giving people a feeling of worship.After a while, Luo Tian came back to his senses, quickly gathered his mind, and walked forward. It seemed that the spiritual sense could not be transmitted to this place, and he could only rely on instinct.

After walking for a cup of tea, Luo Tian came to a huge coral door more than ten feet high. He pushed his palm on the huge door, and the huge door didn't move.Then Luo Tian used all his strength with both arms, and it took a full [-]% of his mana to push the giant door open a gap.After dodging in, Luo Tian's eyes turned green, and he saw a few tall pillars polished by unknown materials standing in the hall, but nothing was there.

"anyone there?"

Luo Tian called out softly, only to hear the sound echoing back and forth in the hall, the silence was terrifying.

Although Luo Tian's cultivation base is not high now, he has always been very courageous. Seeing this, he walked towards the depths of the hall with resounding steps. When he reached the deepest part of the hall, another door appeared. Tian still pushed open the door and moved on.

The scene that appeared in front of Luo Tian this time made his scalp tingle with fear.

The main hall is still similar in appearance and form to the previous one, but it has two rows of densely packed skeletons. These two rows of skeletons are arranged very neatly, and they all sit cross-legged without falling down.

Luo Tian stepped forward and looked gently at the skeleton closest to him. There were no wounds or defects on the skeleton, and then Luo Tian worked hard to condense a trace of spiritual consciousness, covering the skeleton and penetrating into it, It was found that the bones were well preserved, which was not a sign of poisoning at all.

Luo Tian pondered. It seemed that there were only two possibilities for the death of the skeletons in front of him.One is that these skeletons who were not ordinary strong men met a master who was proficient in the attacking technique of the primordial spirit, and they were killed with one blow.However, this possibility is very small, because if the other party wants to kill, they will not organize these strong men together before killing, and these bones are crystal clear, obviously they are all strong men who were extremely physically tyrannical during their lifetime, and the other party is proficient Yuanshen's attack on Taoism may have to reach the height of Xuanyin|Taoist.And those strong people would easily condescend to kill these people?But if there is another possibility, it would be even more frightening. These skeletons must have died naturally in a sitting state.What is the reason that these strong men are willing to be buried in this place?

Horrible, so scary!

Luo Tian couldn't help thinking of retreating, but at this moment, there was a soft noise from the road behind him, and then green or blue flames sprang up from the skeletons in front of him, and they began to ignite spontaneously without fire.


Luo Tian turned his head and saw that the space behind him began to disappear layer by layer, and quickly devoured towards him.Quickly got up and flew away, the distance of several tens of feet was reached in an instant, but the dangerous thoughts in Luo Tian's heart became more and more intense.

The third door was finally pushed open by Luo Tian.But there was a bright light in front of his eyes, and the dazzling sunlight made Luo Tian feel a little uncomfortable for a while.Outside the door is a world of its own, like a paradise, all kinds of trees are fluttering in the spring breeze, and the petals and leaves on the trees are flying down one by one. Moving spring scene.

Next, just as Luo Tian walked out of the door, the scene behind him suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, he discovered the murderous intent in this Taoyuan.A snow-white rabbit bounced out from the grass in the distance, before taking a few steps, it was wrapped in the petals and leaves that fell from the sky, and after a few breaths, the living rabbit directly turned into a still Skeletons with a trace of heat fell from the sky.

Luo Tian's hair stood on end, he turned his head subconsciously and ran towards him, but then he wanted to cry without tears. He had already entered the Taoyuan scene in front of him, but how to get out was really a headache.

After pondering for a moment, Luo Tian put away his hesitant expression, gritted his teeth, and then flew towards the flower forest.


This time the thick fallen leaves and petals rolled up on the ground, and they didn't intend to hurt Luo Tian. Instead, they gathered together, held Luo Tian in the air, and then flew towards the distance at high speed like kidnapping and trafficking.

"Hey, what does this mean?"

Luo Tian frantically tried to break free from it, but found that once he got close to the range of the 'cloud' which was completely composed of fallen leaves and petals, he would be attacked as fiercely as that little white rabbit. After struggling a few times, he Giving up on the appointment, he sat cross-legged on the 'cloud' obediently, closed his eyes and meditated.

On the surface, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, but in fact, in this weird place full of dangers, Luo Tian was not so stupid as to be like no one before or since.The nerves were always tense, and the few spiritual senses that could be mobilized in the body were carefully blessed around them. Whenever there was any trouble, Young Master Luo Tianluo would definitely run away at the first time.

About the time of dinner, Luo Tian saw a big mountain in front of him. The mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, and he couldn't see the real situation, even if Luo Tian used his spiritual eyes.

At this time, the 'cloud' began to rise towards the sky, slowly and steadily.

With a soft buzzing sound, Luo Tian felt that the two fine copper coins in the space of the black lotus began to move.Fortunately, such a similar change happened last time, Luo Tian frowned, could it be another adventure?

The next moment, Luo Tian finally knew the result with a face full of surprise.It turns out that the top of this high mountain is covered with countless glowing clouds, among which a picture scroll is faintly floating.

Refining virtual map.

The third refining picture!

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